2020s Mental Hygiene Thread

Been all over the place mentally. At this point just jumping into some hobbies, and hoping for the best.

solid plan...feeling engaged with the world around us--for whatever reason--is extremely important.

you´ll never meet anyone more dangerous than a totally detached mf.

Anyone else feel like this world treats mental health like a joke ?

Unless you're an enlightened being, every single human is suffering from mental health issues, and most don't even know it. The media and "experts" only focus on what's profitable....so they can sell you pills.

When are we REALLY gonna start taking this seriously ?

I agree that the condition of the mind is an afterthought in our society...sadly, it´s all about what you produce.

what are some of the practices you feel are most important to your mental hygiene?


makes all the sense in the world too...of course we are vivified by the scenes that have always provided for us.

hardwired human stuff.

that´s a new angle, appreciate you sharing.

Thanks for this thread. This is something I'm going through too and needed suggestions for. This year has been mentally draining for sure...

draining. draining is the word.

I can get the juice flowing most days but it takes more of it to accomplish less.

it´s like somebody turned the gravity up like 15 percent.

it´s a struggle, but we´re gonna try to get through it...no other choice.

glad you´re here and glad it helps man.

From the article:
Even if you're trying to cheer up someone, diminishing someone's difficult experiences can leave them feeling they should hide negative feelings in the future. "We have that disconnection between who we really are, and the mask that we're putting on for the world," Long said. "In that gap, there's shame."

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , let's keep it about the shoes...keep all that race stuff out of these threads....:lol:

this is EXACTLY why I can’t fully trust or understand people who don’t like animals or nature. Humans have been leaching and stealing ideas from nature and the animal kingdom since the beginning of time. You’ve got to respect mother nature and the wilderness. I love to detach myself from people and enjoy my pets or the wild :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

probably the most fulfilling thing in my life.
Anyone else feel like this world treats mental health like a joke ?

Unless you're an enlightened being, every single human is suffering from mental health issues, and most don't even know it. The media and "experts" only focus on what's profitable....so they can sell you pills.

When are we REALLY gonna start taking this seriously ?

.... when people start being genuine and less narcissistic. Which probably never will happen
Now is the time

for a psychedelic experience

Have had a few of those during quarantine. Helped me level out when I felt like I was losing it.

Had a rough stretch, have lost 3 people in my life since May, 2 of which came out of nowhere .

My drinking has been out of hand so I stopped altogether yesterday for at least a month. Put on weight and feel like **** physically too so I'm gonna try to get back in shape, I got weights at the house and live in an area that's decent for walking/jogging so gonna try to push myself to get active again.

Did therapy years ago and it helped but yeah I've been seriously considering getting back into it.
cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 your posts are always well thought out and Enjoyable to read. You should publish stuff on Slate or get in contact with some publishers to get your Op-Ed’s out there

you know what, I will do just that...apparently there´s a staff writer opening. really appreciate that, man.

From the article:
Even if you're trying to cheer up someone, diminishing someone's difficult experiences can leave them feeling they should hide negative feelings in the future. "We have that disconnection between who we really are, and the mask that we're putting on for the world," Long said. "In that gap, there's shame."

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , let's keep it about the shoes...keep all that race stuff out of these threads....:lol:

there is no shame at all in experiencing negative circumstances, those are guaranteed at some point.

there´s no shame in feeling overwhelmed. there´s no shame in apprehension. there´s no shame in needing help.

still confronting some of that programming telling me I should always know what to do in every situation.

thought others might share that sentiment.

I hope I´m not coming across as diminishing anyone´s problems, if so I´ve missed the mark and I apologize.


my man, you know very well being surrounded by *******s is one of the number one concerns.

I thought adults were generally smarter than they´ve shown this year, that **** is soul-squeezing sad.
From the article:
Even if you're trying to cheer up someone, diminishing someone's difficult experiences can leave them feeling they should hide negative feelings in the future. "We have that disconnection between who we really are, and the mask that we're putting on for the world," Long said. "In that gap, there's shame."

