A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. Who has read this book?

I read this book halfway and stop, I need to pick it up again. It is an interesting book as far as how we let the ego control who were are and how we side withpeople. But at the end of the day, it feels like you go back to being your old self cause people have conflicts with your goals in daily life.
My advice: Ditch this book and discard what you did read.

Tolle's "spiritual guidance" is nothing more than self-reliance and self-justification.

It completely ignores any personal accountability to God and the need for a Savior (Jesus).

Pick up a Bible instead.

Further reading suggestion: "More Than A Carpenter" by Josh McDowell.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

My advice: Ditch this book and discard what you did read.

Tolle's "spiritual guidance" is nothing more than self-reliance and self-justification.

It completely ignores any personal accountability to God and the need for a Savior (Jesus).

Pick up a Bible instead.

Further reading suggestion: "More Than A Carpenter" by Josh McDowell.

Benjamin Franklin - "Lighthouses are more useful than churches"

John Adams - " This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it"

Thomas Jefferson - "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man"
Originally Posted by Burns1923

My advice: Ditch this book and discard what you did read.

Tolle's "spiritual guidance" is nothing more than self-reliance and self-justification.

It completely ignores any personal accountability to God and the need for a Savior (Jesus).

Pick up a Bible instead.

Further reading suggestion: "More Than A Carpenter" by Josh McDowell.
Why do we need a Savior though? And he doesn't ignore personal accountability to God, just to one organized religion.
I feel the Bible is outdated for the large part, but you can still take some things from it. As far as it being an infallible holy text...ehhh
it was a good read imo daytona.

check it out..............i gave it to my mom after she wasnt feelin it.
^damn why didnt' she like it? Is she religious or something? Its the first book I've ever read with a highligher in my hand
Benjamin Franklin - "Lighthouses are more useful than churches"

John Adams - " This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it"

Thomas Jefferson - "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man"

Your response is to quote "thinkers" as a source of wisdom?

I can come up with some profound quotes and then you can quote me if you wish.

The result will be the same as the quotes above: prejudiced, myopic opinions based on limited, flawed human reasoning and logic.

You are entitled to your opinion; it's simply helpful in real discussion, however, to check pre-disposed bias at the door.

Apparently, you have not done that.

Back to the thread...
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Burns1923

My advice: Ditch this book and discard what you did read.

Tolle's "spiritual guidance" is nothing more than self-reliance and self-justification.

It completely ignores any personal accountability to God and the need for a Savior (Jesus).

Pick up a Bible instead.

Further reading suggestion: "More Than A Carpenter" by Josh McDowell.
Why do we need a Savior though? And he doesn't ignore personal accountability to God, just to one organized religion.
I feel the Bible is outdated for the large part, but you can still take some things from it. As far as it being an infallible holy text...ehhh

If Jesus' death were simply a tragic event that ended the life of an ordinary man, then it wouldn't make much difference to us today.

But what if Jesus was more than a mere man? What if He was actually who the Bible says He is-the divine Son of God, sent from heaven to save us from our sins?What if His death wasn't simply a tragic accident but part of God's eternal plan to make possible our salvation? I think you'd agree that thatwould make all the difference.

And that is exactly what happened when Jesus died on the cross. Yes, from a human point of view Jesus' death was simply another tragedy-but from God'spoint of view it accomplished far more than we could ever imagine. The Bible puts it this way: "This man was handed over to you by God's set purposeand foreknowledge" (Acts 2:23). In God's plan, by His death on the cross Jesus became the full and final sacrifice for our sins.

Just as the men who signed our nation's Declaration of Independence over 200 years ago accomplished something that is still with us, so-in a far greaterway-what Jesus did on the cross 2,000 years ago is still with us. Why did He die? He died because God loves us and He wants us to spend eternity with Him inheaven. Don't turn away from Him, but by faith ask Christ to come into your life today-and He will.


i just started reading this book today while @ lunch and i come back and see this.

thanks to the NTer who recommended this to me
Just wondering Burns1923 have you read the book? The author doesn't deny the existence of Jesus or anything, but he just has a different interpretation ofhis message, which makes more sense to me than believing in the God that my parents forced me to believe in.

Is Jesus the only way into "heaven"? What happens to those who never heard about him at all, yet lived a good life? Do they fry in hell with all theunbelievers, and sinners?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Just wondering Burns1923 have you read the book? The author doesn't deny the existence of Jesus or anything, but he just has a different interpretation of his message, which makes more sense to me than believing in the God that my parents forced me to believe in.

