Wrestling Thread Oct 26-Nov1 | 10/27 - Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff Sign with TNA (p11)

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

When you bring someone new in, you should really give a few weeks of video vignettes to at least introduce them to the fans. No one watches ECW. The fans treated Shemus like a jobber.
They probably should have put him against somebody a bit more over honestly.
Originally Posted by horchata kid

kofi completely clean haha

i know right
News & Notes

Undertaker takes MRI and reveals no serious damage to knees and hips; plans for him to retain go unchanged.

WWE officials asked Undertaker to undergo MRI's on his knees and hips this week to determine what, if any, major damage has occured. Taker has been working in pain and officials wanted to know the extent of the damage so they could potentially adjust Bragging Rights booking plans accordingly.

-- The Undertaker's MRI came out clean, which is why the decision was made yesterday for him to retain the World Heavyweight Championship at the pay-per-view. There is no serious damage to his hips or knees, just a few bone spurs and scar tissue but nothing requiring surgery.

Backstage chaos during last night's Cena vs. Orton Ironman match.

During last night's Iron Man match at Bragging Rights, a spot where John Cena got busted open caused a lot of commotion backstage.

The incident happened when Randy Orton hit Cena with the corner of a microphone. Vince McMahon ordered Cena to be cleaned up immediately after seeing the blood. WWE's John Laurinaitis along with trainers rushed to ringside to clean him up, as WWE currently has a very strict "no blood" policy as part of their TV-PG programming initiative.

With their first attempt, Cena wasn't aware what they intended to do so he played babyface and mounted offence against Randy Orton. The cut was finally glued shut and cleaned up after the next fall.

Cena and Orton were scheduled to work among the crowd and WWE wanted to ensure there was no health issue with a bloody wrestler among fans. If it were to have happened, the issue would have been taken seriously by the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission and likely used as more ammunition against Linda McMahon's senate campaign.

As the blood was unplanned, WWE decided to stop the clock during the bout as it wasn't known how long the clean up operation on Cena would take.

Update on Shane McMahon leaving WWE and the possible scenarios regarding his future.

No one around Shane McMahon is talking but everyone feels like something happened. There are three scenarios going around which are based on speculation by people close to the situation. Nothing at this point is confirmed but is being talked about. One thing seems to be for sure and that is Shane is leaving WWE to get away from professional wrestling and will not be starting up his own pro wrestling promotion or joining another organization. Another thing I'm hearing is that Shane is not retiring.

One story going around is that Shane was offered some position with UFC to head up their international division. UFC is looking to expand internationally and this would be similar to what Shane was doing in WWE as Executive Vice President of Global Media. Another story going around is that Shane was possibly offered to run WEC which is now owned by UFC.

There is also talk of Shane investing in his own MMA group because Vince refused to fund an MMA promotion. Shane had been on Vince for years to cross over into MMA, but he would not do it. Everyone seems to think that Shane would leave WWE when Vince finally retired because the overall assumption was that it was going to be Stephanie and Hunter's company and he was OK with that. Hunter has also said he does not want to take a top position in WWE until he retires from the ring. Obviously with Shane leaving, that could possibly change.

Shane is scheduled to finish out the year with WWE, so no one will know for sure what he is going to do until then. He is very interested in Mixed Martial Arts and everything I'm hearing is that he will do something in that industry.

Vince went on a "complete rampage" over Shane McMahon quitting.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]- While the motivation behind Shane McMahon's resignation is still largely a mystery, the situation at WWE headquarters was said to be hectic to say the least.

A source says Vince McMahon went on a "complete rampage" the morning the resignation was announced. Even though most do not believe any sort of major family blowup occurred, the McMahon reaction does seemingly indicate the resignation was about more than Linda's Senate campaign.

Batista thinks WWE is wasting Rey Mysterio.

During an interview with the major Mexican newspaper El Universal previewing last weekend's tour of the country, Batista said WWE has been wasting the talents of one Rey Mysterio. He feels Mysterio should be at the level of the biggest stars of the company.

Backstage opinion of Michelle McCool ripping off AJ Styles (again).

- Lots of "what is she thinking?" comments in the direction of Michelle McCool. A lot of wrestlers called her out on blatantly stealing AJ Styles' finisher a few months back and she "played dumb" when asked about it, claiming she didn't know she would have had to ask someone if she could use the move. Now, with her coming to the ring with the same hoodie jacket that Styles uses, she's lost a lot of respect from her peers, with some even dubbing it as "sad."

