18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

LOL at pity for being a minority? LOL

You live in America, the land of the free. You can get hand outs with out working, you are living on the soil of a world super power.

Violence, hatred, malicious views based on race, religion, ideology is not to be tolerated. If you folks stood up to domestics, fraud, bullying, and the many heinous crimes out there, the world would be a better place. Seriously, the race route has no story any more.

Obama is the president of the US, inter racial marriage is very common globally as well, Lin, Yao, Turkouglough, xyz play in the NBA now. It‘s not all racial or white supremists as some of you WANT to believe.

Chill out.
Lmao cause Obama president racism is dead in America???
I swear SWS are so delusional
And not all black folks sit around waiting for handouts
I get up and get out to get mine
I work hard every damn day to provide for my family
Our point is to even be on EQUAL footings or positions as whites
We have to work 2-3x as hard
Nah I just took an interest in American history...and not the biased one they teach in school either

The one that neglected to tell the story about how Thomas Jefferson loved raping young black girls. That history
Why must you focus on the negative stories in society?  There'd be no point for you or anyone if that were the case.  We move forward as a society and in that sense we discovered many things.  Segregation, slavery IS WRONG.  Equality, equal opportunity is what we progressed with.

What matters is that this is no longer occurring.  So why do you just focus on this?
More ironic and contradictory comments. You were just calling people genetically inferior a few pages ago now you're ranting about bias. You are what you hate just from another perspective. Fundamentally, I don't think you're any different from a poor, Southern klansman from Alabama.

Of course Thomas Jefferson loved raping black slaves, I assumed this was common knowledge. :lol:  

:lol: you'd be surprised how often it isn't
With that said I DIGRESS :lol:

Keep being angry and accusing me of whatever....yall trolls annoying me now :lol:
It's basically saying that he's proud of being a racist ahole on here
Pissing off plantation owners descendants nthat.gif

now you're not gonna catch me in here caping for a dude who pulled a gun on a cop but I'm gonna need you to explain how that qoute means he's proud of being a racist...
1 - it's bigotry. Like @SunDOOBIE  just said, imagine if someone in here had the reverse sig. Either way that kind of **** doesn't belong here

2- Go ahead and read through his posts over the past few pages and tell me he's not being racist and proud of it. Calling people "genetically inferior" and so on.   
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BTW no matter how much you feel shamed about being a "minority" and how much you may want to deflect .... Just know your ALWAYS gonna be a minority & no matter how much of an apologist attitude you have, no matter how much you want to downplay atrocities to fit in.... Your NEVER gonna be accepted by them & if a cop catches you on the wrong night he will have no problem putting a bullet in you to remind you of this fact,

I send good energy your way and hope that you will one day emerge with the realization that you don't have to be such a weak dude. Bless

Victim mentality will not get you very far in life. There are millions of minorities of all colors and backgrounds in this country that are flourishing.

You're speaking from a position of privilege.

Nothing about what buddy wrote says "victim".

What he wrote is a reality for a lot of us. And yes, that includes folks that are flourishing. Nobody said minorities can't do well in this society. But doing well doesn't somehow change how you're seen to a lot of people in this country, including cops.

Skin color DOES matter in this world, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. I don't want it to be that way, but that's the way of the world. And just because YOU don't experience life that way doesn't mean that millions of others people are screaming victim because they do.

You could learn a lesson from your former right wing compadre @Rexanglorum. Step outside of your white world and try to see things from a different perspective sometimes.
It's basically saying that he's proud of being a racist ahole on here
Pissing off plantation owners descendants nthat.gif

now you're not gonna catch me in here caping for a dude who pulled a gun on a cop but I'm gonna need you to explain how that qoute means he's proud of being a racist...

1 - it's bigotry. Like @SunDOOBIE
 just said, imagine if someone in here had the reverse sig. Either way that kind of **** doesn't belong here

2- Go ahead and read through his posts over the past few pages and tell me he's not being racist and proud of it. Calling people "genetically inferior" and so on.   

Calling out SWS doesn't belong here?
1 - it's bigotry. Like @SunDOOBIE
 just said, imagine if someone in here had the reverse sig. Either way that kind of **** doesn't belong here

2- Go ahead and read through his posts over the past few pages and tell me he's not being racist and proud of it. Calling people "genetically inferior" and so on.   

