Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Forgot about hay 6 man tag, that was a good match two. I'm down for Zest Inc winning or Usos retaining, but I really hope Sheamus loses.
ill suck my own **** if that happened
What if only one of the two actually happened?
At first it didn't bother me but that Cameron **** is really kinda disgusting.

She deserves to be drummed out of the business for that.
I'm glad I put on the game and fell asleep last night.

Breeze needs to join the Miz and Sandow.

Ziggler needs to mature his gimmick.

R-Truth needs to turn heel.
I'm glad I put on the game and fell asleep last night.

Breeze needs to join the Miz and Sandow.

Ziggler needs to mature his gimmick.

R-Truth needs to turn heel.
I think that the next step is that Ziggler beats miz on Sunday and eventually R Ziggler gets an eye for that gold and turns on Zig.

I might be in the minority..no pun.. but I think Truth was a great heel around that time of that cigarette incident 
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