⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Isn't there a lot of investment into us soccer tho?

Yup,over a billion $'s worth...

The problems are more cultural than logistical/infrastructure wise imo,there's been huge investment in footy in the States since the 94 WC

Many countries do better with much less
I still think Jurgen deserved to get fired, but I rather have him as a director of USMNT. At least he had some sort of vision for the future
Still can't believe folks got mad at Jurgen for saying that the U.S. wouldn't win a WC when there are much better footballing nations that haven't been able to win one. Just shows how ignorant and arrogant Americans are when it comes to this.


Still can't believe folks got mad at Jurgen for saying that the U.S. wouldn't win a WC when there are much better footballing nations that haven't been able to win one. Just shows how ignorant and arrogant Americans are when it comes to this.
I specifically remember folks throwing a fit over him saying that the best US players should be playing overseas in European leagues instead of sticking around and waiting for MLS to get on that level,little over a year later and arguably the GOAT US prospect has come to prominence by doing exactly that :lol::lol:
jurgen can laugh if he wants...but he also lost the first 2 games of the hex 2-1 to mexico and 4-0 to costa rica, so part of it is on him

and im still not forgiving him for not taking landon to WC2014 while he brought that bum wondo who ended up missing the tap in game winner vs belgium. so **** him
Arena had 8 games though and both squads mentioned qualified at the top of their group

Dude at least had a vision for the future and how to grow and develop footy in the States under the German model that has led to so much success for them but he got MLS suits upset so he had to go :lol:
Still can't believe folks got mad at Jurgen for saying that the U.S. wouldn't win a WC when there are much better footballing nations that haven't been able to win one. Just shows how ignorant and arrogant Americans are when it comes to this.
It was really only the journalists working for the MLS that was mad by what Jurgen said.

However, Jurgen’s managerial tactics were average at best. USMNT did need a change. Arena wasn’t the right move though.
Arena had 8 games though and both squads mentioned qualified at the top of their group

Dude at least had a vision for the future and how to grow footy in the States under the German model that has led to so much success for them but he got MLS suits upset so he had to go lol
Arena was brought in to win a Gold Cup lol sigh
Michael Bradley said there isn't one specific result that led to missing the WC...

I can't help but wonder how this will affect ratings in the US. I bet lots of Americans will forget that the WC is even going on.
It would have been down regardless with all the fs1 & fs2 stuff

Say what you want about espn they know how to handle big events
Yup,over a billion $'s worth...

The problems are more cultural than logistical/infrastructure wise imo,there's been huge investment in footy in the States since the 94 WC

Many countries do better with much less

This is very very misleading. There was commercial investment in a professional soccer beginning in 94. There was ZERO financial investment in youth development until 2007.

There was an uptick when Jurgen became technical director in 2011, and it's only been the past 3 - 4 years when real money with capital M's and B's has begun to be invested.

Like I've said before, in America soccer is a rich mans sport.

The perception has been built due to the unfamiliarity with the sport. So most kids are gonna turn away from it, and the kids that should be playing get squeezed out due to this perception and these country club fees and all that other nonsense. The amount of times I've seen little kids in BK, Harlem and the BX playing and really actually working on their skills yet you know they are never gonna get a chance to actually play meaningful games or tourneys is wack as hell.

Give these young inner city cats a chance, they are out here.

Yea I don't understand how Footy in the states became like Hockey over here when it's by far the most easily accessible sport in the world along with Basketball. You legit just need a ball to play yet it's become gentrified somehow to the point where the lifeblood of the USMNT youth programs seems to be suburban kids.

The vast amount of immigrants in the country from traditional footy powers or countries where footy is king should produce no shortage of talent one would think in a country of 300m+...

There's a lot of ignorance and misinformation here. Somethings are just grossly misinformed, like the notion that our players are currently coming from cushy affluent suburbs. Our players come from every background imaginable. I suggest you guys watch the U17 world cup tomorrow and read up on some of the players and where they hail from.

Low income kids from the inner city have limited opportunities in youth soccer for the same reason they have limited opportunities in every other youth activity, and for the same reason they will continue to face limited opportunities into adulthood. We have an equality problem in the United States and it's important that we understand how that tangibly impacts youth soccer in the country.

The real tangible negative factors limiting the opportunities for kids from low income communities go's like this: Kid is a good player, he's good enough for his development academy that is 100% cost free (an example would be all MLS academies) or his his academy isn't cost free but his costs are effectively wiped out via a financial aid package.

"Country club" fees aren't hurting his opportunity so it's all good right? No, his team trains on the other side of town and his mother works until 8pm and can't get him there - or - his family is really struggling financially and he doesn't access to the same nutritious foods that his middle class teammates have access to, which is huge ****ing deal for a physically growing, teenage competitive athlete, training and competing five days a week.

Some of you guys criticisms are misguided. There's this false fairy tale narrative that other U.S. sports are not pay-to-play and that kids from inner cities and impoverished backgrounds have access and opportunity not found in soccer but that's bull ****. The odds are incredibly stacked against a young basketball player from a low income community. There's just so much participation that a significant number do rise through and overcome insurmountable odds.

That doesn't mean way say **** it and not do everything we can to create opportunity for children from every background in soccer, but it's imperative that we understand the problem if we're going to be constructive in finding solutions.
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