1994: MJ Never Left.... Rockets vs. Bulls... (Who Wins?)

Magic were 3-1 against the Lakers the last couple years before the Finals lat year. How'd the Finals work out for the team with the regular season advantage?

Spurs swept the Cavs in the '07 Finals even though the previous 2 seasons, the Cavs went 3-1 against S.A.
Yeah, and Boston swept the season series against the Lakers in 08.. and they beat them in the finals as well. The finals worked out pretty well for this team who had the regular season advantage.

But if you want to go that way, fine.. The 95 Magic swept the Rockets in their regular season meetings yet they got swept themselves by the Rockets in the finals. Yet another "playoffs/finals are a different story" example that works in favor of the Rockets.

I know that those who want to believe that the Bulls would win like to take the "playoffs/finals are a different story" angle to this discussion, because that's all they have. But how many times do I have to repeat that this angle works in favor of the Rockets, not the Bulls. If not, then prove it damn it. The 95 Rockets are the ones who have had the biggest playoff-to-regular season improvement in league history. None of the double three-peat Bulls have such an example. So stop using the argument that actually works against the case you're trying to make.
I'm positive this is going to fly completely over your head, but you're proving to me that birds can fly while I'm simply providing evidence that there are, indeed, birds that don't fly.

I'm simply refuting that a theory is NOT 100%, that theory being 'The Rockets would win because they beat the Bulls in the regular season regularly.' That theory isn't 100% fact, so says the '10 Lakers and '07 Spurs, to name just a couple.

Of course there are TONNNS of examples of teams that defeated their opponent in the reg. season and then went on to beat them in the championship; that's the majority occurrence.

But saying 'They'd win because they always beat the in the reg. season' like it always happens that the reg. season winner is also the championship winner is flawed.

And now I'll wait for your psychoanalysis on why I just replied. 'People just go with that angle b/c it's all they have.' Like you're playing the part of Dr. Phil the armchair quarterback.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Why is it that no one believes the Bulls coulda won eight straight? It's not like it hasn't happened before. Boston did it way back when when there wasn't as much parity...BUT THEY DID IT!

We had the best player of alltime along with another top 50 player in Pippen. We had one of the best defensive teams of the era. And we woulda had Phil Jackson coaching against Rudy T. ALthough the Dream woulda done his shake left and right, The Bulls woulda won in '94 and '95.

And on the MJ quote, do you really think he doubted himself beating anyone?

Xtap...your opinion is your own, I only hope someday the technology will be out to prove my point, but until then, I'm sticking with my story.

This was a great thread OP

OH....MY.....GOD,  you did not just bring up Boston's run. 

For the love of Niketalk just when I think I've heard it all. 

Look, back IN THE SIXTIES, you went from the regular season, to the first round, and then to the finals.  They played about 10-15 playoff games a year.  Now you have to WIN 16 for a title, just WIN, that doesn't even count the losses where you could play up to 20-25.  When Boston won in 08 they played TWENTY SIX playoff games. 

And on top of that, there were like 9 friggin teams back then.  You played the same teams like 10 times a year.  Talk about advanced scouting on teams.  Now the finals matchups face off exactly TWICE in 9 full months of action. 

Are you saying that you don't think an extra 10-15 hard fought playoff games a year, for a total of 8 consecutive years against teams you only face 2-4 times per season might be just a tad more difficult then beating up the same 8 teams every year in damn near half the games? 

If so, I don't know how to help you. 

The fact MJ's so great automatically puts many folks in denial.
Van Horn's level of denial: when asked for his thoughs regarding Kobe's 81 night, Van Horn asked: "how many assist?". It's just...

If Rockets and Hakeem were so great, why did they never manage to win the West and go to the Finals when Bulls were there?
I Have to add something here...
Yes!! the Bulls could have won 6 or 7 consective NBA Championship (Maybe 8 consecutivere Finals App.) Heck if Boston had done it why not Chicago?
I think some of us still doubt, How GREAT MJ IS,retirement or not, opponents are at his mercy every game..
His first 7 years made him tough kinda "learning process" (Lebron should know this, It's not how great you are but how great your team is)
Multiple 50 point game in the playoffs..
Drexler joined Houston '95, Bulls beat his Portland team in '92 Finals...
No Disrespect to Hakeem (Top 4 NBA Centers of all-time) but Bulls were the best of the 90's..
Originally Posted by Gameover2

the Bulls won 6 titles in the 90s, both three-peats. the Rockets won 2 in 1994 and 1995.

Isn't it a painful coincidence that the Rockets won their only titles when MJ was out? They weren't even relevant in any of the other playoffs in the 90s when MJ was playing.

I gotta give it to the Bulls. Heck, Hakeem couldn't even reach the Finals on any of the other years. What makes everyone think he can barge into the Finals and beat MJ's Bulls?