WWE re-signs Lance Cade; conditions on his new contract and who he could work with in the future.

Lance Cade has re-signed with WWE and competed in a tag team match at last week's Florida Championship Wrestling television tapings in Tampa, Florida.

Cade was abruptly released from his WWE contract in October 2008 after he overdosed on cocaine and had seizure on a flight. At this point Cade will continue to be evaluated in FCW before being called up to the main WWE roster. There is talk of re-partnering him up with Chris Jericho by the end of the year.

-- Lance Cade's return isn't a big surprise to most, as he had been negotiating with officials for the past few weeks about a return. He is subject to undergo very strict drug testing as part of his new deal, with the word going around that he will be tested more than once a week.

Workers and Fans at last week's Impact felt Angle injury was "distasteful"; Kevin Nash shoots on Chris Sabin injury.

Several workers and fans at tonight's TNA Impact tapings were said to be upset at the Kurt Angle injury angle the company did after his match with Desmond Wolfe. Our Impact correspondent said it was "distasteful" after what happened to Chris Sabin earlier in the night. Sabin's concussion took place during a tag team match between The Motor City Machineguns and Team 3D when Sabin landed awkwardly. Sabin walked away only with a stinger but many were concerned about his well being.

Sabin reportedly told people backstage that he was out cold during the match, but somehow regained his composure and finished the finish. Kevin Nash came out directly after the match and publicly berated the company for not stopping the match when Sabin got hurt. Nash said "this is the start of the edit point because they should've never left one of the boys on the apron." We're told Kevin Nash blew up backstage about the incident and was overhead yelling at Team 3D for not killing the original finish as he felt Sabin's health should have been the first priority.

Nash felt that as veterans, Team 3D should have made that call on the fly and that someone in production could have given a cue to the referee to end the match. While it probably won't air, Nash did walk out in front of the Impact Zone and cut a promo about how upset he was that the match continued as Sabin was laying on the ring apron. Sabin was said to be feeling much better after the taping had finished. Nash is being praised internally for show that he legitimately cared about the safety of his coworkers.

Details on the major argument recently between AJ Styles and Vince Russo.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]According to Wade Keller of the PWTorch Newsletter, Kevin Nash wasn't the only person that had a bone to pick with TNA management during last week's Impact tapings.

[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TNA creative head Vince Russo and TNA champion A.J. Styles had a heated argument backstage at the television tapings.[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]AJ Styles went off on Vince Russo and was frustrated over "what he argued was dismal booking of him early in his run as champion," according to Keller. Styles feels he's been made to look like a weak champion by Russo.[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In addition to the frustration over his booking, Styles also complained about the way Samoa Joe and Frankie Kazarian (Suicide) are being booked.

Russo stood his ground and pointed out that he's the person who made the call to put the TNA Title on Styles. The argument was heated enough that people backstage had to step between the two and pull them apart. It appeared that Russo and Styles calmed down eventually, as they were seen talking together since the backstage argument occurred.

Different people in the locker room have defended both men. It appears Styles and Russo lost their cool temporarily. However, it also shows that there is some early frustration with the creative direction since Russo took over. Most wrestlers are pleased with Russo's decision to create new stars, but multiple sources are questioning whether he's the right man for the job.

The feeling of a Russo defender is that he booked through most of Bound For Glory using the blueprint that had been established when he was part of the previous creative staff that included Jeff Jarrett and Dutch Mantel. At this point, the source says, Russo is starting to put the pieces in place the way he wants them. Multiple sources say that this week's iMPACT was the beginning of some big changes in TNA. Kurt Angle's babyface turn appears to be the first of several moves to come, and more heel/face turns may be on the way in an attempt to freshen things up.

Update on Umaga and when he might return.

- Umaga will be required to agree to the same drug testing provisions as Lance Cade if his return is negotiated. He is signed for Hulk Hogan's tour of Australia, so he wouldn't be back in the picture until that tour is over in early 2010.

Update on Booker T and TNA.

TNA Wrestling has removed Booker T's profile from the Roster page on their official website. While Booker's has been removed, Sharmell's remains.

