creepiest thing that has happened to you? Vol. The Call.

While living in NYC, the apartment my mom moved into with me and my younger brother was home to the ghost of her friends son who passed away. First day she moved in she put the pots and pan on a rack, middle of the night it sounded like someone moved their hands across them. She dipped to my grandmas for a few days.

I had an imaginary friend while living in the apartment, one day she walks by me while I'm playing with my toys and I say "Ma you walked right on him" She asked me who's him and I said the sons name, and while pointing said "he's right there". No one was there.

She would feel his presence while she would shower.

I get goosebumps telling this one:
Pops started working at a bowling alley as an overnight janitor. I started going with him on the weekends to help him out. About a month in I'm talking to one of the managers, its just my dad, manager, and me. Manager tells me that the place is haunted and my nosey *** wants to know more. Pops doesn't wanna hear it so he moves to the other part of the bowling alley. Manager tells me how one night he was doing an inventory check, when one of the lanes buzzes. He thinks its a mouse or dust that caused it. Then the next lane buzzes, then the next one. He shuts down power to the lanes and says "try it now" Every lane there after buzzed, by mid bowling alley, he left. After that weird things started happening, you would feel like you were being watched and if you were alone you would get this uneasy feeling that someone was with you. I could tell my dad didn't want to go back there but he would and when I would go he told me to never leave his sight. It all made sense once he quit and told us all that one night while it was just him out of the corner of his eyes while moping down the lanes he saw someone walk down the entire lane from the back area, take a seat, stare right at him, get up and walk back behind the lane area. He was so shook he didn't wanna look up. That place still gives me the creeps from the memories.

More stories to come but I'm not on the laptop.
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Man i remember goin to the abandoed mental hospitals in san antonio.

I was like 11 and me and some ppl went about 10 deep. Theres 3 buildings, and we were walking out of the second one, along the side of it when i look up and see some girl in a gown on the top floor loom at me and hit the window with er palm and scream "**** of here!!" We start walkin fast towards the back buidlig and stop cuz a homie fell. Dude fell on his back but when he got up he had fingernail scratches all over one of his arms.

We used to go to te rooftop and blaze at like 2 in the morning at a dam abandonded mental hospital. Some of te rooms still had the bed frames and **** was spooky. Some doors would slam.

One day i saw some lil girls outaide playin jump rome by this big *** cross. They saw me, stopped, and RAN. Almost pissed myself.

Then one day my cousin invites all these ppl from these haunted tracks in san antonio wich werent to far from te mental hospital.

There was at least 15 cars that followed us. So she tells us wait in the car wit these two duded we knew.

10 min later EVERYBODY is running out. Apparently somone got scared started shooting, someone ended up gettin stomped on while ppl were runnin out and all kinda crazy ghost ish went down
that's creepy as ____ OP :x

My creepiness moment I can think of at the moment was in the gym locker room I found a 64 GB MicroSD card on the floor and took it to use for my phone. I put it in to look what's inside the card and I find that the whole card is filled with just pictures and videos of this one guy in his prison cell. Rockin back and forth, sleeping, sitting in the corner, talking to himself, etch
I was riding a trail with some friends , when heading back it was early evening so it began to get dark. There was a huge hill we had to ride down on the way back , we were all cruising but I took a spill. I was a little shaken up and a random guy came to help me up, I said thanks , he smiled and said no problem and called me by name. A few minutes later my friends got back to where I was and I told them a guy helped me out but they all said there didn't seem to be anyone around because it was kind of Late for most riders to be out.
That's wild, the part that gets me is that he called you by your name. But why didn't your friends stop for you?
That's wild, the part that gets me is that he called you by your name. But why didn't your friends stop for you?

It was a steep hill so the momentum will take you for a while, and I take it they thought I was coming or just messing with them. Yea the whole encounter was weird but the guy was very friendly so it didn't freak me out.
My friend says that when he was baby these elve things appeared to him

He says that when they appear it’s to give you good fortune

He found out by hearing his Mom and Grandmother discussing it

His Grandmother was like “ The Duwendes presented themselves to him”

Story creeps me out
My creepiness moment I can think of at the moment was in the gym locker room I found a 64 GB MicroSD card on the floor and took it to use for my phone. I put it in to look what's inside the card and I find that the whole card is filled with just pictures and videos of this one guy in his prison cell. Rockin back and forth, sleeping, sitting in the corner, talking to himself, etch

imagine if that person in the cell is you in the future
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The dreams in the night terrors were always black and white, one was being crushed alive by some sort of huge ball rolling down the street crushing other people and eventually me, and the other was being eaten alive by a monster. Typical dreams for a 3-4 year old but the thing is I would have these so often that I always assumed everyone else had them. I never brought it up or thought about it until I talked to my mom and she remembered and it dawned on me no one else i knew went through it.
Bruh. I remember there was a period in my life I was probably around 7 or 8 and for like a month I had this reoccuring nightmare. When i fell asleep, all id see is white with a black dot in the centre, and I could hear numerous people talking. That dot would get bigger and bigger and as it grew so did the volume of those voices, untill those voices were screaming loud enough to wake me and id wake up.
**** had me scared to sleep and I still dont know what caused it or what it even meant
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BRUHH i **** you not, i had the exact dream when i was younger, happened on a few occasions, same exact dream. i used to wake up scared as **** and swore it was gonna happen in real life.
Yeah dude, it was crazy, very detailed and i guess im not the only one

