Serious question, why do people choose to cheat?

Men- for sex

Women- emotions, loneliness, comfort, spite,etc. Everything but for sex

This right here.

Also there's a paradox in this discussion: the type of men that a lot of women go for aren't sensitive, therefore aren't sensitive to her emotional needs thus can smash another chick and not give two damns about it.

While the women overlook the sensitive cats because they come off as weak or needy, yet ironically they are the ones that will attend to their emotional needs.

Long story short, life is already easy for women (on a societal level), they want a lot of drama in their love life to feel satisfied (similar to those car commercials when they're like 'not enough drama? Here's a baby wolf with the mom in the background)

Conversely, men are like this with other things, such as sports... We can easily watch the highlights, but we want the emotional Rollercoaster and satisfaction that comes with watching the entire game, even though it can end in heartbreak.
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I had one of my big homies tell me along time ago, always eff up and never eff down. At work, or at home. If the person you're cheating with isn't better in some way than the person you're cheating on, you're effing down. As far as work, if you're pounding a co-worker who has more to lose than you then you definitely effing up, which I suppose is acceptable.

As far as the cheating itself, I've never cheated, I've been tempted once by a chick who worked with me, but I was more tempted by her personality and she was stacked, but, I have a weak conscience and I likely would've told it on myself and she wasn't one to "risk it all" over, additionally, I outrank her (military) so I certainly would've been effing down in more ways than one.

For her part, she would've cheated because she said she was lacking the emotional connection at home and wanted to feel connected.
I had one of my big homies tell me along time ago, always eff up and never eff down. At work, or at home. If the person you're cheating with isn't better in some way than the person you're cheating on, you're effing down. As far as work, if you're pounding a co-worker who has more to lose than you then you definitely effing up, which I suppose is acceptable.
This is at the end of Phonte - Eternally:

"The thing about relationships, that all men
Need to realize, cause I've had the problem, too
Of feeling guilty about this
The reality is men, we are always gonna wanna f__ other women
And a lotta times when you find a woman that is the woman of your dreams
And you love her and she's, she's all you EVER wanted in a woman
You're afraid to go forward with committing to her, and marrying her
Cause you really feel BAD about wanting to smash other women
It don't mean anything's wrong with your girl
She's still your great, find. But n___, you ALWAYS gon' wanna smash somebody else."
all of these responses are fully valid and fairly obvious.

the real question is why, knowing this about ourselves as men, do we even go through with the promise of exclusivity?

seems like one of those open secret lies, like when they ask you why you want a job in interviews and you say anything but "money." I feel like by now it is understood that it's pretty much just a pleasantry.
Basically. Because it's what tradition and society say we're supposed to do. Going to college is another one.
Best p is new p

I feel like it's the rush you get from new p and it pads their ego
We herd animals. We get horny, find a mate to stick it in, and KIM. Picking a single partner to be sexually exclusive with is a social construct, a rather absurd practice.
Plenty of reasons. Most all of them related to being a loser/immature/selfish/insecure.
The real question is why do married dudes with kids cheat and brag about it ?

Older dudes in my work place brag openly about their side pieces. I guess they think that's what people my age do, so they think I can relate....nah fam. I'm in my early 20's, but I cut that out in my teens.
EVERYONE wants or eventually will want a lil' strange. Simple human nature unless you got some real good self control.
It's like, people don't value committed relationships and marriages. Are people in this day and age that selfish that they can't stick with just one person? One thing for sure, it's definitely a true sign of weakness
Keep thinking that.

This is the bs that is fed to boys at an early age

Unlesd your dating a playhead, that is true.

If yo girl cheats, you've lost her.

A man can be as devotedto his womem as possible, cheat, shrug it off, keep it pushing.

Women USUALLY cheat of emotions.

Either your neglecting her physically or emotionally.
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