Booker has been unhappy in TNA for the past several weeks and his contract expires next month. Booker has told colleagues he has intentions of returning to WWE. I'm not sure why Sharmell's profile remains on the official TNA website, but she is believed to be finished with TNA as well.

Edge reveals when his contract expires and speaks on other things.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Edge called into the Bubba the Love Sponge Show yesterday and said the Achilles tendon tear he suffered back in July was the most painful injury of his career yet. He added he does not know yet when he will be able to return to the ring.

During his appearance, Bubba asked him when his contract with WWE expires, to which he replied next June. He said while he's a homegrown guy, "he likes competition." However, he then made sure to note that "WWE is the NFL of wrestling."

When asked about Shane McMahon leaving the company, he said he was really surprised. He said it's really hard to work with Vince McMahon and be his son at the same time.

Edge put over Christian, John Cena and Randy Orton. He said watching Orton is like watching a horror show, but in a good way. He also feels Cena is a workhorse and having Christian on ECW was a good move.

When asked to comment on former flame Lita, he simply said she's out of the business.

Creative struggling for an angle with Evan Bourne.

- I'm told creative is really struggling to come up with an angle for Evan Bourne. Believe it or not, he is over with a lot of the right people for his in-ring so officials want him more involved in a recurring role.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Should have left his @#$ on ECW...[/color]

Bret Hart interview; speaks on DX, what he would say to HBK today, Randy Orton, if he would ever wrestle again and more.

NZPWI recently conducted a 90-minute interview with Bret Hart. You can check out the full article at http://www.nzpwi.co.nz/ Here are some highlights…

Reaction from the wrestling industry to his autobiography:
"Surprisingly I haven't heard a great deal back. And I've come to the conclusion..." he pauses, setting it up, "that maybe a lot of wrestlers cannot read a book this big." He laughs but then clarifies that beyond the gentle ribbing he is sure that maybe the book is actually too big for those with a busy travel schedule. "I made sure that books made it to The Undertaker and to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and I am disappointed that I haven't heard anything back from them. I thought I might. But nothing. They're busy I guess, maybe one day I'll hear something but I'm not holding my breath."

The Hart Dynasty:
"I'm as proud as can be of them, I think they're all great and they deserve every success and I think they're doing great; they have what it takes to be big stars. I think I've seen just about every match they've had. I catch up on YouTube and my girlfriend has been great at keeping me up to date with their matches if I miss them."

On Randy Orton: "I'm a big fan but I'm a little upset with how he is being used; they're doing the same thing with him over and over and I think they need to change it up, try something new with him."

On DX:
"When I see them I just want to put my finger down my throat; it makes me want to be sick."

On Possibly Hosting RAW and Dealing with HBK and HHH: "Well, there are rumours, there are always rumours and I am open for offers. But..." and here he drinks in a large pause, "that [seeing Shawn and Hunter] would have to be something that was discussed before hand; we cross that bridge I guess if we come to it."

On TNA: is good for the wrestling, but I'm not so sure about the ridiculous storylines. I don't get it. But they have some great people, I think pound-for-pound A.J. Styles might be the best wrestler in the world today; he's one of them anyway. That's for sure."

On Montreal: "It always hurt me that I was accused of never getting over what happened in Montreal. Of course it was a big deal, of course it felt good when I cold-cocked Vince…" and there's a pause here for an almost-sinister chuckle, "and of course it took a long time to get over the betrayal. But I can honestly say, now, I have forgiven Vince. He made his decision and I don't regret my actions; I feel I carried myself with an integrity that is consistent across my career, the film, my book - you get the same character with me - but I honestly don't know that I could ever forgive Hunter [HHH] or Shawn."

What Would He Say To Shawn Michaels Today: "If there was a knock at the door now and it was Shawn, I honestly wouldn't know what to do. He was at the Hall of Fame ceremony when I was inducted, but he got up and left when I came to the podium; they had a word with him beforehand and so at least he was respectful of that. I made it clear that if he got within a few hundred meters of me I'd be back on the plane so fast".

If He Would Ever Return To The Ring: "never-say-never because it is the wrestling industry, but it is very unlikely." He adds he'd like to wrestle Kurt Angle if he had one more match, as well as Rey Mysterio and A.J. Styles."