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , let's keep it about the shoes...keep all that race stuff out of these threads....:lol:

Isnt that toxic positivity?

“Get over her bro, you’ll be good, get more girls”.

Uhhh..yeah obviously and eventually but talk to me about my situation first.
I read, write(creatively as well as journal) and meditate(headspace).
I do want to get back in therapy, but I'm more of an in person type.
Looks like I'll have to get over that... I'm just wary that I won't be able to connect through a phone/laptop screen.
Right now, all my power is going towards moving out of USA and moving to Europe, while going to school there. It's depressing to me to live here.
I like to take whatever life is giving me. This thing isn't going to be over this year and at the end of it the world will be changed. I don't want to be in the same place I was doing the same exact **** I've been doing.
So far this book is guiding me

Copped this on Audible. Good looks.
Copped this on Audible. Good looks.

I will say it starts slow, like the first chapter is the origin of how the book came to be.
I'm not really into that as I like to just get into it.
After the first chapter though its great and its making me face things in my life I would've and have been avoiding in order to get to that next step and change my thinking.

Let me know how you like it
No shame in getting therapy. Some can deal with their problems on their own and others can’t and there’s nothing wrong with that. With that said I’m off to take a bicycle ride to this big *** park and be reunited with nature for a bit. This one activity really puts you in a better mood and the time riding solo lets you think clearer.

:emoji_musical_score::emoji_musical_score:🎤Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride
Nobody gonna slow me down, oh no
I got to keep on movin':emoji_musical_score::emoji_musical_score:
No shame in getting therapy. Some can deal with their problems on their own and others can’t and there’s nothing wrong with that. With that said I’m off to take a bicycle ride to this big *** park and be reunited with nature for a bit. This one activity really puts you in a better mood and the time riding solo lets you think clearer.

:emoji_musical_score::emoji_musical_score:🎤Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride
Nobody gonna slow me down, oh no
I got to keep on movin':emoji_musical_score::emoji_musical_score:

yeah man, definitely know what you´re talking about with the clarity of a solo cruise, like to walk around at night for that reason...been thinking about getting one of those fat tire bikes and cruising around town.
you know what, I will do just that...apparently there´s a staff writer opening. really appreciate that, man.

there is no shame at all in experiencing negative circumstances, those are guaranteed at some point.

there´s no shame in feeling overwhelmed. there´s no shame in apprehension. there´s no shame in needing help.

still confronting some of that programming telling me I should always know what to do in every situation.

thought others might share that sentiment.

I hope I´m not coming across as diminishing anyone´s problems, if so I´ve missed the mark and I apologize.

my man, you know very well being surrounded by *******s is one of the number one concerns.

I thought adults were generally smarter than they´ve shown this year, that **** is soul-squeezing sad.
Ever since this country created, then echoed the bootstrap/model minority nonsense? Toxic positivity has been in effect. Keeping up with the joneses is the exact opposite of pursuing free will.
Ever since this country created, then echoed the bootstrap/model minority nonsense? Toxic positivity has been in effect. Keeping up with the joneses is the exact opposite of pursuing free will.

I can understand that...never quite put ¨bootstraps¨ and ¨toxic positivity¨ together, but they damn sure fit.
With that said I’m off to take a bicycle ride to this big *** park and be reunited with nature for a bit. This one activity really puts you in a better mood and the time riding solo lets you think clearer.

100% co sign

Riding the bike is PRIME mind time, good way to keep your brain and mind ACTIVE at the same time...

but on top of that I tell people all the time that riding a bike keeps me connected to my ADOLESCENCE....makes me feel young and free while I’m out there flying around. I get to let go and forget about some of the stresses that come with being an adult...so naturally the more I bike the more youthful I guess I feel.

I don’t ever want to stop riding the bike man, **** will keep you young.

Pretty cool quote I came across a while back and hold dear...

“It’s not that we stop playing when we become old, it’s that we STOP PLAYING and BECOME OLD”
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