LOTR vs Star Wars

Ska, do me a favor and make me care about all that jazz you were quoting from SW. I couldn't care any less, but I'd like to care more.There's gottabe something more than weak $%# light sabers and rinkydink force powers. Either that, or there's a depth in it all that I'm missing here. I'd takeSpider Sense over the Force 8 days a week.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Ska, do me a favor and make me care about all that jazz you were quoting from SW. I couldn't care any less, but I'd like to care more.There's gotta be something more than weak $%# light sabers and rinkydink force powers. Either that, or there's a depth in it all that I'm missing here. I'd take Spider Sense over the Force 8 days a week.
Star Wars is all about political conflict. Maybe if you're into politics, that might sway you a bit.....but I highly doubt it

Anyways for me its

Star Wars by a mile

& Harry Potter > LOTR

I appreciate all three though
Star Wars OG Trilogy *before the various remakes and #%%* > *

Although the lightsaber fights in 1-3 are better. That's about it tho.

I used to be a huuuuuuge Star Wars geek. Had the SW card game (like pokemon), read most of the books (pre and post OG trilogy), played pretty much all of thevideo games (ep 4-6 games on SNES, all the computer games like XWing vs. TIE, Jedi Knight, Knights of Old Republic), pretty much have the movies memorized,used to play RPG on the old AOL message boards
. I still remember random nerdy facts like Han Solo carried a DL-44 blaster pistol and an Imperial class IStar Destroyer has 60 turbolasers

so yeah.....I was really into Star Wars....
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I'd take Spider Sense over the Force 8 days a week.
That's like saying you'd rather have hops than be able to fly.

Mind tricks, levitating objects, ESP-like abilities, the ability to spontaneously generate energy...the list goes on. Spider Sense is like the Fisher Priceversion of The Force ..."My First Extra Sensory Perceptions".
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I'd take Spider Sense over the Force 8 days a week.
That's like saying you'd rather have hops than be able to fly.

Mind tricks, levitating objects, ESP-like abilities, the ability to spontaneously generate energy...the list goes on. Spider Sense is like the Fisher Price version of The Force ..."My First Extra Sensory Perceptions".

The Force is not to be effed with. I mean, I'd take it just of the strength of Vader's Force Choke. "I find your lack of faithdisturbing...." Not even including Yoda lifting up the X-Wing, or Obi-Wan "These aren't the droids you're looking for...." Man,I'm finna break out the tapes right now...
kids these days.

I love Lord of the Rings. Incredible work. I enjoyed every second of all 3 films, like the books, like the Hobbit, good times.

They ain't even SNIFF Star Wars.

Not even in the same galaxy.

Those of you just talkin about the movies and got Jar Jar on the brain, open the expanded universe then come back and talk.

Grand Admiral Thrawn, people.
Admiral Daala, ya'll.
What you know about Mara Jade?
Vergere. Yoda got nothin on her
Maybe the story of two Jedi twins squaring off when one becomes a Sith Lord might interest you.
Luke vs a clone of himself.
Or Luke vs a clone of the emperor.
Yuuzhan Vong.

Talon Karrde pimp of information

Come on now. The stuff that hasn't even been seen on film alone is > then LOTR. Beleive me.

"Would it help if I got out and pushed?"
"It might"

"That's no moon, that's a spacestation"

"Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father did he?"
"He told me enough..... he told me you killed him."
"No.....I am your father."

Originally Posted by infamousod

yeah its true...but the real question would be to start ranking trilogies

Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Die Hard
Back to the Future
Mission Impossible
Jurassic Park
Rush Hour

divided by genre or not...even though most of those aren't trilogies anymore.
how did the godfather end up at the bottom of thatlist? even if the third was weak the first and second carry the trilogy all the way to second behind Star Wars.

CP1708 put me on where can i read those stories? books, online, etc?
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