Nike Air Huarache Trainer: Black/Cool Blue 2/5/15, PRM Medicine Balls out now

THATERA THATERA is the 2015 pair really blue in person? Or are they a blueish grey? How are the materials?

Thanks for the pics btw.
Got 2 pair of the 2011 still .Couldnt pass at 80 bux a pop. Still gonna get a pair of these. whats retail?
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Thanks. Mine come in on Wednesday.

Whered you cop from? nvm..saw eastbay dropped em early. They did the same on the 2011 retro but you had to call and phone order.Chat rep says theyll have more on 2/17
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Still love my 2001 pair the best even tho they are cool grey

Thing that stood out to me the most that there was no mention of air at all on the eastbay description

Ill probably still end up buying if they drop in price. Retire my 2001 pair before they yellow
I'm so glad to see they're not too blue. I had second thoughts after seeing previous pics but they're back on the list.
they seem to be the exact same color as the grey and yellow trainers
  Good!  The OG's were both made of the same material.  Now, if we could just get both with the same color nappy suede, we'd be in business.  They definitely need to make that happen on the Trainer 91.


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