Yo NT Doctors I need help

Oct 28, 2007
I've had throat/chest congestion for the past two weeks and I feel it getting worse. What are some remedies? Ive done the gargle with warm salt water thing and nothing. Today I took some over the counter chest congestion tablets and they haven't been working.

I don't want to visit the doctor, I'm paranoid of my docs office.
Mucinex DM works wonders for me. You should see your doc and get that lean prescripto too just for %%*%% and giggles.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

I've had throat/chest congestion for the past two weeks and I feel it getting worse. What are some remedies? Ive done the gargle with warm salt water thing and nothing. Today I took some over the counter chest congestion tablets and they haven't been working.

I don't want to visit the doctor, I'm paranoid of my docs office.

Just go to the doctor before it gets worse, IMO
What type of feeling in your chest? Like hollow? or fluid? and what side of your chest? Are you throwing up/spitting anything?
Two weeks? Some home concoction won't solve that, go to urgentcare.
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

What type of feeling in your chest? Like hollow? or fluid? and what side of your chest? Are you throwing up/spitting anything?
Two weeks? Some home concoction won't solve that, go to urgentcare.

or die *shrug*
*Insert big sean you mad pic here*

I'm not big on doctors(hell I'd probably be working around things like you're trying to) but that doesn't sound normal for 2 weeks. You fought the good fight, but it's over
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

I've had throat/chest congestion for the past two weeks and I feel it getting worse. What are some remedies? Ive done the gargle with warm salt water thing and nothing.
You're having throat and chest congestion...but swishing something in your mouth is supposed to help?
I could understand salt water if you just got your wisdom teeth taken out...

...But that doesn't even make sense if you're familiar with E/N/T (ear, nose, throat) anatomy.

Tim Minchin has a joke about this that I always refer to: 

What do you call alternative medicine that works?


Remedies are for the most part, trash. 

I'm not saying that some herbs and berries don't have restorative properties, just that un-researched and unverified claims are worthless to us.

Today I took some over the counter chest congestion tablets and they haven't been working.

 Thats why're they're OTC. They're generic and non-specific. You need professional attention.
I don't want to visit the doctor, I'm paranoid of my docs office.

I hate to be "that guy," but you need to "man up" and make an appointment. 

There are millions of people without health access and you're basically too scared to make use of yours; think of it that way.

Additionally, while i'm not a doctor (yet... 
) I think you should list more info on your symptoms and recent history. Its pretty vague. 
They'd probably prescribe you antibiotics for your infection, soooo....

here are natural antibiotics:

Garlic - chop a clove up fine and then eat it. Helps to spoon it in your mouth and swallow it with water at the same time so you don't taste the garlic as much. Do it 3x a day and see how you feel. Cheap.

Colloidal Silver - potent antibiotic, but quite expensive. The brand Sovereign Silver is the best. Tastes like water.

Manuka Honey 16+ or better - this is medicinal honey basically. It has strong antibacterial properties.

Oregano oil - this comes in capsules and is usually around $10-$20

Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 tablespoons in a warm glass of water. This will soothe your cough. $3/bottle and has many uses. Braggs is the best brand. It won't really kill your infection though, just soothe symptoms. Take it along with any of the previously mentioned 4.
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

They'd probably prescribe you antibiotics for your infection, soooo....

here are natural antibiotics:

Garlic - chop a clove up fine and then eat it. Helps to spoon it in your mouth and swallow it with water at the same time so you don't taste the garlic as much. Do it 3x a day and see how you feel. Cheap.

Colloidal Silver - potent antibiotic, but quite expensive. The brand Sovereign Silver is the best. Tastes like water.

Manuka Honey 16+ or better - this is medicinal honey basically. It has strong antibacterial properties.

Oregano oil - this comes in capsules and is usually around $10-$20

Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 tablespoons in a warm glass of water. This will soothe your cough. $3/bottle and has many uses. Braggs is the best brand. It won't really kill your infection though, just soothe symptoms. Take it along with any of the previously mentioned 4.

Ah Yes! Twigs and berries! This is all he needed.

OP, i'm sorry but you can't take stuff like this seriously.

Honestly, you're better off eating lunch than following this. 
...and especially if you think a couple of dietary servings over one week will cure CHEST congestion... 

You give some people a few scientific words then they start slanging them around as if they know whats going on.

