1 room = 24 rooms? What?

this guy is working with the space he has, so i'm sure everyone will get tired of moving walls constantly.

very dope.
Originally Posted by jlab0ch0

Pretty efficient but i rather have a big place where i can walk in n out of rooms.

Who wouldnt just want a big place?? But he is in Hong Kong with a really dense population, and they have to make the most with what they got.
Like dude said, Ninjahood could really use a setup like this. Just install some tracks in your ceiling, get some dry wall, and you're on your way homey!
America needs this. This will help keep people healthy and in shape (moving the walls), cleaner homes (can't clutter due to space), and I hope these wouldn't be more expensive considering the small space.
This guy spent hundred thousands of dollars to do this..... y couldnt he just get a bigger place? is it that hard to find a home bigger than that in hong kong? j/w
, I find it funny and true, that a lot of Americans wouldn't prefer this lifestyle for the sake of being 'lazy.'
Although, I agree with the original comment about the bathroom, I would need like a closet space, for that. (kind of like bathroom compartments in an airplane). Wouldn't want to take a dump in the middle of the kitchen or in front of guests. Otherwise, this would definitely be dope for all of society. Too bad the materials make it somewhat expensive to make it easier to mass produce. Maybe in several decades, to come?
That's brilliant!

I wouldn't mind moving things.

Imagine how much *%@# it'd get just for a pad like that.

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