19 year old shot and killed by LAPD

i swear, some of yall didnt read, or just always want to make the cop the "bad guy"


dude deserved it for saying all that stuff to the dispatcher and then waving his hand like he has a gun...its not time too, you shouldnt be putting your hands inside your pocket and ready to act ike you about to shoot, these cops have families, they not trying to get killed
Enh, I feel bad dude's life is gone, but what did he expect?

You can't threaten cops w/ weapons while leading them on a chase, hop out the ride and run in the direction of an innocent bystander's occupied vehicle, all while gesturing like you have a weapon. You will be murked 9 times out of 10.

Were 90 shots needed. Probably not. But if you don't want to get shot at, don't act foolish and put other people's lives in danger.
Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Dude deserved it. Watch the video. He kept gesturing as if he had a gun. Ran behind a car and acted as if he was reloading.

Don't run from the cops. Dont call cops and say you have a gun. Dont try to make a u-turn on the fwy. Dont run out acting as if you have a gun.

This. Dude made the gesture like he was holding a gun, the police weren't in the wrong here. 90 shots were probably too many, though.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Enh, I feel bad dude's life is gone, but what did he expect?

You can't threaten cops w/ weapons while leading them on a chase, hop out the ride and run in the direction of an innocent bystander's occupied vehicle, all while gesturing like you have a weapon. You will be murked 9 times out of 10.

Were 90 shots needed. Probably not. But if you don't want to get shot at, don't act foolish and put other people's lives in danger.

This dude deserved every bullet that came his way, i saw this on the news last night and he was just asking to get shot. As he started running from the car he turns towards cops and points his arms at them like he was about to shoot them. I was watching the news and this was in high definition and i couldn't tell what was in his hand. If 911 dispatchers have him on record saying he would pull his gun on them if need be and i see dude turn towards an army of cops with his arms out like he's holding a weapon you better believe i'm gonna fire. If anyone thinks this was excessive force is dumb. Cops couldn't even get an accurate shot, you could see the bullets hitting the ground behind him so that's why 90 rounds were fired.
i dont think he was right mentally cuz even when i knew him he was a little off. always acting wierd
Originally Posted by Navarretr

90 shots though!?!?

I still don't see what's wrong with 90 shots being fired, if 89 missed and only one hit what does it matter how many were fired? Dude was a moving target and was running, not like these cops pull there guns often. No matter how many times you go to a range to practice nothing simulates a real life situation where your life is on the line and not to mention a moving target.
I don't understand why there are some people who are displaying clear hatred towards the police officers who had every right to fire on the suspect. First of all, as a cop, you don't understand what you're dealing with here. Could be a call responding to a drunk person, or a trained cold blooded killer with an assault rifle. Every single cop at the end of the day wants to return home to their families ALIVE, and assuming that you're in a worst case scenario where the person is an elite killer, 90 shots is adequate. Plus, you don't know if there's another person inside the car with the culprit. 
i dont like cops at all but i cant blame them for this one. look at the way hes moving. hes crouching in a shooting stance. look how hes holding the phone.
its dark and hes a good distance from the cops, you cant tell if thats a gun or not from that distance. but from the way hes moving it looks like hes aiming a weapon
havent heard the 911 call but if thats right plus his stance and actions i would have done the same if i was a cop.
Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Don't run from the cops. Dont call cops and say you have a gun. Dont try to make a u-turn on the fwy. Dont run out acting as if you have a gun.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Enh, I feel bad dude's life is gone, but what did he expect?

You can't threaten cops w/ weapons while leading them on a chase, hop out the ride and run in the direction of an innocent bystander's occupied vehicle, all while gesturing like you have a weapon. You will be murked 9 times out of 10.

Were 90 shots needed. Probably not. But if you don't want to get shot at, don't act foolish and put other people's lives in danger.

Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Dude deserved it. Watch the video. He kept gesturing as if he had a gun. Ran behind a car and acted as if he was reloading.

Don't run from the cops. Dont call cops and say you have a gun. Dont try to make a u-turn on the fwy. Dont run out acting as if you have a gun.

Exactly. No RIP from me, 90 shots wasn't enough.
Originally Posted by heelish

Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Dude deserved it. Watch the video. He kept gesturing as if he had a gun. Ran behind a car and acted as if he was reloading.

Don't run from the cops. Dont call cops and say you have a gun. Dont try to make a u-turn on the fwy. Dont run out acting as if you have a gun.

Exactly. No RIP from me, 90 shots wasn't enough.
You're dumb.
He was obviously a troubled young man who WANTED to die. 

Like somebody else said, suicide by cop. IDK if we're on the same page, but that's my $0.02

meh. kid got what he wanted and no doubt inconvenienced many in the end.

I feel for the displaced motorists. this fool getting the freeway shut down because he wants to pull a Martin.
The cops fire that many rounds so that they don't who's bullet actually hits the target. That way it doesn't weigh on their conscience as much as it would if they knew they were directly responsible for taking a life.
if he told the cops he had a gun and was gonna shoot them then honestly i dont blame them.

you made this thread expecting us to believe an innocent kid got shot when in fact he provoked it.
Originally Posted by heelish

Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Dude deserved it. Watch the video. He kept gesturing as if he had a gun. Ran behind a car and acted as if he was reloading.

Don't run from the cops. Dont call cops and say you have a gun. Dont try to make a u-turn on the fwy. Dont run out acting as if you have a gun.

Exactly. No RIP from me, 90 shots wasn't enough.
always has to be one.
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