23 Yr Old Snapchat CEO Turns Down 3 Billion Offer From FB


Getting that stone next to it ready..
SNAP's current market cap is still over $15B and this dude is still worth about $3B. I'd be selling my shares if I was him.
Poor Snapchat... they had a good thing going til Facebook(Instagram) decided to snatch it from them. They can walk down Obsolete Blvd while holding hands with Pandora and reminisce about the good ol days.

Hold up, pandora is obsolete? Guess i’m one of the few still using it. I gave it a really bad review a few months back because it was so easy to accidentally hit the upgrade to premium button and a pain to cancel it. The developer actually responded to me but I didn’t care to read it.
Never understood the hype around this app. I know I'm old, but it just seemed silly after a while IMO.

Snapchat is cool, I️ don’t use it like crazy but I️ prefer it over usuing the same feature on IG even though I’m browsing on IG constantly
I would say that Pandora is obsolete. Why would I choose them when I can go with the other music streaming apps that allow me to listen to whatever album I want and create my own playlist. Don't know how Pandora is now, but when I was using it, you couldn't do any of that. Add in the fact that Spotify also has a free version.

I don't know why Snap thought those glasses would be a good idea. If you want a product to do good, it has to appeal to the black community and I doubt most of us want to rock those ugly a** things.

I have a snap account and barely use it. For the most part, I'm only checking out like 3-5 peoples uploads on there. Thought about deleting it multiple times. I'd rather upload my day to day vids on a place where I have way more followers like Instagram.
When they first had those vending machines with the glasses, people would line up and grab all of them up. Always thought snapchat was stupid. I only made one so I could look at the posts from women who made pron. I don’t like that posts disappear, I want to see everythinf they’ve posted.
It's crazy how vine just disappeared :lol: :lol: They basically nuked cinegram (sp?) quickly, then eventually got nuked themselves

cinemagraph was wild. a lot of filth went down in there

I hear ya, but I personally know folks in their 30's -40's that use it too. Just seems like something you would use once or twice and forget about it. My opinion obviously.

Snap won't make sense until you follow your friends and/or make new connections. Basically IM, video calling, & MMS messaging that disappears after it's viewed or a certain amount of time. Good for privacy
Snap won't make sense until you follow your friends and/or make new connections. Basically IM, video calling, & MMS messaging that disappears after it's viewed or a certain amount of time. Good for privacy

I "get it" just don't see the big deal is all.
Pandora is cool if I'm looking for new music.
I think Spotify the best though

yea, i think that why i still mess with pandora too, whatever algorithm they use to play similar music is pretty spot on for me, i go to spotify when i want to listen to album or something specific

It isn't for us. We aren't supposed to get it

definitely true, and that ultimately that is its fundamental problem...it hasn't been, to this point, easy to use; especially if you have an android phone

I would say that Pandora is obsolete. Why would I choose them when I can go with the other music streaming apps that allow me to listen to whatever album I want and create my own playlist. Don't know how Pandora is now, but when I was using it, you couldn't do any of that. Add in the fact that Spotify also has a free version.

I don't know why Snap thought those glasses would be a good idea. If you want a product to do good, it has to appeal to the black community and I doubt most of us want to rock those ugly a** things.

I have a snap account and barely use it. For the most part, I'm only checking out like 3-5 peoples uploads on there. Thought about deleting it multiple times. I'd rather upload my day to day vids on a place where I have way more followers like Instagram.

i don't think that would have to be true, it would help yes, but the snapchat spectacles were a good experiment that didn't quite pay off...the kind put themselves in a corner just by the fact that their content disappears and it is hard to discover people organically, supposedly snap is going to start paying people who create things on snapchat, which sounds like it could be the end as far as growth...
Is it currently or will it? Barely started. Results TBD but I'm liking the roster. New algo should be beneficial as well.
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