Yo! I just figured out some crazy ****!!!

Apr 7, 2008
Imagine this, between all the services like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc... What if they all shared their data?

Imagine how powerful this would be. They could probably pull up images, pull the Exchangeable image file format (EXIF) and or GPS data from all the images, videos, audio, etc in the world, and probably create a 3D map of where you are, and pretty much map out the entire country, or any country that uses these websites a lot.

Imagine, they could probably damn near create a real time, virtual city of your actual city and walk around in it like a video game. They could probably solve crimes like this, know what any and everybody's doing at any given momen, and do pretty much anything they wanted.

Crazy if you think about it...
Well I dont have instagram, twitter, facebook. or etc.

Would be a pretty blank world for me b.

Deep thinker I see. 
It's crazy how everybody can know what level you're on just by the **** people type, and it usually is some very well thought out, and well described thought and that's how herbs make people feel. It's a higher level, just like the act of getting high suggests.

And you wonder why they want to keep it illegal and there's a war against a plant. A PLANT.

Also says somthing about the strength of plants. Plants pretty must are our cures to everything. They live in complete harmony with us and we need them to survive. So why they cuttin down all the trees in the Amazon Rainforest, when the cure for AIDS and cancer could be there?

I'm on some real ****, no troll.
i dig you dude pause. you understand things.

wouldnt surprise me if something like that was in the pipeline.
Maybe they want to do it and oversize the population to the point where they say we "need" to chop down trees to make space for us to live.

Then eventually, all the trees are gone and and people had no way of natrually healing and they had to depend on the governments who have all the cures locked away and bound by "prescription only" laws so they can ration them out for only the rich who can afford.

If Magic Johnson got a cure for AIDS
And all the broke ************* passed away
You telling me if my grandma's in the NBA
Right now she'd be okay?

People need to pay attention to Kaye. Dude drop science in his music.

What if we learned to build on top of the trees? What if we learned to thrive on top of trees and eventually figured out construction that allowed us to live at the tops of trees where there's maximum sunlight and we could solar power everything? There's our solution to the energy chrysis. We would have clean and direct sunlight. The trees and plants might be our direct answer for a utopean world, but were cutting them all down.

That's a perfect metaphor for the war on marijuana.
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It's crazy how everybody can know what level you're on just by the **** people type, and it usually is some very well thought out, and well described thought and that's how herbs make people feel. It's a higher level, just like the act of getting high suggests.

And you wonder why they want to keep it illegal and there's a war against a plant. A PLANT.

Also says somthing about the strength of plants. Plants pretty must are our cures to everything. They live in complete harmony with us and we need them to survive. So why they cuttin down all the trees in the Amazon Rainforest, when the cure for AIDS and cancer could be there?

I'm on some real ****, no troll.
hell I aint even mad atcha same here....matter fact I had thought of this...actually took it a step further and thought what if some covert government type company agency program etc.... had a big super cpu/hard drive and it had a collection of all this, hell all of a persons cyber activity.... you know just in case you did something crazy like a mass murder, or some ish like a inside job 911
i dig you dude pause. you understand things.

wouldnt surprise me if something like that was in the pipeline.

Microsoft is trying to get XBOX ONE to require you to use a Kinect that must be plugged in and they tried to make us all HAVE to have them connected to the internet in order to use it. They would be ALL IN YOUR CRIB! You know how sensative that thing is? You can literally see heart beats in it.

Wise up.

and rise up.

Against the machine.
i think i need some of what you got :lol: i havent been on that plane since last summer when i had some medical in la la land
all i use to talk to my friends is skype or text/calls on my phone

no fb twitter etc for me :D
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