Zoom Kobe I Post - Release Dates and Pictures

is Sheikh an urban account?
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly-Robert Kennedy.
go 49ers and Lakers
i got a call from a nike csr around 3 confirming my shipping address. she said they will be to me tomorrow but it still says "pending"

quick question for all who have these early: how is the fit of these? can anyone compare them to any shoes that are out there?

They run big, like .5 size. They have a lot of room and to me kinda feels like the air retro penny 1, except way more comfortable.
Wear your kicks!
Whats the deal...? Mine still havent shipped and I did two day air. And for those that did multiple orders did yours get cancelled???
i did 2 orders for myself, not for re-sell, HOWEVER each go to different addresses....anyone know, would that be ok??? would they cancel that???(somebody said it would be fine becuase he did that before, but i'm just paranoid)

o yea, it's still pending for me too.(so it could not be the 11.5's posted online that were cancelled before)

any info on the release on the 18th!? LE? anyone in bay area know where they gunna have these? niketown!?! thnks. im dying for a pair of the black/maize and i missed the online release last friday cuz of my basketball game. couldn't stop thinkin of 'em running back and forth on the court. lol. well anyone with a sz 9.5 or 10 sale lemme. know. thnks
Yeah mine is still pending as well. I spoke to at least 6 different reps today and all had a different story. One said that everything is ok with my order and it should have been sent out 2day (which it didnt) another said for me to watch out because nike is looking through the packaging and is cancelling multiple orders not based on shipping address but billing. Another told me that everything is fine because Nike always looks through but they never cancel! Another said everything should be sent out 2morrow morning. And another said everything is fine there just waiting to be picked up by UPS. And one I just spoke to said there not gonna ship until wednesday or thrusday because there going through to see who did multiple and who didnt. I HOPE mines dont get cancelled. I know yea its a limited thing and all but its not like Nike actually listed it on there site when they released these saying one per person/household so they shouldent hold that against us.
o shoot, if they're checking billing address....i never heard of that! that's crazy! it says one per household, not one per billing addresses...crazy....hope they don't do that...

BTW, if anyone have done multiple addresses and got theirs cancelled....do they cancel ALL orders or only allow ONE to be shipped??? (i need to know...please)

BTW, if anyone have done multiple addresses and got theirs cancelled....do they cancel ALL orders or only allow ONE to be shipped???
Well when I spoke to them half of the reps said yeah the whole order will get cancelled and the other half said that only one will get cancelled. And btw where does it say one per household??
And btw where does it say one per household??

SO TRUE, SO TRUE! Those of you who did multiple orders, anyone got cancelled yet? HOLLA BACK!

AND, if anyone did multiple orders, did you guys ordered with multiple addresses??

again, if you ordered more than one pair and order them to sell, I hope entire order gets cancelled!!
There was no limit posted on the promotion.
Thats exactly the point I'm trying to make. The only thing in this promotion that was said was its a limited edition shoe and will be in select retailers on the 18th. There was no indication saying that this is limited to one person and or household. We shouldent be held responsible for Nikes dumb mistakes. And if both my orders get cancelled I'm gonna be VERY upset. And to those that might say damn me or I'm a reseller thats not the case at all, I just want one for wearing and the other for collecting.
I hope some more get cancelled. I still need my size 11.5 -VVV-
Feel sorry for those that do tho
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