Could you live in a 200 square foot apartment?

200sqft is crazy. My closet is bigger than that, both of my kids rooms are even bigger. Less than 3k sqft and I'd go insane. We just built a new house and downsized from 6k sqft to 4.5k sqft but I have much more yard space and room for my dream garage and man space. I couldn't do that big city small space life.
I could do it but I'd probably freak out randomly one day and wonder why my place is so small.
incredible. it took y'all until page to 2 to finally reference da infamous washington height's room
How much of it do you really use
Filing cabinet, shoe rack, drawer, cubbie shelf, nightstand, computer desk, easel, storage bins, laundry hampers, queen bed....yeah it'd be tight for me and it would clutter easily.
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Hell no I wouldn't live in that apt unless I was extremely desperate. NYC got you guys thinking this **** is normal
Hell no I wouldn't live in that apt unless I was extremely desperate. NYC got you guys thinking this **** is normal
If you're a single person, or a couple without a child, these places should be the benchmark for urban living. Unless you're wealthy.
I could, but probably not long term or if I was dating someone.

I have friends who are into tiny houses so I've seen and read a lot about that kind of small living.

If it's a well-designed, space efficient layout then it makes a big difference if it's just a small square room.
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