Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Man I'm still flabbergasted that Virgil made it into 2k14; so random.
I still like that Virgil is free in the 7.99 Download pack.

I am sure Virgil isn't but hey...........

Dat crowd.

Hope DBry's Yes entrance is still in the game, with it updated so you can hear his Yes chants.
The usos should be available with the wwe pack. Who cares about the Bella's being in the game.
Damn it's soooo sad how under developed the mid card is now :smh: we don't even want to see anybody with the ic strap
-CM Punk and AJ Lee are now dating, according to Mexican wrestling legend and former WCW Superstar Konnan.
Last month, “The Straight Edge Superstar” and the WWE Divas Champion were shown seated together at Wrigley Field during WGN’s broadcast of a Chicago Cubs versus Pittsburgh Pirates game. This naturally jump-started rumors online, especially on social media—some fans on Twitter have stated that they were blocked by Punk for mentioning Lee to him in messages.
Konnan learned of this tidbit from his source within the sports-entertainment organization. While addressing WWE happenings on the MLW Radio podcast, he stated, “I would also to say that I found that AJ Lee is dating CM Punk, I don’t know if that’s public knowledge.”
Punk had been romantically linked to former WWE talent Amy “Lita” Dumas as recently as last spring. Co-host Court Bauer asked Konnan, “He’s done with Lita?” He responded, “Yep.”
Konnan continued to dish on Punk, stating that some people in the company feel he has a “huge head.” Furthermore, the former Max Moon reveals that Punk once “hated” fellow top star John Cena for similar behavior.
“To me, it’s like, alright, you waited all this time to become a big star, and all those guys that had a big head, that you hated, like Cena,” said Konnan. “And now you have a big head. You need to bring your s**t down back to ground.”
He reiterated further, “I was told by my source in WWE that CM Punk has a big head and he’s conceited.”

Well I'll be damned. :smh: the rumors are TRUE!!
I am having second thoughts about being a part of this after the Gold St Capital Exposure.
If there are deadbeats in the NTWT Secret Santa, that is really, really low.  It's not like the general SS where you may or may not know the people.  Everyone in here are pretty much regulars.
Looks like Christmas is coming early for 4w...

http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1814582-report-wwe-wants-sting-for-wrestlemania-xxxReport: WWE Wants Sting for WrestleMania XXX
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WrestleMania (from WWE.com)
Could Steve "Sting" Borden participate at the WrestleMania XXX pay-per-view next year? Per a recent report, WWE management believes he might.

Sting, of course, is the one big-name wrestler Vince McMahon has never been able to get.

And with TNA being in a state of total disarray (whether the troubled promotion will even be around in 2014 is a lingering question), WWE's chances of signing him to a deal seem to be better than ever.

As Bryan Alvarez notes in this week's F4W Newsletter (subscription required), while the company appears to have ruled out Hulk Hogan coming back, the promotion believes it can bring in Sting for a WrestleMania XXX appearance: "The WWE side believes that Hogan's ultimately TNA-bound, but they also feel there is a decent chance that they may end up being able to get Sting for WrestleMania next year."

Alvarez also offers some background information about WWE's interest in the veteran star:

A few years ago WWE did a video tease for Undertaker's return that the Internet immediately assumed was actually a tease for Sting. It never was, but there was so much talk about it that WWE actually did open up negotiations briefly with Sting as a result of it. It never went anywhere, but with TNA in the state its in and no guarantee they'll offer him another great deal for 2014, the timing may be perfect for him to make a jump.

Presumably, Sting would take on Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX, as that's obviously where the interest is. A John Cena and Sting program would be an intriguing option too, though.

Sting in WCW (from WWE.com)
Of course, while the 54-year-old would undoubtedly garner a decent amount of attention if he were to wrestle in New Orleans next year, it remains to be seen just what he would do for the card business-wise.

Would you like to see Sting at WrestleMania XXX?
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Despite his name value, he hasn't made terribly much difference to TNA's financial situation over the last seven years. Sure, he has nostalgia appeal, but what else?

With this in mind, how likely would he be to boost WrestleMania's business?
i've always liked Sting but is he even worth it at this point? I don't see how the crowd pops for him, outside of a few adults.
Bleacher Report....
- Triple H has once again sent the directive to re-focus on the WWE tag team division. The plan as he laid it out was to first get some teams ready in NXT to bring to the main roster, as well as take some talented guys on the main roster who officials recognize are underutilized and try and get them going as a tag team. Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel are one example of a new team we may see here soon.

- The current plan is for John Cena to return to WWE TV for the October 28th RAW, the night after Hell In a Cell. WWE wants his first appearance back to be on the pay-per-view as opposed to putting him on the go-home show to build his World Heavyweight Title match against Alberto Del Rio.

- WWE officials are disappointed and puzzled that Brie Bella isn’t getting over more as a babyface. They couldn’t understand why there wasn’t more sympathy for Brie when Tamina Snuka was beating her up this past week.

- Vince McMahon made the decision for Cody Rhodes and Goldust to win the WWE Tag Team Titles from Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns on RAW, instead of at Hell In a Cell. Word is that Vince wasn’t happy that only heels had titles.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
So much hilarity from WWE.

1) Yeah, fans are really going to care about that tag team division with ultra jobbers Kidd & Gabriel teaming up.

3) You don't get why Brie isn't getting over as a babyface?  She never made a babyface turn.  How about that.  She went from (and still is) a complete b**** on Total Divas and Raw to just being D Bry's fiance, and that's supposed to make us like her?

4) Vince makes all the final decisions, and I guess he forgot who were heels and faces.  Pretty funny.
I'm not buying that Sting story for a second

The guy is gonna be 55 years old and wrestling in a t-shirt by the time Mania rolls around. He also hasn't been a legit draw since probably 1997. It would be a complete farce if they give him what is probably gonna be Taker's last match. Taker's match will probably be the top draw next year since I'm pretty sure Rock wont be in there. It will be either Taker vs. Cena or Taker vs. Brock.
Sounds like a great conversation DC. Wish I had someone to talk wrestling with
that's why i have you guys.

Anybody feel bray Wyatt matches are boring? I mean he has great mic skills and that exorcist walk he did was cool. But beside they I think his in ring abilities are boring. Look at the kofi match. Kofi is an exciting wrestler but a match with Wyatt and it was dull. Not sure how much longer before creative gives up on the Wyatt's. The tag team is even boring.

Again this is another triple h project that's not looking good.

The shield are the best thing out right now
The problem with the Wyatt's is that so much time was given to them with the Kane program. Now they aren't going anywhere with any kind of direction of program.
Bray Wyatt hasn't had what I would call an single DECENT match yet in his current WWE run.  The Kane match was awful.  His match against Kofi Kingston really wasn't any good.  We know his eventual match with miz will be bad.  He has room to improve, but right now I think Bray Wyatt should be doing theater.
The graphics in 2k14 look awful imo.  And the animations I've seen do not look fluid at all.
I think it's pretty funny and ironic that Curtis Axel's moveset will more than likely look like Virgil's in 2K14.
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