It's crazy cause I've been on this for awhile and I don't remember what the dream was about.. I do remember when I woke up though.

Wood so solid it looked like my 5% ancestors came and pitched a tent under my blanket.

Could cut diamonds with that mf this morning.

Bruh it was 4 AM and im in almost pitch black struggling to meditate that **** back down
Dont really have that urge like i did day 1, smooth sailing from here :smokin
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Gadem. Feels like they're gonna explode and fertilize all these chicks in class. Indiscriminately.
Bruh I've been having some WILD fantasies... I never usually have any.

The next chick I hit is going to get RAVAGED. UOENO :smh:
^ true, i started downloading and reading comics on my tablet.  I'm also reading A Clash of Kings when i'm home alone.
I need to be out

I'm at the laundromat and there is this ugly *** attendant with a phatty and I'm plotting on putting my bid in.

I need to jack off man.
The urge hit me hard today... had me like..

Why must this scene drop when im on this mission SMH.. And I'm doing the *challenge* too. this will be tough
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It will be a week for me tomorrow... My balls are about to explode b. I'm trying to stay in public places so I don't do it :smh:
breezed through day thru, i wonder when im gonna hit the wall and really test my willpower
The appreciation threads really put me to the test today :rofl:. Still in though.
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Man im in this. Were all gonna make it brahs. No urges at all. School helps od. Gym does too
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