WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

If You Missed Raw, Do Yourself a Favor and Don't Watch It

Damn. Raw must've been incredibly horrendous yesterday, huh?
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by hymen man

hey, did you guys know... ITO's been training?
Spoiler [+]

not only training but
Spoiler [+]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]you guys are so damn dumb... Not [/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]training[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].... [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Training.[/color]

Spoiler [+]


You sittin' here, you suppose to be NTWT franchise superstar.. and you in here talkin' about Training.

You talkin' bout Training, not a match.. not the wrestling match, you talkin' about Training, man. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So it's pretty clear what's happening Sunday night.
Big Show was fired, so he's no longer a WWE Superstar.

He comes to the ring during the Cena/Laurinaitis match, teases he's going to knock out Laurinaitis, but actually knocks out Cena to let Laurinaitis get the win.  Laurinaitis then gives Show his job back, and Show becomes the enforcer that Tensai was supposed to be.

It then sets up a cage match at No Way Out between Cena and Laurinaitis to prevent outside interference.

Outside of Cena's crappy car from that reality show bursting into flames with him in it.....

This is pretty much the best case scenario. And that's pretty %%#$%!# sad.
I just can't believe we're getting Cena vs Laurinaitis at back to back PPVs. Talk about the freaking post-WrestleMania hangover.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So it's pretty clear what's happening Sunday night.
Big Show was fired, so he's no longer a WWE Superstar.

He comes to the ring during the Cena/Laurinaitis match, teases he's going to knock out Laurinaitis, but actually knocks out Cena to let Laurinaitis get the win.  Laurinaitis then gives Show his job back, and Show becomes the enforcer that Tensai was supposed to be.

It then sets up a cage match at No Way Out between Cena and Laurinaitis to prevent outside interference.
I 1000% believe this....
or someone literally not on the roster to interfere.
Of course it could also be the set up to a Cena/Show match.

And to be honest....

I'd rather see Laurinaitis than Show.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So it's pretty clear what's happening Sunday night.
Big Show was fired, so he's no longer a WWE Superstar.

He comes to the ring during the Cena/Laurinaitis match, teases he's going to knock out Laurinaitis, but actually knocks out Cena to let Laurinaitis get the win.  Laurinaitis then gives Show his job back, and Show becomes the enforcer that Tensai was supposed to be.

It then sets up a cage match at No Way Out between Cena and Laurinaitis to prevent outside interference.

Outside of Cena's crappy car from that reality show bursting into flames with him in it.....

This is pretty much the best case scenario. And that's pretty %%#$%!# sad.

- 4Dub's spot on, and it's sad.
- Why does Brodus still exist? He needs to be gone, ditto for Thwagga and Santino.
- Can't believe the WHC got the main event spot(*!*) on Raw, makes a change but the WWE title match needs more. If the 4-Way and WWE title matches deliver it won't be as bad a PPV as previous years at least.
- I've forgotten everything else I was gonna say...
i was watching the 1st hour till Big Show flipping the channels with the Lakers Vs Thunder game i said screw both because i was awful i just pulled out a book & read that till i fell asleep
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So it's pretty clear what's happening Sunday night.
Big Show was fired, so he's no longer a WWE Superstar.

He comes to the ring during the Cena/Laurinaitis match, teases he's going to knock out Laurinaitis, but actually knocks out Cena to let Laurinaitis get the win.  Laurinaitis then gives Show his job back, and Show becomes the enforcer that Tensai was supposed to be.

It then sets up a cage match at No Way Out between Cena and Laurinaitis to prevent outside interference.
Actually i see Show and Tensai coming out to help Ace... they then form a tag team, which may actually be not such a horrible thing... i mean Tensai is light centuries better than Khali...
How awesome would it be if you could buy parts of a ppv? Like I could order the two title matches for Sunday and that's it. Ppv is black for all other parts of the show, until the intros for the matches. Even getting them on demand later would be awesome.
4w, or anyone else willing to chime in with insight.... seriously, how does WWE willingly and knowingly put that garbage on TV last night?
Do they think they're fooling anyone? Legitimately? I have to think that Vince and HHH aren't stupid.... They know what's being put out there. They have to know it's bad, the wrestlers backstage have to know it's bad, so why allow it to happen? Especially with how much we hear about rewrites and everything being finalized last minute... That's really the BEST they could do?

