yo- anyone ever dealt with NT'er soleoreo?

Dec 8, 2001
dude lives in brooklyn, so i figure i might get some help from yall..

anyone know him or dealt with him for customs?

im trying to get a phone number to reach him, because he isnt answering his PMs, emails, and hasnt been on AIM in a month...

basically mr harry lu has a pair of my shoes and he all of a sudden disappeared...so just trying to get in touch with him or find out what happened to him...

any help is appreciated....
thanks yall...
I bought a shirt from him once and he seemed legit to me.
You might wanna check ISS, he has a lot of feedback on there and you can check his recent posts.

time dont go back, it goes foward
he hasnt posted there since may and hasnt posted here since april...

looks like i got got....

someone else on ISS made a thread saying they cant get a hold of this cat either...

any NYC nt'ers want to pay a visit to his crib to get my shoes/money back?
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