On Being At Peace: "I'm definitely at peace - and I guess the book is a big factor, sure. But the thing that got it started for me was when Vince agreed to release the DVD of my matches. I remember worrying that I might get stitched up, they might make some jokes, but I was so thrilled with it. For me it was about letting the matches speak for themselves and for a while I was worried they would be locked up. I'm just thrilled that people can see them again, or see them for the first time. The Hitman was an important character. And the DVD, my book and my appearances to sign autographs, to speak at book launches, I guess it's all part of reclaiming my legacy."

Backstage talk on Desmond Wolfe's (Nigel McGuiness) immediate push in TNA.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The talk backstage at the iMPACT Zone during the recent set of TV tapings was that Desmond Wolfe (aka Nigel McGuiness) was immediately being pushed into a feud with Kurt Angle as a way to "prove a point" that the company can create new stars. However, two different sources had conflicting ideas on who the point was supposed to be proven to. One source feels that Vince Russo and Dixie Carter were trying to prove a point to WWE by taking someone they felt would have been a mid-card performer and turning him into a main-eventer. While another source feels that Russo was simply trying to prove a point to the "smart" fans, which is something he has been doing since his original WWF days.

It's been well-documented that Dixie Carter has been pushing for younger talent to be pushed into the spotlight, which is another trademark M.O. of Vince Russo as well. Dixie's three picks to be TNA's next marquee names were Matt Morgan, AJ Styles and Hernandez. It now appears that Desmond Wolfe can be added to that list as well, after this week's episode of iMPACT saw him being put directly into a main event feud with Kurt Angle.

Trophy for Smackdown vs. RAW winners was Chris Jericho's idea.

- The "trophy" for the Bragging Rights SmackDown vs. Raw match winner was Chris Jericho's idea that was used. He modeled it after the Stanley Cup after officials decided they wanted to have something to symbolize the win. Look for Jericho to bring it to the ring with him and it will probably become a part of the angle with DX that is scheduled to resume tonight on Raw.

Ted DiBiase interview; speaks on getting in the business, Randy Orton and more.

ThisisNottingham.co.uk has a new interview online with Ted DiBiase. Below are the highlights:

Opinion of Shawn Michaels & Triple H: "Shawn Michaels and Triple H are legends in this business and I think everyone would like to be as successful as they are,"

"I was a big fan of Shawn growing up and it was a great opportunity for Cody and I to get the chance to prove to everyone that we can compete with DX."

Following in his father's footsteps: "I have been under some more pressure because of how great my father was. Everyone has high expectations of me because of him and I'm going to do my best to live up to my family name."

Opinion of Randy Orton: "Right now he's [Orton] one of the best in the business, and he's someone who I look up to and respect."

Getting into the business: "Becoming a wrestler is something I always wanted to do and I made that dream come true. But my father did make sure that I graduated college before I pursued my wrestling career. So I do have that degree to fall back on."

Click here to read the interview in its entirety.

Mickie James upset about being traded; officials not happy with her weight and recent matches.

Mickie James was upset with how her Divas Championship loss went down at Monday's Raw and was seen crying after learning that she was traded to SmackDown. Mickie was in the WWE doghouse several weeks ago over an in-ring incident on Raw during a match with Gail Kim where she showed her frustration with Gail.

I've also heard Mickie has been unimpressive in recent WWE house show matches and officials continue to stay on her regarding her weight.

Some heat on Finlay for Divas matches.

- There had been some heat recently on Finlay for the Divas matches lately, as he is their Producer, but that seems to have subsided some.

Bob Holly has swine flu.

Reader Terrance sent in the following:

Last night at a local wrestling show, Bob Holly was supposed to be on the card, but never showed up. After the show, I talked with Lenny Lane, and asked him about Holly, apparently he currently has the H1N1 flu virus. I also thought it was funny how Lenny sarcastically said 'Oh it couldn't happen to a nicer guy, you know!'

Tyson Tomko back with TNA.

As reported earlier, Tyson Tomko was backstage at last week's TNA Impact taping and is expected to be there again. We're told he has re-signed with TNA Wrestling and will return to the company soon.

There is talk he could be in a main event angle shortly as he did several pre-tape segments last week.

Shawn Michaels to wrestle for 2-3 more years?

