E3 Game of Show

  • Forza 7

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Anthem

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Monster Hunter World

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • State of Decay 2

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Cuphead

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Call of Duty 2k18

    Votes: 13 13.1%
  • Battlefront 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Crackdown 3

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • Evil Within 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfenstein 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Metro Exodus

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Destiny 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Code Vein

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Sea of Thieves

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Southpark 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

    Votes: 10 10.1%

  • Total voters
generally speaking, dying and losing gun fights isnt any fun... and getting kills and winning gun fights is...

going on a crazy kill streak is like a high. thats why cod is so addicting to the people who are good and so off putting to the people that are bad.

it isnt that hard to fathom.

Its not about gun fights and and killing sometimes. You ever heard of capturing flags and other objectives.
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generally speaking, dying and losing gun fights isnt any fun... and getting kills and winning gun fights is...

going on a crazy kill streak is like a high. thats why cod is so addicting to the people who are good and so off putting to the people that are bad.

it isnt that hard to fathom.

Its not about gun fights and and killing sometimes. You ever heard of capturing flags and other objectives.

I've honestly seen people ignore objectives all the time to fix their K/D
I wanna play Gears tonight but I'm so swamped with work :x

Probably won't get on until my off day, Monday :x
1.5 doesn't even feel like a good K/D for COD.

1.8 feels like the floor for the benchmark.

In a game where the difference between winning and losing is negligible what else is there to do but compare K/D?
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generally speaking, dying and losing gun fights isnt any fun... and getting kills and winning gun fights is...

going on a crazy kill streak is like a high. thats why cod is so addicting to the people who are good and so off putting to the people that are bad.

it isnt that hard to fathom.

Its not about gun fights and and killing sometimes. You ever heard of capturing flags and other objectives.

i know it isnt... :stoneface:
For COD where theres no ranks? Yeah I would say a 1.5 is bad. Thats why every shooting game should be win/loss based and have a ranking system that revolves around win loss
For COD where theres no ranks? Yeah I would say a 1.5 is bad. Thats why every shooting game should be win/loss based and have a ranking system that revolves around win loss

K/D can't be used across the board to determine good or bad players, same with W/L.
Obviously if all someone plays is team deathmatch then a positive K/D is all that matters.

I'm a 3.0 K/D in FFA but that doesn't mean I'm a god level COD player. I consider myself average but I feel I'm above average at 1 vs 1 gunfights.
I still only hover between 1.5-2.0 K/D in most COD games. I'm roughly a 2.0 in team deathmatch but my K/D slides when I play Dom because I always play to win, I'd rather have a 1 K/D and 10 caps if that's what was necessary to win.

I rarely play in parties because for the most part I don't find it enjoyable to steam roll the competition. My W/L is never that high because of this but I know dudes that aren't that good that have very high W/L ratios because they never play solo.

Any stat in COD can be manipulated by playing certain game types or playing in parties, except maybe score per minute. A player thats above a 1.0 with an above average spm can play with me any day.
I don't really think K/D is the sole determining factor, nothing can be. But a 1.5 is still bad, especially if you're just playing pub and no Hardcore at all.
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Nah I don't really judge people's win/lose ratio because I play in a full party clan we all got 2.0 and above KDs the only place where win/loss ratio matters is search because it's bunch of full party clans who play search. TDM,Dom and ETC don't matter because mostly randoms play that when my clans TDM or Dom it's like easy mode we do call out we always run 4 campers and two rushers we don't push too far so the spawn wouldn't flip idc how good you are you not winning no game with randoms against a seasoned clan. Like I been playing some of the beta solo because I'm just trying to get a feel of the game. I had a game solo where two randoms on my team went 2-31 and 4-34 plus everyone besides me went negative I can't carry 5 people to a win when it's basically 6v1

But far as KD wise
Anything under 1.0 is bad
1.0-1.4 is average
1.5-2.0 is above average
2.1+ is good
Anybody with a 2.5-3 something is most likely a sound whoring camper who plays full party 24/7
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I don't really think K/D is the sole determining factor, nothing can be. But a 1.5 is still bad, especially if you're just playing pub and no Hardcore at all.
We can agree to disagree on that.  I'll take that guy that can go 15 kills and 10 deaths in TDM all day because he will never cause us to lose.

In a game mode like Dom I'd take him too if he is playing the objective and has caps/defends.

I'd also find it hard to call the dude going 30/20 while playing the objective and at the top of the leaderboard game after game bad especially if he isn't playing in a party.
Nah I don't really judge people's win/lose ratio because I play in a full party clan we all got 2.0 and above KDs the only place where win/loss ratio matters is search because it's bunch of full party clans who play search. TDM,Dom and ETC don't matter because mostly randoms play that when my clans TDM or Dom it's like easy mode we do call out we always run 4 campers and two rushers we don't push too far so the spawn wouldn't flip idc how good you are you not winning no game with randoms against a seasoned clan. Like I been playing some of the beta solo because I'm just trying to get a feel of the game. I had a game solo where two randoms on my team went 2-31 and 4-34 plus everyone besides me went negative I can't carry 5 people to a win when it's basically 6v1

But far as KD wise
Anything under 1.0 is bad
1.0-1.4 is average
1.5-2.0 is above average
2.1+ is good
Anybody with a 2.5-3 something is most likely a sound whoring camper who plays full party 24/7

This guy is 100% right. A 1.5 k/d ratio is far from bad. To be honest, I've won gamebattles championships on cod and gears and never had a 2.0 k/d ratio. Back when I played competitively I was usually high as **** or wasted when it came to playing pubs.

But in most cases you can't judge a player by their k/d.
10/3/2013: bought tomb raider 360 on, couple hours in

4/1/2014: tomb raider free on ps3, resell tomb raider 360, 30min in

3/1/2015: tomb raider free on 360, resume game on 360, 5 hours in

?/?/2015: years of 360 save data gets vanishes,

?/?/2015: restart tomb raider, 6 hours in

9/16/2015: tomb raider definitive edition free on xb1


Too many games.
Anybody telling this game is bad and they got a KD over 1.5 need to screenshot that KD because I don't believe you. No different than dudes who say they got shoes they don't got. Dudes be on the net talking about I was had 20 kills in a row KD barely over 1 like cmon son who you fooling
the games mechanics are trash, well the stupid *** lag compensation they have that if you have a good connection you're at a disadvantage when fighting someone with a bad one
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