Bruh. I remember there was a period in my life I was probably around 7 or 8 and for like a month I had this reoccuring nightmare. When i fell asleep, all id see is white with a black dot in the centre, and I could hear numerous people talking. That dot would get bigger and bigger and as it grew so did the volume of those voices, untill those voices were screaming loud enough to wake me and id wake up.
**** had me scared to sleep and I still dont know what caused it or what it even meant
Yes dude the voices were always from those around me while i was having the night terrors. I remember that vividly too. Your dream is similar to what mine were at my young age at the time
BRUHH i **** you not, i had the exact dream when i was younger, happened on a few occasions, same exact dream. i used to wake up scared as **** and swore it was gonna happen in real life.
Yeah dude, it was crazy, very detailed and i guess im not the only one

Bruh. I remember there was a period in my life I was probably around 7 or 8 and for like a month I had this reoccuring nightmare. When i fell asleep, all id see is white with a black dot in the centre, and I could hear numerous people talking. That dot would get bigger and bigger and as it grew so did the volume of those voices, untill those voices were screaming loud enough to wake me and id wake up.
**** had me scared to sleep and I still dont know what caused it or what it even meant
Yes dude the voices were always from those around me while i was having the night terrors. I remember that vividly too. Your dream is similar to what mine were at my young age at the time
Wow man. The fact we could all have VERY similar nightmares is freaking me out on some Elm street ish, but its also very interesting. You guys are the first I've ever heard with similar dreams and I've asked alot of my friends too. I better not have those dreams again next time I sleep 

Bruh. I remember there was a period in my life I was probably around 7 or 8 and for like a month I had this reoccuring nightmare. When i fell asleep, all id see is white with a black dot in the centre, and I could hear numerous people talking. That dot would get bigger and bigger and as it grew so did the volume of those voices, untill those voices were screaming loud enough to wake me and id wake up.
**** had me scared to sleep and I still dont know what caused it or what it even meant
Dude i had something very similar. Its hard to describe really, i don't even remember what the actual dream was but i would wake up and it would still feel as if everything was so loud and everything was kind of crashing down on me. i still can't really describe it but i would be up and id have to give it a few mins to calm down and such. 
^man for real can someone do some research into that deam and tell us what it means. Im too scared to look it up 
I remember I didn't know what sleep paralysis was and I thought something was wrong with me :lol:

Maybe that is common
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In Houston, there's this street called Patterson Road. It's supposedly haunted. My friends and I would drive down that road at like 2 AM just to see what the hype was about. Drove through it, and halfway down the road we saw a redneck looking dude just sitting on the side of the road. We drove by him and got to the end of the road. Then we were like "so is that a real dude or a ghost or what?" Then we drove back down it again and the guy was gone.

Probably just trippin out. He probably just left or something.
every few months or so i will hear an extremely loud knock at my door. it varies between my bedroom door and the front door to my house. its always loud enough to wake me up but never to startle me. Of course there is never anyone there.

It happened again this morning at 2 amish.
My brother was visiting Pakistan and the place he was staying at wad a split between a new reno and a really old house. There was a wall between the two, but on the first floor there was a cereal box shaped opening. Now the room he was sleeping in lead directly to that hallway. He told me one night he just happened to be up and he seen a dark figure with long hair walking towards the opening and as he noticed it it stopped for a few seconds and continued on and went through the opening.

He also mentioned seeing a cat with a woman's face. As bizarre as that sounds I was and still am skeptical. However one day my cousin was drawing out something happened to be what my brother seen. They both talked about then confirmed they seen it around in that house. He also mentioned he seen it out of his bedroom window one time here in NY...

Will post more later.
I'm on vacation in NC and driving ATV's with my brother up some remote mountains on a overgrown trail. This trail is legit hard as F to ride up due to the incline and rocks/foilage but we keep pushing for the challenge. We hit the top and it opens up a bit to a surreal scene. There were 20 foot poles starnding erect in the ground about 15 feet apart in a rectangular form surrounding "the building". There was clearly still construction going on as there was barbed wire laying on the ground--presumably mean to be fastened to the fence and poles.

So the building was relatively small and nondescript, and built into the side of the mountain. It had all white siding and NO DOORS OR WINDOWS, NONE. Now there was a bunch of construction materials (new) scattered throughout the property, all of which were way to big to logically be on the top of that mountain. We walked around the whole area surrounding the building and there was no road. And as I said, the trail we road in on was overgrown and hadnt been used in at least two years. At that point it was getting eerie so we dipped, thinking it was like an execution house or something. I went home and researched and it could have possibly been one of those post-apocolyptic shelters. But how did the materials and the house get up there..:x
My friend says that when he was baby these elve things appeared to him

He says that when they appear it’s to give you good fortune

He found out by hearing his Mom and Grandmother discussing it

His Grandmother was like “ The Duwendes presented themselves to him”

Story creeps me out

Crazy but from what my parent and grandparents say those are actually bad luck and supposedly once they claim you as a child they come for you when you are an adult depending at what age they want you. They are from Guatemala so maybe it's different myths
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