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Shawn Michaels has no plans of retiring any soon. The Heartbreak Kid is likely to continue wrestling on a regular basis for another 2 or 3 years and is not giving the impression that his retirement is imminent, according to prowrestling.net.

Michaels currently works a lighter schedule than most of the WWE roster (he doesn't appear on all house show events) and that schedule may be scaled back even further in the next year or so.

It is believed that when the time does come for Michaels to call it quits, he will receive a spectacular sendoff similar to that of Ric Flair's when he retired. Michaels has spent almost his entire career with WWE and is one of the few WWE superstars to never jump to WCW. He's been one of Vince McMahon's favorite performers for a long time and it's possible his sendoff will be even bigger than Flair's.

HHH speaks on break out stars in the WWE.

In an interview with PowerSlam magazine when asked about potential break out stars, Triple H listed Jack Swagger, Sheamus, Evan Bourne, and Kofi Kingston as one's to watch. He said: "They are all moving up, but slowly, which is the right way. The closest to me is probably Sheamus, because we always train together on the road. But I try to watch all the young guys' matches and give them advice, if they want to hear it.If they take advice to heart and really want to improve, them I am wanting to help. As for seeing some of myself in someone? That's tough. Sheamus just the other day showed up at a show he didn't have to be at. He does whatever he's asked to do without complaining, he goes to every show and is always wanting to work: he does it all, goes above and beyond. That's what I was like."

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You know HHH is drooling at the chance of burying some new guys. Legacy is starting to borehim...[/color]

Will a WCW inspired "War Games" be brought back to the WWE?

While WWE did issue a survey looking at possibly renaming the company's May Judgment Day PPV to War Games, Riot Control and Multimania, if they go in the direction of War Games it may not be the traditional "War Games" from WCW with the dual cage setup as the theme of the show. We're told the idea of bringing back the War Games PPV theme had been discussed with WWE for years now within creative and it always ends up getting shot down. Based on this new report, WWE creative was told to watch old War Games matches and come up with some new ideas they can tweak or even steal and possibly involve another Raw vs. Smackdown theme as they are doing with Bragging Rights this month. We would like to stress at this point that nothing is official, but discussion is taking place.

Shad Gaspard explains why he missed last week's Smackdown taping.

Shad Gaspard posted the following blog on his http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=74587944&blogId=515363000]MySpace page[/url], giving an update on his health and why he missed Tuesday's SmackDown taping:

Ok before this thing gets out of hand let me set the record straight. This past Monday I got sick while traveling from Mexico to the US. On Tuesday my symptoms increased drastically to body pains, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. I tried several over the counter medicine that temporarily worked, but didn't help in the long run. Finally I went to our WWE doctor who prescribed me a shot of Phenergan, which should have worked. Unfortunately it made me drowsy and brought on cold chills. The office thought it best I leave than try to perform. I spent Tuesday night in my hotel room vomiting and dealing with bad diarrhea all night (Trust me no one else was near or around me). When I got back home I dealt with the same symptom all day as my girl helped me get better, by getting what our family physician prescribed, and getting rest.....

I've never let being sick ever keep me from performing, I've worked sick, hurt, and injured before on live events, TV tapings, and Pay Per Views, I just never let no one excluding my partner know how I felt or what I was going through. I apologize to my tag team partner, the participants in my match and the WWE universe, I should have found out all the information about what was given to me before I took it, and prevented my self from getting sick in the first place. I take full responsibility for what happened and I'm sorry. In our industry there is a tradition that the show must go on no matter what, and I feel I have betrayed that tradition by not performing last Tuesday. The greatest joy in my life is performing in the WWE (Win, Lose or Draw), I love what I do, and I will never let something like this happen again.


Shad Gaspard

David Arquette to host a future episode of RAW?

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]While David Arquette will not be hosting next week's episode of Monday Night Raw as previously rumored, company officials have indeed been in talks with the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion being a future host.[/font]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]With the way the World Titles have been switching recently, I wouldn't be surprised if he became a2x Champ...

Eric Escobar has a backstage reputation of being a "headcase".

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is ongoing concern regarding the attitude of SmackDown newcomer Eric Escobar, who was recently called up to the main roster after spending four years in developmental. He's had a reputation for being a "headcase" since he was teaming with RAW wrestler Primo in developmental, and he still carries that stigma to this day.[/font]

Awesome Kong gets in real-life fight with male fan.

