WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

I swear people in the "universe" need to just stop attending shows or something. I'd say stop copping PPV's too but I'm pretty sure nobody here shells out dough for that:lol:

I have stopped with pretty much everything; Vince gets two PPV's a year out of me and that's pretty much it
The true winner of Royal Rumble & Elimination Chamber.

well you knew that was gonna happen. oh well. nothing we can do about it. just gonna sit back and look forward to RAW tomorrow
I remember most of y'all (me included) ******** on the rumor that Cena VS Wyatt was happening @ WM. Now that that is basically solidified and people seem to be at an all time high with the Wyatt's, how do you guys feel about it?

I think everyone knew Cena vs Wyatt at WM30 was going to happen. It was the only match that was locked in over a month ago.
WWE is playing this Bryan build up perfect..They got 6 weeks to find a way to get him in the title match at Mania..And when he wins the belt at WM the largest crowd of the year is going to go apes**t..
Better be a triple threat.
It can't be anything BUT a triple threat. It can't be Kane vs Bryan & Orton vs Batista. There's no way they can roll with Orton/Batista, cause the crowd will **** on both of them
Bryan v. Kane with some type of stipulation where he has to beat him to get into the Main Event

Simple solution although they could have skipped all this by having him turn face from the Wyatts to win the Rumble and things would have been so much smoother
LOL not even mad bc we all knew what was gonna happen. Vinnie Mac is still getting my 10 bucks tomorrow for the WWE Network :smokin
Y'all really expected/wanted them to waste a WM moment on some secondary PPV?​
Bryan will close WM with the title and the roof will blow off. It makes no sense for them to waste it here this close to WM.​
D-Bry not getting the title, let's be real now. Pains me to say it but it ain't happening. 
WWE is playing this Bryan build up perfect..They got 6 weeks to find a way to get him in the title match at Mania..And when he wins the belt at WM the largest crowd of the year is going to go apes**t..
I will be absolutely fine with the Bryan treatment since SummerSlam as long as they put him over at WM30. If it doesn't happen, they officially dropped the ball.
WWE is playing this Bryan build up perfect..They got 6 weeks to find a way to get him in the title match at Mania..And when he wins the belt at WM the largest crowd of the year is going to go apes**t..
Theoretically yes. Yes, there's potential for a great Wrestlemania moment. Whether or not the Shovel allows that is different.
Like everyone said. We all saw it coming. But it would be nice if the WWE surprised people every once in a while. 
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WWE is playing this Bryan build up perfect..They got 6 weeks to find a way to get him in the title match at Mania..And when he wins the belt at WM the largest crowd of the year is going to go apes**t..
Hogan's going to give the people what they want.
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