Notice how there's been no mention of it being a GO HOME SHOW yet. This is supposed to generate business? Since Smackdown is a joke, this was really their last chance to sell the PPV on Sunday, and this is what they gave us....

- A suing segment. Why should anyone care if HHH is sued. What baring does that have on anything??

- A throwaway segment for Punk/Bryan. We haven't seen one promo exchange, or anything to give us a reason to care for their match. And this is how important we're supposed to believe the "top honor" in the company is? Put it this way, for storyline purposes, if the Punk/Bryan match was removed from Sunday, it would make no difference at all. That's because there isn't a storyline. 

- Big Show blubbering like an idiot. They gave this more airtime than the buildup for the WWE championship?

- Brodus Clay doing the same thing he's done for 5 months

- Cena's segment. It's already evident the gaping holes here. Won't mention them again. 

Among other things. 

And this is supposed to convince someone to buy their PPV Sunday? Who are they trying to kid? 

I don't post often in here, but lurk on a weekly basis. And I just simply couldn't wrap my head around last nights show. If this comes off as a ranting post, well I guess part of it is. 

I guess my biggest question is how can the people backstage (mainly Vince and HHH) put this garbage on TV, the whole time KNOWING it's terrible. They're not stupid, do they think we are? Or am I just reading into this too much?

What is the thought process here?
I went back to watch the parts I didn't see...

- The Chokeslam
How in the world did that happen???? That may as well could have been a Cobra

- I had already seen a bit of Show/Ace, and was not gonna watch the rest, I was cringing already and wasn't gonna subject
myself to any more of that.
- Beth's nipples

- The transition between King & Cole's reaction to Show crying and "FUNK IS ON A ROLL" had me dyyyying

- Cena the character is corny as &@^#. Had to change the channel after a couple of seconds into Cena's Jim Carrey routine.
Thank god for the invention of the DVR, cause that was heading towards one of the most pathetic embarrassing segments
I've seen. FF'd it to Eve though
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So it's pretty clear what's happening Sunday night.
Big Show was fired, so he's no longer a WWE Superstar.

He comes to the ring during the Cena/Laurinaitis match, teases he's going to knock out Laurinaitis, but actually knocks out Cena to let Laurinaitis get the win.  Laurinaitis then gives Show his job back, and Show becomes the enforcer that Tensai was supposed to be.

It then sets up a cage match at No Way Out between Cena and Laurinaitis to prevent outside interference.
Actually i see Show and Tensai coming out to help Ace... they then form a tag team, which may actually be not such a horrible thing... i mean Tensai is light centuries better than Khali...
Tensai would be fired if he interferes.  Any WWE Superstar that interferes will be fired by the Board of Directors.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

So it's pretty clear what's happening Sunday night.
Big Show was fired, so he's no longer a WWE Superstar.

He comes to the ring during the Cena/Laurinaitis match, teases he's going to knock out Laurinaitis, but actually knocks out Cena to let Laurinaitis get the win.  Laurinaitis then gives Show his job back, and Show becomes the enforcer that Tensai was supposed to be.

It then sets up a cage match at No Way Out between Cena and Laurinaitis to prevent outside interference.
Actually i see Show and Tensai coming out to help Ace... they then form a tag team, which may actually be not such a horrible thing... i mean Tensai is light centuries better than Khali...
Tensai would be fired if he interferes.  Any WWE Superstar that interferes will be fired by the Board of Directors.
So... he'll just rehire him the next night...
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Actually i see Show and Tensai coming out to help Ace... they then form a tag team, which may actually be not such a horrible thing... i mean Tensai is light centuries better than Khali...
Tensai would be fired if he interferes.  Any WWE Superstar that interferes will be fired by the Board of Directors.
So... he'll just rehire him the next night...
Didn't watch RAW. Was it really that bad?

Did Bryan/Punk have any interaction? Because really that's all I care about. LOLOTL
@ Peep I actually remember that. They tried to split those dudes up and it went NOWHERE.

Danny's theme though

And hombre, well it wasn't really good. Bad promos all around(though Cena made me chuckle a few times) matches were alright besides Big Show/Kane.
I didn't realize that either, wow

Michelle Beadle: "The [I assume she's referring to NBA and MLB] games were so bad last night, I was able to watch Raw uninterrupted"
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