NTWT SummerSlam PPV Prediction Contest Results

Welp, since the new thread was so important, I can't post these results in the 1st post of the thread.  Hopefully they don't get lost in the shuffle.
  • 94 entires
  • 1500 possible points
  • 738 average score
  • 52% correctly predicted 9 matches
  • 43% correctly predicted miz v Dolph Ziggler for the IC Title to open the PPV.
  • 2% correctly predicted 3 title changes
  • 17% correctly predicted RVD beating Cesaro
  • 55% correctly predicted Dolph Ziggler beating miz
  • 90% correctly predicted Bray Wyatt beating Chris Jericho
  • 55% correctly predicted Rusev beating Jack Swagger
  • 18% correctly predicted Paige beating AJ Lee
  • 69% correctly predicted Seth Rollins beating Dean Ambrose
  • 22% correctly predicted 19-21 Lumberjacks (there were 19)
  • 1% correctly predicted Randy Orton would be wearing Grey tights
  • 86% correctly predicted Roman Reigns defeating Randy Orton
  • 22% correctly predicted Reigns would hit 1-2 Spears + Superman Punches
  • 52% correctly predicted Nikki Bella turning on her sister, Brie Bella
  • 64% correctly predicted Stephanie McMahon beating Brie Bella
  • 88% correctly predicted Brock Lesnar would leave SummerSlam as WWE Champion
  • 28% correctly predicted the match would last 16:01-19:00 minutes (16:05)
Congratulations to our SummerSlam PPV Prediction Contest Winner, jeremy clarkson with a score of 1035.

Overall results will be updated once I finish the remain PPV Prediction Contest scores later this week.

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so this is all gonna lead to Cena burying everyone in the ring to keep his spot. Cool.
Reigns is so out of place on the mic compared to everyone else in the ring. He has to improve if they are really gonna make him the guy of the future.
I tanked on the prediction contest. 4w is this thread cool? Some of us got the ban hammer from the other thread and needed the new one. Had pants answered the call.
Big Show/Henry v Harper/Rowan is the new Rhodes Brothers vs RYBAXEL.  We've already seen this match 100 times in 3 weeks.
I tanked on the prediction contest. 4w is this thread cool? Some of us got the ban hammer from the other thread and needed the new one. Had pants answered the call.
All good.  Wasn't aware of what was going on.  I traveled from Mexico back to the US on Friday.  Was at Made in America all weekend.  And then traveled to my parents today.
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