creepiest thing that has happened to you? Vol. The Call.

Not really creepy just time when I was in 5th grade me my cousin and a few others that lived up the street from me were just walking around my at the time neighborhood, exploring ****, stuff youngsters would do when bored. SO it was this abandoned church a couple blocks away from my house and it was surrounded by thick *** woods, we decided to go inside of it through the back, The roof was falling in and it had the nastiest smell, it had an eerie feeling to it but it was cool because we were so young. Needless to say we're coming out of the church through the same way we came in and I wanted to go walk through the woods(idk why), but yea my cousin stopped me lol. so we go home telling my moms about the church and how we wanted to throw a party there (I was young) she just shrugged it off like lil ***** **** lol so not even 3 days later my mom woke me up out of a sound sleep to show me the news..........2 bodies found in the woods behind the church up the street, it was straight bones so obviously they were there for awhile. The same woods my cousin stopped me from exploring. I was shook for a couple days off that
Creepy vid...

Im subbed to this channel bout mental health/ disorders then homegirl posts this...
Son looks serial

Dude gives heath a run for his money :lol:
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