♚ Sacramento Kings ♚ Off-Season Thread

I used to be a borderline Maloof apologist. But now my feelings for these guys have completely soured. Bunch of spineless, broke @$@, stupid, ego driven idiots over here trying to keep their family name afloat.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

With no chance of making playoffs (hasn't been for awhile) the best scenario I can hope for is for them to play hard, compete, get close...and lose.
Yes, though it'd be nice if they win the 2 games I have left to go to: OKC and Laker finale.
Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson's letter to Maloofs:

Earlier today I spoke briefly with Commissioner Stern.

On behalf of our City, I expressed our deep appreciation for the league’s commitment to Sacramento as reflected in the deal all parties agreed to in Orlando and the term sheet.

I understand that during today’s NBA Relocation Committee you and your team made a presentation.

During the discussion, it was suggested that a meeting with me tomorrow might be beneficial.

As has been my commitment throughout this process, I am always happy to meet in the spirit of open communication and partnership.

However, in advance of our conversation, I believe it important to make clear several key points:

First, all parties agreed to a deal in Orlando on February 27th, codified in the term sheet subsequently approved by our City Council. At the time, George Maloof explained the Maloof Family's reason for agreeing to the deal, saying to the Sacramento Bee that is it a "fair deal…worth taking."

Any representation that a deal was not reached is simply not consistent with the perspective of every other party to the negotiation nor the actual statements of the family.

Second, throughout this process, we have worked closely with the NBA as a valued partner at your request, as documented by the following Kings' public statements that the "NBA take the lead on this" while remaining "in very close contact with the league" and being "apprised of everything that’s going on."

Third, and most critically, under no circumstances will the City make material adjustments to the current terms of the deal. Put simply, we have done our part.

We are 100% committed to moving forward under the framework laid out in the term sheet.

And there should be no expectation in tomorrow’s conversation that this deal is subject to further negotiation.

In light of these facts, the ball is in your court.

Our community stands ready to support the Kings and do our part to bring a state-of-the-art entertainment and sports complex to our downtown.

We look forward to the thousands of jobs, millions in new visitors, and billions in new revenues such a facility promises for our community.

We take you at your word that you are committed to Sacramento as you've said repeatedly in recent weeks.

The best - and only - way to demonstrate that commitment is to honor the "fair deal" as all other parties have done. Your handshake is your handshake. Your promise is your promise.

Given all that the people of Sacramento have endured and achieved on your behalf, we deserve nothing less than a partner who will work with the city in good faith and as a true partner.

Kevin Johnson

KJ is the man
Boom goes the dynamite.

There are rumors that the Maloof family is looking to just say eff a new arena and stay at Arco for the foreseeable future....


Maloof: we need a new arena or we will leave

Sacto: ok we will work something out....*11 months later* k we got it done

Maloof: nevermind, let's just stay at this antiquated 30 yr old arena for another 10-20 years *crap the called our bluff and now we are screwed and are about to be exposed as the broke NBA Owners that we are*
I think they were exposed last year when their documents came out and showed they lost 98% of the Palms. By not agreeing to put forth $3million for pre-development they showed how horribly poor they are. Not poor as in poor owners. Just poor.
This just happened. This is fun. Nay. Bring it. I can't wait for the maloofs to shoot themselves in the foot
Here is a condensed listing of the Kings’ disagreements, which the team owners say they forwarded to the NBA during the first week of March:

1. Kings have not agreed to putting up collateral for a new bond sale to extend the team’s existing city loan.

2. Kings want approval rights over arena designs and change orders.

3. Kings want city to pay all pre-development costs.

4. Kings do not want to be responsible for additional costs for change orders on arena.

5. Kings want to be allowed to continue to use Power Balance Pavilion in limited ways that would not compete with new arena.

6. Kings want more limited wording on whether the team can relocate before 30 years.

7. Kings want to approve the city’s arena management agreement with AEG.

8. Kings want priority in scheduling practices at the arena, and want to not be charged for using the arena for practices and other Kings events.

9. Kings do not agree to a 30-year lease. They want that issue negotiated further.

10. Kings do not want to be responsible for game-day arena expenses.

11. Kings want a say on arena naming rights and signage.

12. Kings want further negotiations on use of certain suites, clubs and restaurants.

13. Kings want to negotiate for parking alternatives if a premium parking garage is not completed nearby in time for arena opening.

14 Kings want to delete the term sheet section that subjects the arena to all city taxes.

15. Kings want agreement to include suitable office space for team at the arena.

16. Kings want to delete provision that says any new owner of team must assume obligations in term sheet.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/201...range.html#storylink=cpy
[h1]With Sacramento arena deal all but dead, Stern says league has done all it can[/h1]
Kurt Helin

Apr 13, 2012, 4:15 PM EDT

David Stern’s press conference Friday afternoon sounded a whole lot like a eulogy for the Kings in Sacramento.

Stern said Friday afternoon following the two-day NBA Board of Governor’s meeting that a handshake deal reached All-Star Weekend to get a new arena built in Sacramento was basically dead. While he would not use that exact word Stern sounded like a guy resigned to seeing a team move. Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson and the Maloof family that owns the Kings are reportedly meeting Friday but that is a Hail Mary at this point – George Maloof said there is no deal and Johnson said the city was done negotiating.

“We had an agreement in principle, a framework, a deal. Call whatever you want,â€
Translation: We're too %%$$#@# poor to take on any deal that involves us putting up money. We want to skate by and not pay a dime.

I ruined it for us all
I noticed it stopped working this season for fantasy bball and fball
shoulda stopped doing that @#+@ earlier
wow. these guys really dont give a $&*& anymore

oh and he knows KJ could probably still pull something out of nothing and they just want to eliminate that 
yea even though i dont like the kings i have followed them for over 25 years. they have some good young players. never liked the maloofs. would be horrible if the kings move. sac wont be the same
So this $!$!%#+ wants the leader of the city out of an arena deal negotiation that requires a form public money? #*@ sense does that make? Stupid *$% Maloofs. Just %*!*#%% say it already, you want to leave! In the words of David Stern, you'll save a lot of trouble and angst.
The Maloofs will be at the game tonight........... I would pay to go tonight but I'm still in the OC till tuesday (I've already made a vow, that if/when the Kings move to Anaheim I will go to the season opener and pull some shenanigans, it might possibly involve a shank).................................

I really hope you guys go and fill the place up and just shower them with boos and verbal abuse along with physical objects that you've snuck in, like skittles, rocks, mice, etc.

May the Maloofs brothers burn in hell.
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