YALL wanna hear an crazy/awesome story!?!!?!!??!?!? vol. GOOD FEELS

Feb 2, 2014
a couple of years i lost my best friend/cousin to a difficult battle with drugs. we were the same age and lived next door to each other for our whole childhood till he went to college and I went to the military.  we were basically twins...inseparable. needless to say this has been the most difficult time i've ever had to endure.  I have been in a funk these last couple of years searching for answers.  My life has been positive and I've been moving forward but it still haunts me.  

 to make a long story short my sister has been pregnant with her first child. she was supposed to be due at the end of July.

well today they called me and said her water broke a whole month early. she went in to labor today... 

and guess what today is????? MY COUSINS/BEST FRIENDS BIRTHDAY!  how dope is that?

when they called me earlier I was at the cemetery praying for my boy.  

Im about to be an uncle NT  
That's nutz brah.

Today is my birthday and I just turned 30....I was getting down on myself because 30 is a pretty big age. I got home after work and as I was taking the belt off my pants....the buckle popped loose. I was like damn, what a way for the universe to tell me to deal with it. Couldn't help but laugh.

Life unfolds like this sometimes.
******* fantastic news bro! The universe is amazing :pimp:
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Great News bruh, Now go and be the best uncle on da planet

Bet money you and the lil one are going to be SUPER tight

That was a great story, man. It's times like these when you truly see just how amazing life can be, and how things have a funny way of working themselves out.

Wishing for blessings your your friend/cousin's life, your sister and her baby, and you as well.

Congrats, fam

It's ya boy reincarnated through ya nephew
God works in cool ways, B
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