Cap got Bucky's back. I'm sure together they'll surprise BP in a parking lot or something.
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Man I think this thread is going to be pretty crazy that first week after CW comes out. It should be pretty fun.
You know what jays25 jays25 ... I like you. That's a great idea. If done right.

Appreciate it man :smokin And yeah I think it has a lot of potential. We've already seen MJ, had Gwen in the last set of films, and after them I think Black Cat is Spider-Man's most well-known or important love interest. Also has the added benefit of a female character that can do more than just add romance to the film, because she has her own skills/powers that can allow her to either fight against Spider-Man or alongside him.

Man, I want to see my boy Peter with Black Cat again.

I was going to say he should've tried his damndest to get with Felicia in the fox cartoon.

You know I actually think the Fox cartoon (Really need to get that on DVD) gave respect to Pete's relationship with Felicia and Mary Jane. You had him pining after Felicia at first, but then Mary Jane showed up and he made a go with her. Then she disappeared and Felicia became Black Cat, and Peter was hooking up with her. Then he and MJ (Or her clone anyways) got married. Either way, both got some attention. But the episodes dealing with Spider-Man and Black Cat were some of the best in the series in all honesty. Mary Jane was out there with being disrespectful and dating Peter's best friend :smh:
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I don't know about that though. What happens at the end of Planet Hulk "justifies" Hulks thirst for vengeance. I think WWH would be a much better movie if they did Planet Hulk first. 

First off remember, movies NEVER go as scripted as the comics. Hulks vengeance doesn't have to come from Planet Hulk. Planet Hulk is a great story but not necessary for WWH. In fact, if they wanted to (they won't) they could use Civil War as a reason for WWH.

What if in the climatic finish of Civil War Black Widow tries to stop Tony and Steve from killing each other and ends up dying somehow playing peacemaker. Banner blames both sides for her death and goes into an uncontrollable rage seeking revenge on every participant in the fight amongst Tony and Steve.

Again, it's unlikely. But I think Widow's death would be a good substitute for actually doing a Planet Hulk. I would love for them to do a PH but I would prefer a WWH movie between the two films. With the studios doubt over how they'd do a PH film or its success, doing WWH has enough supporting players to keep it grounded in comparison.
This is why their little romance in AOU was terrible. This sounds like a bad plot point for a movie.

You killed the chick I kinda like but left cuz I'm too dangerous and now she's dead cuz yall were fighting, WWH? Nah.
Cap got Bucky's back. I'm sure together they'll surprise BP in a parking lot or something.
Look at you, only can think of how Bucky and Cap can jump somebody.

None of that team want to see BP in a one on one.
:lol: if they cast Zendaya as MJ. Cant wait until all of the belligerent comic fans and low key racists rage at that.

Nice addition to the cast regardless.
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