TNAWrestlingNews.com is reporting that Awesome Kong was involved in an altercation late Sunday night during the Bound for Glory after-party at the Hilton Hotel in Irvine, California. A drunk male was insulting her boyfriend so she knocked him out.

"Kong pushed him and he flew like 15 feet," said one source. "Then he got in her face and she kicked his +$+!"

Lacey Von Erich screws up big time (again).

There was a massive edit for last week's TNA iMPACT! as Lacey Von Erich fell flat on her face when she ran to the ring to do a run-in during the Knockouts elimination match. The issues with Von Erich don't end there as she suffered a minor hamstring injury while training at the Impact Zone and made it known all night that she was in pain. She then reportedly told a male trainer to go and get her an ice pack and the guy ended up walking in to see a half-dressed Awesome Kong who was obviously not happy. We're told Kong grabbed Von Erich and took her to the trainers room where she proceeded to cut a promo on her in front of Kurt Angle. When Von Erich went to TNA management to complain, they ended up siding with Kong.

Why Beth Phoenix was moved to Smackdown.

Regarding Beth Phoenix' move to SmackDown as a result of the multi-brand Diva trade, the feeling was she needed a fresh start after losing momentum the past few months on RAW. There has also been talk of pairing "The Glamazon" with Dolph Ziggler.

Why the Bella Twins were moved to RAW.

The Bella Twins were moved back to RAW because Vince McMahon was said to have "fallen in love with them" following their guest host skits on the company's flagship program several weeks back. They are expected to be featured in guest host segments on a regular basis now.

Ex-WWE Diva calls Randy Orton a "dirtbag".

-- In an interview with ohsodivalicious.org, Amy Weber discusses her experiences in the Diva Search, WWE, the wrestling business in general, and her life. She also put some rumors to rest about her release and how she was treated "by the boys." "I left on account of pure harassment and being treated like a piece of dirt by some of the male wrestlers for no reason," Weber said. "I am actually a very sweet person. Yes, I played a "heel" for WWE but that is not my personality. I go out of my way to help others and a few of the guys made my decision to leave very easy. If they treated someone like that in the real world, they would be fired without question but are allowed to get away with nonsense in the WWE." Later on during the interview, Weber refers to Randy Orton as a "dirtbag" when playing word association.

WWE Survivor Series poster.

Santino's snake (nh)

Show didn't lift Santino more than 3 feet off the mat
My heart skipped a beat when I saw Hornswaggle come out. I thought it was gonna be him.
Looks like the DX breakup will be at Survivor Series. I was hoping they would wait til the rumble so they could battle at WM26.
So what happens to the tag belts now that Show is going after Taker? Jericho has nothing to do, he should take all four belts and take on all challengers
@ that title match

and I honestly don't see Escobar or Lacey still being around 3 months from now
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Looks like the DX breakup will be at Survivor Series. I was hoping they would wait til the rumble so they could battle at WM26.
So what happens to the tag belts now that Show is going after Taker? Jericho has nothing to do, he should take all four belts and take on all challengers
lol, Jericho prolly talkin like "I AM my greatest tag team partner, I'm the best in the world."
guys, if ya need wrestling related avys, you can request one at the avy request thread at gwo.yuku.com .
Thanks for the update, is Show getting a shot so that Taker can get slower, not-so-taxing matches?
Hearing Kofi without the accent really threw me off.

@ him slipping on the paint and getting it on his face.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

yea much respect dsx. And im taking over gwo
Who dat?
Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz

Good stuff Dom...Raw sounded like a car wreck.
Who dat?

Undertaker vs. Big Show will be a Casket Match.

Apparently the SmackDown main event for WWE Survivor Series will be The Undertaker defending the World Heavyweight Championship against Big Show in a Casket Match. The official WWE website appears to have leaked the bout on one of their Halloween 2009 pages located at this link.

Originally Posted by CHICHAN

Thanks for the update, is Show getting a shot so that Taker can get slower, not-so-taxing matches?
You know what, I was confused about why he was getting a feud with Taker out of nowhere...but that's probably why. They're trying not toput Taker in too many strenuous matches (their own fault for bringing him back earlier than scheduled
)...so I guess that's where Big Show comes in. Hopefully that doesn'tlast too long...I don't expect it to go past Survivor Series.
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