2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

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You annoys me most about this?

We did all of this, firing the prodigal son, stabbing ledgendary canadian baseball figure Paul Beeston in the back.

all of this

to give control of the franchise to the dude who ran....THE INDIANS. :x

Not the Yankees,

not those '07 Red Sox

or the Cardinals

we gave it to the dude who ran the ******* god damn Cleveland ******* INDIANS.
Guy had one good season, don't you think you're giving him too much love? I don't see it as this huge deal. Unless this new guy comes in and has a fire sale I wouldn't even worry.
AA redefined that roster. I don't think you remember how bad shape the Jays were in when AA got hired. The team only having one good season doesn't mean he only had one good season. He deserves a ton of credit for the moves he made to get them out of purgatory.
True I guess but it's not like he built a behemoth.

Omar Minaya did the same stuff with the Mets. Doesn't mean a guy should be irreplaceable.
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Guy had one good season, don't you think you're giving him too much love? I don't see it as this huge deal. Unless this new guy comes in and has a fire sale I wouldn't even worry.

One good season. :lol:

process vs results.

GM is a process oriented job. and AA's process seem to pump out high value trade assets.

even before we started winning I thought he had done an excellent job.

He was hired to take over franchise that was dumpster fire, with the worst farm system in baseball saddled with albatross contracts. In like 2 years got us to a top 3 farm system and continue to pump out high level trade assets and cleared all of garbage contracts.

He's aggressive and takes risks, not everyone works out but ultimatly not many other guys in baseball I would want running my franchise.
The idea that the David Price trade is what Shapiro hated is hilarious to me.

Like we gave up Carlos Correa for David Price. :lol:
I guess. I'm just not gonna sit here like the world is over because he's gone. Team is improved and has good pieces but still, it's not like he built a dynasty that doesn't deserve criticism.

Price trade was fine all they gave up was Norris. Losing Hoffman could be worse if he's healthy.
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Phillies twitter this morning reminded me of how great life was 7 years ago to this day/night 

Lidge 48/48

HARRY K (RIP) - Swing and a miss Struck him out. The Philadelphia Phillies are 2008 WORLD CHAMPIONS OF BASEBALL 

He was the man 

this is....interesting

Stupid ...

If a hockey puck and players pushibg against it shatters glass, wonder what a foul ball could do?

Looks like 2 corners now that could hide the ball with this modified back stop.
I wonder what that idiot SAS got to say now since he said the Mets were going to sweep. He better stick to threatening NBA players
AA is really respected in baseball. Big loss for the Jays.

It is weird seeing managers and front office guys rejecting extensions and moving on from team to team. The well respected and regarded people seem to finally be realizing where they fit in in regards to philosophy instead of just being happy to have a job :lol:
Francesa said that was MLB's doing not the Mets
I don't think MLB would allow a team to change part of the stadium which would affect the dimensions of the playing field without approval from MLB.  In fact, I would probably go on to say that Francesa is right that it was the MLB who did it, and not the Mets.  I would think if it was the Mets idea and MLB had nothing to do with it, it would have been an idea that was rejected by MLB.
I guess I've been consumed with other things but......How the hell did I miss Hosmer's strut slash Bat Flip on his SAC-FLY

So Dope! who pissed this man off though?
They might as well have fired him. Think he was going to work with a guy for the next few years who scolded him for succeeding at his job?

@Osh Kosh Bosh  is preaching right now. 

Alex continued to gain a steady amount of young assets in a good amount of time. No Bryce Harper type, but if you look at the 3 pitchers who closed out game 5 in the division series they were Stroman, Sanchez and Osuna. 3 key pieces for our future. AA acquired and all within 25 yrs old.

Everyone knows about the big moves he's made - Marlins trade, but the ones that stuck our were the key low cost trades such as Devon Travis who looks to be our 2nd baseman of the the future for Anthony Gose. (probably my favourite trade by him outside of the Donaldson trade). Trading Vernon Wells and that nasty contract was also a highlight.

It's a shame that his reign had to end this way after such a high. Toronto was buzzing even after we were eliminated from the playoffs because our future was bright. 

Shapiro now has a target on his back with little wiggle room for mistakes. 
I'm arguing w/this Met fan at work about this and I just wanna kill him :lol:

"Dude, he traded Thor and d'Arnaud for Dickey, he should have gotten canned years ago."
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