18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

Sad part is all these new blacks who think this can't be their brother, son, nephew, or themselves like black men leave their house asking to be shot and killed. Like it's a coincidence.

Pathetic ppl in here
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People don't want to adopt the 'fact' that society has moved forward by many leaps and bounds.  Race is not the issue, it's the 'bad' side of human behavior.  Fraud, bullying, violence, trafficking, abuse, etc. all come from HUMAN BEHAVIOR.  Trying to cite US history as justification or a story is ABSURD.  What we need to remember is that we've moved forward.  For goodness sakes, did you kids know that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor?  And look now; Japan and the US are buddy buddies now.  All the Hondas, Toyotas, Lexus you folks see are produced domestically and internationally (USA and JAPAN).  Please pay attention in class, and learn that society and people MOVE FORWARD!!!!

It's just the uneducated & foolish individuals that continue to hold onto ideologies that make no sense at all, except to others like themselves.
Basically and online has a nice amount of people fitting the last statement. I think it makes them feel better about where they are in life for some strange reason regardless of race.
Everyone knows that black genes are dominant
What does that have to do with your hatred doe? You would rather advocate for the destruction of another race than the advancement of African Americans. And that's hypocritical. Just as hypocritical as our government who supposedly supports civil rights yet used the CIA to destroy the black community with drugs.
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] I got this buck dancing black guy heated. Hit up Sammy Sosa b ...cleanse yourself
Only black people in family or who are friends have been killed at the hands of another black man but that's another topic for another day.
Yall can't call me a racist anymore so now yall reaching and coming up with 3838387282 things from my one statement.

Imagine if Mr Marcus was born white... dude would be a grand dragon for sure.
What's funny is that race isn't real and yet people allow the idea control their lives. I'm chillin. Yea I've been arrested for no reason, I've been profiled, called spick, mutt, and by blacks I've been called wanna be white bo for spitting logic and disagrering with their views. I've been called White boy (which I'm not) and have been hated from both sides since I'm ambiguous in appearance. But I'm straight CHILLIN. **** ain't gonna stop me from being successful and doing what I wanna do. It's 2015. Wake up!

Sad part is all these new blacks who think this can't be their brother, son, nephew, or themselves like black men leave their house asking to be shot and killed. Like it's a coincidence.

Pathetic ppl in here
Why even bring race into it? Ignoring the fact that this guy was a criminal and pulled a weapon on a police officer.....

its not like he was out walking his dog and just praying he didn't get shot by police.

Edit: fake twitter report on the robbery picture
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Lmao cause Obama president racism is dead in America???

I swear SWS are so delusional

And not all black folks sit around waiting for handouts

I get up and get out to get mine

I work hard every damn day to provide for my family

Our point is to even be on EQUAL footings or positions as whites

We have to work 2-3x as hard

I don't think you see the point, and you are much like others who continue to hold onto a past for reasoning.  Instead, you should focus on the positives, and the progression as a whole.  The point IS NOT to say RACISIM is dead.  The POINT is the ACCEPT the FACT that society has PROGRESSED in a direction many try to ignore.  The POINT is to show people who SAID we would never have a black president, or we would never see an ASIAN in the NBA.  The point is to PROVE to those that WANT TO HOLD onto RACISIM.  A conundrum.

You are not the only individual that works hard in America. A lot of people work hard.
Ignore what they did to my relatives and ancestors
Ignore the injustices that still go on today
Yeah SWS are delusional
They want us to forget all the wrongs done to us and still go on

But at the same time be responsible for every other Black persons actions. :rolleyes

Why even bring race into it? Ignoring the fact that this guy was a criminal and pulled a weapon on a police officer.....

its not like he was out walking his dog and just praying he didn't get shot by police.

nope he's out doing things like this:


Yes that is the kid that got shot last that

no that's not the kid that got shot last night you dummy :rofl: :rofl:

dude pulled a gun for sure but you don't need to go out gettin random screen grabs of black men punching white women to prove your point. kid wasn't anywhere close to being that big :lol:
Sad part is all these new blacks who think this can't be their brother, son, nephew, or themselves like black men leave their house asking to be shot and killed. Like it's a coincidence.

Pathetic ppl in here
Why even bring race into it? Ignoring the fact that this guy was a criminal and pulled a weapon on a police officer.....

its not like he was out walking his dog and just praying he didn't get shot by police.

nope he's out doing things like this:


Yes that is the kid that got shot last that
Because a white criminal in the same predicament would be alive in a cell not dead on the street.
Are you going to transcend in life that your ancestors positioned you with or are you going to dwell in the imperfections of society?

You know you can transcend, succeed AND still call out white supremacy right? It's not mutually exclusive. Why do people like you pretend the only way to be happy and succeed is to ignore the damage being done to non-white people?
What's funny is that race isn't real and yet people allow the idea control their lives. I'm chillin. Yea I've been arrested for no reason, I've been profiled, called spick, mutt, and by blacks I've been called wanna be white bo for spitting logic and disagrering with their views. I've been called White boy (which I'm not) and have been hated from both sides since I'm ambiguous in appearance. But I'm straight CHILLIN. **** ain't gonna stop me from being successful and doing what I wanna do. It's 2015. Wake up!

So you've been arrested for no reason and profiled, but race isn't real? Am I missing something here? Can't tell if you're trolling or serious.

I agree with you about not letting it control your life, but sticking your head in the sand (or having it up in the clouds) doesn't make it go away. :lol:
This thread has gone to ****.

All these threads always do.

It's always because of the same people, too.

I'm not sure why they aren't out in the real world trying to make changes instead of antagonizing people on a message board.

But what do I know? My skin isn't dark, therefor I'm genetically inferior, :frown:
Yall can't call me a racist anymore so now yall reaching and coming up with 3838387282 things from my one statement.

Bro you just used a scientific study to deflect from your racist ideologies. With that logic, I could just use a bunch of random scientific studies to reason why every race is weaker than mines. That's what white oppressors did to justify their ignorant views.
So you've been arrested for no reason and profiled, but race isn't real? Am I missing something here? Can't tell if you're trolling or serious.

I agree with you about not letting it control your life, but sticking your head in the sand (or having it up in the clouds) doesn't make it go away. :lol:
Race and racism are two different things. Think about it. Let it marinate.

There's nothing to marinate on, playboy. That isn't some profound statement. :lol:

The concept of race in our society is very real, despite it being a man-made concept like Anton alluded to.
Luckily for whites?

Blacks never oppressed white people. We shared knowledge and culture. The prize for that was getting land, culture, resources, and lives stolen.
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