WWE No Way Out PPV - Cena v Big Show Steel Cage, Punk v Bryan v Kane, Ziggler v Sheamus p28

This PPV is badddddddddddd..........1995 bad
Dammit, though for sure Punk was going to lose.

Kane gonna get played again.

Where was D Bry the last 10 minutes?!?!?!

the ending could have been a lot better but it was an entertaining match
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Where was D Bry the last 10 minutes?!?!?!

the ending could have been a lot better but it was an entertaining match

Seriously, D Bry just disappeared.  I hate that WWE can't work 3 men in the ring at once.  Every multi-man match just turns into two guys in the ring and everyone else laying outside.
Still a good match.  Finish saw Kane in control.  AJ ran down to ringside and jumped on the apron.  Punk shoved Kane and Kane knocked AJ off the apron.  Kane was concerned.  Punk hit the GTS on Kane and got the win.

Kane carried AJ to the back.

Ryback squashed two Stanskys.  Looks like he's getting 3 from now on.
i chose 9+ matches 
. it seemed too obvious that there was going to be more than 9. but no title changes tonight 
. thought there wouldve been at least 1
What a stupid decision it was not to announce Vince last...smh

Johnny, Show....Vince THEN CENA?!?!?!??

C'mon Cena obviously should have been last
Listening to the announcers try and sell that we MAY NEVER SEE CENA AGAIN AFTER TONIGHT is so freaking annoying and insulting.
The referee is knocked out, so Big Show can't escape the cage? What the hell? Just walk out the damn cage.
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