Do you discuss hot button topics at work?

Jan 5, 2013
Whether it be political or social issues, do you notice coworkers discussing stuff that would be considered hot button? I've typically been in work environments where people tend to keep their opinions to themselves while on the work clock, but today I heard two women (one white one black if it matters) peacefully discussing Kaep and race in the country.

Does this happen to you guys? Does it make you feel uneasy?
Whether it be political or social issues, do you notice coworkers discussing stuff that would be considered hot button? I've typically been in work environments where people tend to keep their opinions to themselves while on the work clock, but today I heard two women (one white one black if it matters) peacefully discussing Kaep and race in the country.

Does this happen to you guys? Does it make you feel uneasy?
Not in my workplace. And if they do, I don't pay attention. 

I tend to be in my office doing my work and minding my business.
I tend to stay away from those topics with most people in my office. I do pick and choose who I can have those talks with though. Not everyone is as open minded as you might perceive. Plus I can't afford to mess around and get called into HR over some irrelevant ish

I do get uneasy when folks start to toe the line on racial issues. Those borderline comments have me cringe
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Most of the time, nope

Maybe a hot button sports issue or economic issue with a few of my coworkers from time to time, but that is it. Those conversations are pretty friendly though

Where I consult there are tons of Trump supporters though, who have asked me my opinion about him. Don't think they liked what I said, but I was respectful to them, and I'm leaving in December so "shrugs"
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I definitely try not to.

Im younger than everyone (im 30) so these older folks minds aint bout to be changed.

I physically/mentally can not stop myself from not speaking my mind on Tamir Rice when it was brought up. I pray they don't try to speak on Trayvon Martin, I will prolly flip.

the other stuff, don't care.
I listen to a lot of NPR so some my take topics to heart while I'm driving to a client.
Hell no, im there to work and be productive.

I dont care how my co workers feel about anything, nor do i care to hear opinions.

I dont even know 97% of them when i walk out the door.
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Won't bring it up but I'll gladly partake.. can't be shook to have these conversations anymore.
My manager is the all lives matter type and I'm the polar opposite so I avoid speaking on things like that at work because she's petty
Whether it be political or social issues, do you notice coworkers discussing stuff that would be considered hot button?

u keep ur mouth shut. Politics & religion is something u keep away from in polite company. workplace is a big no-no.
Won't bring it up but I'll gladly partake.. can't be shook to have these conversations anymore.

I don't think it's a matter of being shook to have the conversation, but moreso apprehension of being called in by HR for being "insensitive" or "insulting". I would imagine that you would have to have established a decent rapport with those coworkers you engage in that sort of conversation with.
I keep it to sports and business at my work. I dont know these people that well.
I realized the topics that I've had with some employees are fantasy football, wrestling, and places to eat and check out in Fairfax/DC lol.
Hell no. I work with mostly blue collar workers. Dudes stay talambout trump 2016 so I'm very good off that.
Try to keep it to sports/music but, usually someone will bring forth an idiotic/ignorant comment and then I'll step in
I work with 90% white people, so no. Even though I'm in the Bay Area, which is 99.9% anti Trump, a lot of people at my job are transplants from the Midwest that have displaced SF residents, so I don't trust them when it comes to social issues :lol: Actually my boss is from Seattle, married to a black woman, and is openly and extremely anti Trump, so only with him when we go out for drinks sometimes. Other than that though, no. It was different at my last job which was 90% Asian; it was a lot easier to talk to them :lol:
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