Dude has the audacity to suggest that he would be prescribed "antibiotics" as if HE KNOWS thats the cause of his ailment. Not all drugs are antibiotics...and on top of that, since he thinks he knows antibiotics would be prescribed, what does he do? He doesn't suggest any. He rather suggests a random amagalmation from your local whole foods. 

A quick search on all of those will show only loose connections to the claims you support. Not anything concrete.

I'm not all "pro-big pharma" or anything, I just like to know that if I suggest something that its methodically and empirically backed up over a consistent and viable timeline... stuff like Manuka Honey, has been suggested as being antimicrobial but doesn't offer any legitimate proof beyond mere suggestion. 

I'm really skeptical of a bunch of home-made remedies because most of it is subject to things like confirmation bias and the forer effect. 

Also, the WhatsTheHarm.net website has enough to make you take a second look into "alternative medicine"
Get over the fear or whatever about your Docs office, you probably waited too long to try all the natural or OTC cures, its probably a virus or infection at this point that needs antibiotics.
Went to urgent care this morning and waited for 45mins just for the doc to tell me I don't have a infection or anything, didn't prescribe me anything just told me to drink a lot of fluids and go back if it gets worse
change scenery...maybe wherever you are the air your breathing in is keeping coarse. change everything, even where you sleep.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

They'd probably prescribe you antibiotics for your infection, soooo....

here are natural antibiotics:

Garlic - chop a clove up fine and then eat it. Helps to spoon it in your mouth and swallow it with water at the same time so you don't taste the garlic as much. Do it 3x a day and see how you feel. Cheap.

Colloidal Silver - potent antibiotic, but quite expensive. The brand Sovereign Silver is the best. Tastes like water.

Manuka Honey 16+ or better - this is medicinal honey basically. It has strong antibacterial properties.

Oregano oil - this comes in capsules and is usually around $10-$20

Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 tablespoons in a warm glass of water. This will soothe your cough. $3/bottle and has many uses. Braggs is the best brand. It won't really kill your infection though, just soothe symptoms. Take it along with any of the previously mentioned 4.

Ah Yes! Twigs and berries! This is all he needed.

OP, i'm sorry but you can't take stuff like this seriously.

Honestly, you're better off eating lunch than following this. 
...and especially if you think a couple of dietary servings over one week will cure CHEST congestion... 

You give some people a few scientific words then they start slanging them around as if they know whats going on.

Dude has the audacity to suggest that he would be prescribed "antibiotics" as if HE KNOWS thats the cause of his ailment. Not all drugs are antibiotics...and on top of that, since he thinks he knows antibiotics would be prescribed, what does he do? He doesn't suggest any. He rather suggests a random amagalmation from your local whole foods. 

A quick search on all of those will show only loose connections to the claims you support. Not anything concrete.

I'm not all "pro-big pharma" or anything, I just like to know that if I suggest something that its methodically and empirically backed up over a consistent and viable timeline... stuff like Manuka Honey, has been suggested as being antimicrobial but doesn't offer any legitimate proof beyond mere suggestion. 

I'm really skeptical of a bunch of home-made remedies because most of it is subject to things like confirmation bias and the forer effect. 

Also, the WhatsTheHarm.net website has enough to make you take a second look into "alternative medicine"




Real people. Real accounts of their effectiveness.

When a product has 200 reviews and all of them but 8 are positive, I think there is something there to substantiate it.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Went to urgent care this morning and waited for 45mins just for the doc to tell me I don't have a infection or anything, didn't prescribe me anything just told me to drink a lot of fluids and go back if it gets worse

Why are you mad? If you don't have an infection or anything that requires a script, why would he give one to you? Did you WANT bad news? 
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Went to urgent care this morning and waited for 45mins just for the doc to tell me I don't have a infection or anything, didn't prescribe me anything just told me to drink a lot of fluids and go back if it gets worse

Why are you mad? If you don't have an infection or anything that requires a script, why would he give one to you? Did you WANT bad news? 
OP is now free to consume lemon juice and peanut butter with a side of green tea to cure his cancer too. It worked so well for steve jobs. 
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Went to urgent care this morning and waited for 45mins just for the doc to tell me I don't have a infection or anything, didn't prescribe me anything just told me to drink a lot of fluids and go back if it gets worse
It's funny, whenever I try to ask my doctor a question via email (he encourages that on his web page), he never gives me an answer and just tells me to come see him knowing I gotta give up that co-pay. Them white coats grind everyday!
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