1. I don't think you know what bigotry means. Of course if someone had the opposite signature it wouldn't be acceptable. I don't even see how you can compare the two. You're reaching with that one.

2. I'm not condoning or caping for anything else he is saying. I have no hate in my heart for any group of people except anyone who got more than one NT fitted cap.
Lmao cause Obama president racism is dead in America???
I swear SWS are so delusional
And not all black folks sit around waiting for handouts
I get up and get out to get mine
I work hard every damn day to provide for my family
Our point is to even be on EQUAL footings or positions as whites
We have to work 2-3x as hard
I don't think you see the point, and you are much like others who continue to hold onto a past for reasoning.  Instead, you should focus on the positives, and the progression as a whole.  The point IS NOT to say RACISIM is dead.  The POINT is the ACCEPT the FACT that society has PROGRESSED in a direction many try to ignore.  The POINT is to show people who SAID we would never have a black president, or we would never see an ASIAN in the NBA.  The point is to PROVE to those that WANT TO HOLD onto RACISIM.  A conundrum.

You are not the only individual that works hard in America. A lot of people work hard.
I thought this was common knowledge
White skin blind hair and such is recessive and weaker gene
I thought so too but they say I'm spewing hatred for stating facts. *shrugs*

Last post in here to the guy asking why I focus on the negative

I do because **** is still happening and unfortunately that way of thinking is still being passed on.
"Pissing off plantation owners descendants"

How is this considered racist?

not even sure if srs or trolling.
I've been downgraded from racist to insecure

Thanks man :lol: no sarcasm ...racist accusation was a bit too much...not insecure but I'll let you have that opinion
Nah, you're still racist.

And you should probably change your sig because you're definitely pissing off more than just white people

Plantation owners descendants is code for white people
. Dude openly hates white people. :lol: But yea if an NTer replaced that with "Pissing off the descendants of slaves" they would've been banned.

Who wants to experiment with it? :nerd:

ahh ok, kinda like how 'thug' is sometimes code for the n-word.

View media item 1319695
now you're not gonna catch me in here caping for a dude who pulled a gun on a cop but I'm gonna need you to explain how that qoute means he's proud of being a racist...

Not racist by definition... however in my opinion it's bigotry. Justified hate towards a certain demographic which in his case are the "descendants of plantation owners" aka white people. Hell I may be reaching but that's how I saw it when I read it. There should be ZERO tolerance towards race based bigotry.
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Stuff like this is useless in the pursuit of equal rights.

What does posting this do other than start a "genetics" debate where history has shown who the "true" victors have been in society.....

One of the reasons that the disorganization of the "movement" is detrimental is that you have people spewing all sorts of nonsense instead of having a message that is worth perpetuating.

Too focused on fighting against your damaged self image by denigrating "whites"

...instead of uplifting yourself by promoting policies, action, and economic development of your own people...

lets all get hyped off a cornell study while we out here in poverty and without the means for self sustaining communities...

"at least we genetically superior"
Ima bigot because I like pissing off people with sws viewpoints

Got ya!
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Lmao cause Obama president racism is dead in America???

I swear SWS are so delusional

And not all black folks sit around waiting for handouts

I get up and get out to get mine

I work hard every damn day to provide for my family

Our point is to even be on EQUAL footings or positions as whites

We have to work 2-3x as hard

I don't think you see the point, and you are much like others who continue to hold onto a past for reasoning.  Instead, you should focus on the positives, and the progression as a whole.  The point IS NOT to say RACISIM is dead.  The POINT is the ACCEPT the FACT that society has PROGRESSED in a direction many try to ignore.  The POINT is to show people who SAID we would never have a black president, or we would never see an ASIAN in the NBA.  The point is to PROVE to those that WANT TO HOLD onto RACISIM.  A conundrum.

You are not the only individual that works hard in America. A lot of people work hard.
Ignore what they did to my relatives and ancestors
Ignore the injustices that still go on today
Yeah SWS are delusional
They want us to forget all the wrongs done to us and still go on
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