2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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You don't think his Offense and rebounding ability can overcome that?

Poppovich will have him doing what he can.

If phil jackson couldnt get pau *** sol to do what he can nobody can

I never seen phil jackson sock a player in his chest until i seen him do that to pau when the mavs were spanking them in the playoffs

Pau is the type of player in recent years that if he isnt the focal point he wont even try hard

Would be kind of amusing to see pop verbally abuse him like he does manu at times :lol:
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Pau can help every team in the NBA, more than he can hurt them.
Anybody saying different, well, you're on my prayer request list when/if I ever go back to Church.
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Have you seen the lakers play the last 4 years?

I doubt even jesus would sign him on his team
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Have you seen the lakers play the last 4 years?

I doubt even jesus would sign him on his team
Yea, I saw them play.
What happened that I missed?, Kobe was gone, I know that. The team had nobody, I know that. Pau got feasted on, I know that. What else I miss?

Meh, I digress
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You missed the part that pau is a huge liability on defense and in some situations that actually hurts more than what he can do offensively.

Take for example chris webber one of my all time favorites. He could still produce triple doubles in his final years but his defense was so bad he would hurt his team moreso than help them.

Now if you saw him play the last few years then you know how bad his defense is and you know he complains about not getting enough touches and completely goes ghost if hes not involved.

Say the spurs sign him. Do you think he wont mind having to share the ball with duncan, manu, parker, koala, and green?

And do you honestly think pop is gonna have him playing good defense?
Spurs have the same amount of salary cap as the rest of the league.
If Duncan and that team had "Knicks"on their jersey they'd still have the same cap, and he'd still only be able to take so much to keep his team in tact.
He didn't take less just because they are small market, he took less to maintain the team.
He'd do the same if their Uni's read something other than Spurs and hailed from NY or LA.
It's called sacrifice for the greater good, not in spite of, but because of
This ^ is what is wrong with the NBA today. People just want to get their money ..nothing wrong with getting paid but it takes sacrifice to keep a dynasty going.. by thinking this way Timmy and the Spurs have staying power...

Spurs need someone to deal with Ibaka .... Pau is not going to cut it.
2100 posts of nothing but speculation. Expecting 5k once he makes his decision

I wish these players would stop with the drama and just admit their intentions when the media calls them on it.

If lebron goes back to cleveland they need to hire new announcers. Ill blow my brains out if i hear uncle elroy say L train one more time
Lol, I didn't miss anything. You read my post and just figured it was more to gratifying to continue on bloviating.
I said and I quote.."Pau got feasted on, I know that. What else I miss?"
If Pau is such a liability, how come only Contenders are trying to sign him.
GM's get a GM salary to make GM decisions, but somehow, our belief in the fact that Pau will hurt any team more than help them, should outweigh what a GM thinks, GMs that all want a piece of the lazy detached no d playing getting feasted on by scrubs crying because he doesn't get enough touches Pau
Pau better have a rim protector next to him if he's playing (Noah, Ibaka, Duncan/Splitter) because he's BBQ chicken on defense.
Pau better have a rim protector next to him if he's playing (Noah, Ibaka, Duncan/Splitter) because he's BBQ chicken on defense.

All the teams trying to sign him have what?
I'm just saying. He needs to be paired with one at all times because his defense is that bad.

Gotcha. Do you mind telling noblekane noblekane this, in a PM if you have to.
Maybe he will understand Pau has value, if it's coming from you as opposed to me.
As much as I can't stand Windhorst, he did say on Mike and Mike that Lebron going back isn't clear. He asked people of Cleveland to hold their emotion 
Windhorst and Broussard need demoted to following d league/summer league/drew league/ pro am rumors. Neither one of them has ever contributed anything of substance. Actually jus lock both of em up at a buffet and cut the lights. Windhorst will eat everything and explode. Problem solved :pimp:
Windhorst and Broussard need demoted to following d league/summer league/drew league/ pro am rumors. Neither one of them has ever contributed anything of substance. Actually jus lock both of em up at a buffet and cut the lights. Windhorst will eat everything and explode. Problem solved :pimp:

Wow. Go ahead and give yourself a big pat on the back for that there. Geez mate
Windhorst reminds me of one of those sleazy dudes that hangs around the top prospects in high school, trying to be their boys for his own benefit.

Broussard is just a misinformation puppet. Disney owns ESPN, this tomfoolery makes too much sense to be real.
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