WSW (White Supremacist Watch) Thread

Marines Open Investigation into Active Duty White Supremacist

The U.S. Marine Corps said it has opened a criminal investigation into the activities of Lance Corporal Vasillios Pistolis, 19, identified as a violent white supremacist in a recent report by ProPublica and FRONTLINE.

Stationed at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune and assigned to the 2nd Marine Logistics Group, Pistolis has associated with an array of neo-Nazi organizations, including the National Socialist Movement, the Traditionalist Worker Party, and Atomwaffen Division, a clandestine group that aims to incite a race war, according to interviews and an analysis of video and online postings. Pistolis is under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), which typically examines felony-level offenses involving Navy or Marine Corps personnel.

“We’re looking into the allegations and do not comment on open investigations,” said Adam M. Stump, an NCIS spokesperson.

Through interviews, photos, videos, and the Marine’s own online admissions, ProPublica and FRONTLINE documented his involvement with the various fascist groups and his participation in a string of assaults during last summer’s lethal Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Pistolis also made posts in online chats obtained by Unicorn Riot, an independent media organization.

This is the second time Pistolis has drawn scrutiny from NCIS. He told ProPublica and FRONTLINE he’d been questioned about his extremist activities several months ago by NCIS investigators, but the investigation was apparently dropped. Military sources confirmed the existence of an earlier inquiry regarding Pistolis.

Responding to new reporting on the link between Atomwaffen and the armed forces, Rep. Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat, urged Defense Secretary James Mattis to investigate Pistolis and his fellow neo-Nazis. Ellison also requested that the Department of Defense provide information to Congress about the military’s efforts to discipline white supremacists in the ranks and screen out racial extremists during the enlistment process.

“ProPublica and Frontline identified three Atomwaffen members or associates who are currently employed by the Army or Navy,” wrote Ellison in a letter to Mattis. “The involvement of service members in white supremacist organizations or other hate groups is cause for significant concern, particularly given their combat and weapons training.”

Ellison is asking the Defense Department to respond to his request for information by May 21.

This story is part of an ongoing collaboration between ProPublica and FRONTLINE that includes documentaries scheduled to begin on PBS in August 2018.
South Carolina man tried to enlist white supremacists to murder black neighbor


A South Carolina man has been indicted on charges he reached out to undercover FBI agents posing as white supremacists, and offered them $500 to kill his black neighbor, hang him from a tree and burn a cross on his lawn.
A black Yale graduate student took a nap in her dorm's common room. So a white student called police

A white person voices suspicions about an innocuous person of color. Police are summoned. And the encounter is posted on social media, sparking outrage about racial profiling.

In what is becoming an all-too familiar episode, a black Yale University graduate student was interrogated by campus police officers early Tuesday morning after a white student found her sleeping in a common room of their dorm and called police.

The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, posted two videos of the encounter to Facebook, where they have been widely viewed and drawn thousands of comments.

I deserve to be here. I pay tuition like everybody else," an annoyed Siyonbola told responding officers in one video after they asked for her ID. "I'm not going to justify my existence here."

The incident is one of several in recent weeks in which police have been called on people of color for seemingly harmless acts. In one of the most recent, three black women were detained while leaving their California Airbnb after a neighbor called police, thinking they were burglars. Last month two black men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia after a manager called 911 on them because they didn't order anything.

According to Siyonbola, she was working on a paper in the Hall of Graduate Studies when she fell asleep in a common room. Another female student came in, turned on the lights and told her, "You're not supposed to be sleeping here. I'm going to call the police."

Siyonbola pulled out her phone and recorded 54 seconds of a hallway encounter with the unidentified student, who told her, "I have every right to call the police. You cannot sleep in that room."

After two white police officers arrived and began questioning her in a stairwell, Siyonbola posted 17 minutes of their encounter to Facebook Live.

When Siyonbola asked them about the complaint, one officer said, "She called us (and) said there's somebody who appeared they weren't ... where they were supposed to be."

The 34-year-old grad student in African Studies unlocked her dorm-room door in front of police to show that she lived there, but they still asked for her ID. "We're in a Yale building and we need to make sure that you belong here," the other officer told her.

After some hesitation, Siyonbola handed her ID over. "I really don't know if there's a justification for you actually being in the building," she told the officers, saying she needed to get back to working on her paper.

Eventually two more officers arrived. After some confusion about Siyonbola's ID -- her name was apparently misspelled in a student database -- the police told her she was free to go.
The military has become a haven for SWS and they know it. They embrace it

The military has always been a haven for white supremacists. Go back to the Spanish American war when marines were over in the P.I lynching the dark skinned natives.