Then MJ comes back and suddenly the Rockets disappear yet again.
we are talking about the 94 and 95 rockets, when they were at their best. Why would the 1997 rockets have anything to do with this?the
i know MJ and the Bulls are untouchable on NT, but yall are too quick to discredit Hakeem and the Rockets
Like Olajuwon didn't have losing in his bloodline. Dude lost 2 NCAA titles and a NBA Final - and u really think the Rockets would beat the Bulls?
Originally Posted by dmncn lew

Like Olajuwon didn't have losing in his bloodline. Dude lost 2 NCAA titles and a NBA Final - and u really think the Rockets would beat the Bulls?

? when he was like a rookie? lol

i know i said i wasnt gonna post in here no more,but this dont count cuz i aint arguing.

i once played this matchup on nba live 2004

i put the legend version of dream and clyde on the current rockets

and i put the legend version of scottie and mike on the current bulls

and the bulls swept the rockets

Originally Posted by CP1708


Uhhhhhhh, it tells me that they got more rest those two years then they did the previous 3. 

Kinda what I was getting at, no? 

What do you think Mike's body woulda been like had he not had two years of rest?  You think he still has the springs for that final jumper?  Dude woulda been on fumes more then you are if you think otherwise.  No team ever, is winning 30 straight series.  It will NEVER happen. 
People need to stop saying "they" ...the bulls still went to the playoffs even if not as deep.  MJ was working his tail off trying to become a good baseball player...playing 120+ baseball games in a season isn't "resting."  The retirement during those couple years isn't the retirement he has now 

It's mind boggling to think the bulls could have won 8 straight, but I doubt it would have happened.  People arguing Hakeem would matchup well against the Bulls doesn't understand he matched up well against every team because no one could stop him!  Just like no one could stop MJ.  Like others have said though, is it really just a huge coincidence that those were the two years the Rockets (or any team) did something?  MJ's desire to win was unmatched...no one proved otherwise come Finals time.  

8 championships?  Unlikely...but they sure as hell woulda beat the Rockets in '94

You would still have Horace Grant and Pippen together with MJ

Steve Kerr and Toni Kukoc joined the team, essential pieces in the second three peat.

Dream was better than the three headed monster at C, but those meant that the Bulls always had a 7 footer on the floor.

Pippen had an MVP type season that year. Carrying the Bulls almost to the finals himself. Yes his stats went up because of no MJ, but this shows he was far from slowing down skill wise.


The pacers and Magic were tough teams, plus who knows what happens with Horace Grant.

I'm not sure about 94-95, but I'll take the Bulls for a 4-peat.
i don't think the bulls would have won 8 straight (althought i don't put it past MJ & co... did yall not see dudes HOF speech?!?!)

simply because i presume they would get complacent at some point.. but then again, it might only take a loss or 2 to knock that out of them

I will say this, IF they lost a finals, they would have MURDERED whomever they played the following year
Great Question OP...

but I think this is a topic thats gonna go back and fourth till the end of time..

alot of valuable points made.. We will never know who would have really won..

best option should be to close this topic, (puts on flame suit)
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

it sucks for the rockets though, they were good champs and proved themselves by repeating but they'll always be known to some as the team that only one because mike played baseball for a little while.
this. IMO very underrated champions.

Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers wrote:
no way the bulls lose with mj playing in 1994. that team was a hue hollins bs call away from going back to the eastern conference finals and having home court in the ecf without mj.
 hue hollins man.
 pip was a straight beast that year too. 

its tough to tell but it wouldve went 7 games

No offense OP but we really NEED a hypothetical MJ scenario thread.

For questions like this and the other thread about "will the bulls win 8 straight titles if MJ didn't retire"

Along with threads like:

- If MJ lost one of his arms in a horrible car crash, could he still put up 30 a game in his prime?

-If MJ had to choose between chicken and beef at a restaurant (IN HIS PRIME!!), which will he choose and why?
i just wanna say this. if you really think with a straight face that the bulls would've won 32 straight playoff series with their best player playing in the olympics in 92 and their second best player playing in the olympics in 92 and 96 that your delusional and your basketball knowledge is questionable.

playing to mid june every single year and only getting about 3 and a half months off before training camp while everyone else is more rested because their seasons ended in april/early may. the fatigue factor is huge.

27 teams back in 93 all had one focus, dethroning the bulls and 29 teams after 95 had that purpose. teams would be built strictly to beat chicago. there's no way they 8 titles in a row. this isn't the 1960's celtics who had a much easier road to the finals.

at the end of the day 3 in a row a 2 year off gap followed by retooling and 3 more in a row > possibly winning 4-5 in a row but burning out around 96-97
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