Writing Niketalk's Constitution and founding our own online government.

the nomad

Jul 21, 2012
I've been a lurker, member and active poster on this forum since 2006. I'm am now 30 years old and old enough to admit I do invest part of myself into the idea of Niketalk. I've been banned, I've been suspended, however I've also been harassed, and I've taken hiatuses to mitigate tension.

12 hours after my hiatus for months I've been harassed, and outright called names, I posted a definition of "idiot" in a thread and received a message warning me to read Niketalk's rules of conduct.

With that being said, and being a member under this name for over a year, and support Niketalk through their tough times and migration...I feel this site is big enough to demand its own democracy. 

A government that is EQUALLY controlled by the users, mods and admins. If there is a ban issued, I feel there should be a forum for TRIAL and a jury of our peers. Not at the sole discretion of mods and admins. Niketalk is bigger than one user, it's bigger than one mod and bigger than even Method Man's discretion, he too is not exempt from human error.

Let's use this thread to build ideas and create a Niketalk Constitution same as the forefathers of this country did...

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This is actually interesting, but I'm sure users would've approached this different if another person made this thread.
Nomad can't catch a break at ALL on here.

What if we did have to pay to enter threads? like 0.05 to enter, another 0.05 to post. 1 time payments per thread.
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See now this is what I like in a poster.  This guy wants to take Niketalkistan and turn it into UniNiketalk States of America.  Good on you sir, good on you.  You see the blatant disregard for your rights as outlined in the ROC and want to fix it.  I'm with you, who put Meth in charge?    
You're 30 years old and you're crying about how NT has affected your life? If the benefits do not outweigh the risks of you getting butt-hurt about what a group of anonymous people have to say about you or your personal views then why continue to come here. If this place gives you so much stress you need to just log off and not come back.

In regards to the government idea, none of us are forced to be here and it is simple enough to click the little X on the right and be rid of this place. There is no need to change the ROC with a "constitution" and it's completely arrogant to come on this message-board and speak from a purely AMERICAN perspective when we're a GLOBAL community.
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