Neo-Nazi Group Alleged to be Involved in Five Killings Nationwide

Suspects in five killings across the country have reportedly been linked to a neo-Nazi group known as Atomwaffen Division.

The Washington Post reported that Atomwaffen Division is a Charles Manson-obsessed neo-Nazi group that describes itself as a "revolutionary national socialist organization centered around political activism and the practice of an autonomous fascist lifestyle.”

The Post cited the death earlier this month of California college student Blaze Bernstein. Samuel Woodward, who was a former high school classmate of Bernstein's and reportedly joined the hate group in 2016, was arrested and is scheduled to be arraigned Friday.

According to the Post, the group first came into the national spotlight in May 2017, when an 18-year-old man was arrested in Tampa, Fla., and charged with killing two of his roommates. According to ProPublica, all three were linked with the group.

Cells of the group have been reported in multiple states, according to the Anti-Defamation League, but experts say it may only have 80 members nationwide.

The group's website says that training for the group is meant to prepare people for the "ultimate aim of overthrowing the U.S. government through the use of terrorism and guerrilla warfare."

It adds that joining it means "serious dedication not only to the Atomwaffen Division and its members, but to the goal of ultimate uncompromising victory."

"With this means only those willing to get out on the streets, in the woods, or where we maybe [sic] in the world and work together in the physical realm,” the website says. “We often go hunting, adventuring, and a group favorite is urban exploring.”
KKK Literature with Candy Hearts Thrown Onto Hatboro Lawns, Police Confirm

Residents of Hatboro found these racist flyers from the Ku Klux Klan on their lawns Saturday, accompanied by a bag of candy hearts.

Hatboro residents awoke Saturday morning to find racist pamphlets with the admonitions “wake up WHITE AMERICA” and “stand up for your rights as a White American” strewn on lawns, police confirmed Saturday.

The pamphlets referenced the Loyal White Knights, a North Carolina group that considers itself an active chapter in the KKK.

The anonymous distributor attached plastic bags of candy hearts to the literature.

Hatboro Police Chief James Gardner said police were investigating the incident, contained to streets on the north end of town. Several residents called to report the pamphlets, which he described as “distasteful at a minimum.” He said he knew of no racial tensions in Hatboro that could have triggered the incident.

“Some things are protected speech, but we have concerns with someone going around in the middle of the night and putting things on people’s lawns,” Gardner said. “We’re taking this seriously.”

The pamphlets are the latest incident of racist, white supremacist, or anti-Semitic literature distributed anonymously in Montgomery County towns or boroughs. Other areas with reported incidents over the last year or so are Red Hill, Pennsburg, East Greenville, and Upper Dublin.

A Hatboro resident who said a pamphlet was thrown on her property said she was shocked because “this had never happened before.”
White Supremacist Gang Leader Executed Outside Chinese Buffet in New Hampshire
The 36-year-old Jarvis, who was pronounced dead at the scene, and his family were regular customers at the restaurant and bar, but police have not identified any suspects in the fatal shooting.

A white supremacist former gang leader was gunned down over the weekend outside a Chinese restaurant in New Hampshire.

Jesse Jarvis, who co-founded the Brotherhood of White Warriors around 2010 at the Northern New Hampshire Corrections Facility, was shot multiple times shortly after midnight Sunday in the parking lot of Imperial Buffet in Claremont, reported the Valley News.

The 36-year-old Jarvis, who was pronounced dead at the scene, and his family were regular customers at the restaurant and bar, but police have not identified any suspects in the fatal shooting.

“I don’t even know what the hell happened out there,” co-owner Tony Zhang told the newspaper. “Nothing happened inside. It was happening in the parking lot.”

Jarvis had been in and out of prison since 1999, when he was arrested for shoplifting, resisting arrest and attempting to escape from a hospital where he was under treatment for acute intoxication.

He was arrested in 2005 for kicking two Claremont police officers, and police shot and killed his father three years later when they tried to arrest the younger Jarvis for alleged assault and stealing a Nazi flag.

Anthony Jarvis fired a handgun at a state trooper during a 2008 standoff, and the law enforcement officer returned fire.

Jarvis told a parole board in 2013 that he had left the prison gang he helped found, but he was recently listed as the administrator of an online white supremacist group.

“We must secure an existence for our race and a future for Aryan children!” Jarvis told a reporter who asked last month about the white supremacist Facebook group.

His personal Facebook page shows multiple posts referring to that 14-word white nationalist slogan, along with posts praising Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and attempts to justify his own white supremacist views as mainstream patriotism.

“He truly was a great man who stood for those who couldn’t stand alone,” said Phil Mulvey, who grew up with Jarvis and says they formed a lifelong friendship over their troubled upbringings. “He was much more than the crazy racist many try to portray him as.”
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