Is Jesus the only way into "heaven"? What happens to those who never heard about him at all, yet lived a good life? Do they fry in hell with all the unbelievers, and sinners?
I am aware of the content of this book. What triggered my questioning was that one of my family members received it as some sort of present and Iresearched Tolle's perspective.

The results amounted to nothing more than re-packaged "New Age" ideas.

Basic concepts of this misleading perspective include the idea that people can interact with the "universe" in order to impact the events of life,and the concept that if a person, by their own made-up standards, tries hard enough to "do" the "right" things, he or she can"achieve" some type of spiritual "peace". The result of this causes a person to look to themselves as their source of wisdom andpardoning. Imagine if you committed a crime but simply declared yourself innocent and that you're free to go. Just as a criminal cannot judge and pardonhimself, we cannot be our own judge and grant our own pardon.

Although God is sovereign and He can deal with individuals in extraordinary ways, He tells us in the Bible that there's no other way to reach Him exceptthrough His one provision - Jesus Christ (John 14:6). From this we can conclude that those who have never heard of Christ are indeed lost, but not because of God. They ignoreGod's urging to seek Him. People don't end up in hell because of what they haven't heard; they get there because they fail to act responsibly onwhat God has already revealed to them - whether through Creation in Romans 1, through their conscience in Romans 2, or through the light of Christ in Romans 3.

God tells us in the Bible that He has set eternity in our hearts. No person is without personal conviction that God is real and yearns to draw us to Himthrough a relationship with Jesus Christ.

One of the most serious errors we can make about heaven is to believe we can get there by our own good works. We imagine that God puts our good deeds and ourbad deeds in a balance, and whichever side weighs more will determine our salvation.

But it isn't true - and the reason is because God is perfect, and even one sin is enough to keep us out of His holy presence. The Bible says, "Forwhoever keeps the whole law (of God) and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it" (James 2:10).

Have you ever seen a program on the way computer chips or antibiotics are made? Manufacturers go out of their way to make them in a totally cleanlaboratory-because even one particle of dust could contaminate them and make them useless. In a far greater way, even one sin will contaminate us and keep usfrom God's presence.

But this is why Christ came! We are sinners - but He was sinless, and when He died on the cross all our sins were transferred to Him. He took the judgment andhell we deserve, and when we trust Him as our Lord and Savior, His righteousness is transferred to us. Don't trust in your own goodness for your salvation.Instead, you can trust Christ and by faith ask Him to come into your heart today. He alone can save you.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Benjamin Franklin - "Lighthouses are more useful than churches"

John Adams - " This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it"

Thomas Jefferson - "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man"

Your response is to quote "thinkers" as a source of wisdom?

I can come up with some profound quotes and then you can quote me if you wish.

The result will be the same as the quotes above: prejudiced, myopic opinions based on limited, flawed human reasoning and logic.

You are entitled to your opinion; it's simply helpful in real discussion, however, to check pre-disposed bias at the door.

Apparently, you have not done that.

Back to the thread...



Originally Posted by dgk3188

the thing is....

you're making an argument about something false.



In science class, would you ever have approached your teacher and told him or her: "You're making an argument about something false." ?

Likely, they'd ask you how you can make such a statement in the face of proven facts.

Just because you say something is invalid or false doesn't mean it is.

I can say I don't believe gravity exists but if I jump off of something, I'm going to fall.

I can say I don't believe in inertia so therefore if I step in front of traffic I won't get hit. Obviously, any rational person knows what thatoutcome would be.
Hmmm what you say sounds so convincing, but that may be due to the fact that I was programmed to believe all of that was fact
My question is, what makes you so CERTAIN, that your christian god is the true God and the God of any other religion is a false God?
If you were to ask anyone else from another religion I'm sure they would be totally convinced that their god is the true God, so how do you
know if you are right or wrong? In the book the author says that religion is just a tool used to divide us from one another, instead of unifying us.

And you say only Jesus alone can save me. Save me from what exactly? The bible says that the only way to heaven is accepting Jesus as your personal savior.During the time of Jesus, how would lets say the Incas or Mayans who were on the other side of the earth have heard of the good news? Are they automaticallycondemned? What about the mentally challenged? Stillborn? Remember the bible says we are all born into sin, so are they going to be crisping in hell?

this thread is going off topic but I don't mind discussion.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Hmmm what you say sounds so convincing, but that may be due to the fact that I was programmed to believe all of that was fact
My question is, what makes you so CERTAIN, that your christian god is the true God and the God of any other religion is a false God?
If you were to ask anyone else from another religion I'm sure they would be totally convinced that their god is the true God, so how do you
know if you are right or wrong? In the book the author says that religion is just a tool used to divide us from one another, instead of unifying us.

And you say only Jesus alone can save me. Save me from what exactly? The bible says that the only way to heaven is accepting Jesus as your personal savior. During the time of Jesus, how would lets say the Incas or Mayans who were on the other side of the earth have heard of the good news? Are they automatically condemned? What about the mentally challenged? Stillborn? Remember the bible says we are all born into sin, so are they going to be crisping in hell?

this thread is going off topic but I don't mind discussion.

Simply look at Jesus and what He did. Faith is believing. People who choose not to believe God have faith in the idea that they are right and that He iswrong. In any case, faith is trusting in something or someone. Jesus said "I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No man comes to the Father exceptthrough Me." No other religion has ever claimed to be Who Jesus claimed to be. Remember, religion and God are not the same thing. Throughout all ofhuman history, people have tried to "do" enough or "be" enough through religion. Religion is people's way ofreconciling themselves with God but it is not GOD's way.

I cannot convince you of a single thing. I can only encourage you to seek Jesus Christ for yourself. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and He will. If youhave a Bible, I encourage you to begin by reading gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.

To your question about those seemingly not capable of understanding (mentally challenged) or the stillborn -

in my human undertanding of the Bible and the ways of God, children who are stillborn or who unfortunately pass away while they are still very young - tooyoung to understand - are with God in heaven. I can't claim to know the precise details of God's handling of the matter but presumably children whopass away before they are old enough to understand their own sin and the consequences of that sin are with God.

Concerning mentally challenged children - again, I don't know every detail of God's dealings in this particular matter - God knows the capabilities ofeach of those children and I believe He lovingly receives them in heaven as He does with the young children discussed above.
I haven't read that one yet. I'm still on "the power of now" it's a very good read but somewhat difficult to actually apply, at least forme. there are some really good points though and I for one know that I have a hard time living in the moment. and thus find myself unhappy a lot. and I defstay in my mind a lot so it has encouraged me to pay more attention to my body. cus man, after 28 years sometimes I get sick of listening to myself think.
and the parts about giving up the whole ego thing are very similar to what Jesus was about so just because someone isn't a 'christian' thendon't knock their path Burns1923. what is it with some religious people that makes them think 'their' way is the only way? too many problems in theworld are due to this..
A quote from the book

Most ancient religions and spiritual traditions share the common insight-that our "normal" state of mind is marred by a fundamental defect. However, out of this insight into the nature of the human condition- we may call it the bad news- arises a second insight: the good news or the possibility of a radical transformation of human consciousness. In Hindu teachings (and sometimes in Buddhism also), the transformation is called enlightenment. In the teachings of Jesus, it is salvation, and in Buddhism, it is the end of suffering. Liberation and awakening are other terms used to describe this transformation.

fundamentally all "religions" are basically the same, or have the same end result.

Do you believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, nothing omitted and nothing extra included?
Any book that is recommended by Oprah,i'll pass

Read the power of now by eckhart tolle which is the much better book

you're telling us not to read a book because Oprah recommended it...

yet you are telling us to read another book by the same author

what is the logic behind that good sir?
Burns1923 - I think you are the only person on NT who has ever spoken in favor of religion this calmly and eloquently.

So you are saying you have faith that this is the "right" (for lack of a better term) way to live your life and that all other religions arefollowing false Gods? Do you ever think about the other side, where they have faith in their God and you are the one following the false God? How can you dealwith this knowledge knowing that choosing the wrong path can lead to eternal damnation? Also, what is the difference between following the teachings of theBible and accepting Jesus Christ as your savior? Why must I do that if I am already living the way I "should" be?

ps - f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
One thing I like about the book is it shows us about our Ego.
Even though I can't/won't change over night, it feels good to be able to
aware of your EGO talking or acting.
This is a good discussion, although I bring nothing of real value to it.

I would like to say that out of all the motivational books and self help series, the Bible is the only one truly believe in, just through seeing God work in mylife.

I know this sounds preachy, and I hate to sound that way, but ask God to reveal Himself to you, and He will.

You not gonna lose on Jesus, you GET paper !@!%$# with Jesus. All you gotta do is lay it down.
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