28 year old Woman retired in NYC with $2.25 million net worth

the thing is there are likely a few missing pieces in the story here. Not downplaying her accomplishments at all. But didn't she go to Harvard on scholarship? Was it completely paid for by her parents etc. how much savings did she previously have? Did her parents set up minor iras for her etc

This. I know I-Banking is lucrative but not millionaire-in-2-years-lucrative unless she's got a real gift. Also her story about spending time at a Buddhist monastery and leading a minimalist lifestyle then becoming an I-Banker don't make much sense either.

Shes not an ibanker.

What makes this story different than the usual non trust fund kid retired early story is usually they do it in Low Cost of living areas where as in this case NYC is a high cost living area. 


Cliff Notes:

She attended Harvard and spent a summer in a Buddhist Monastery in Taiwan where she first adopted minimalist lifestyle

First Job after Harvard was as a Horse Trekking Assistant to Nomads in Mongolia

Started working for an Investment Firm in NYC when she got back from Mongolia

Became a millionaire at 26

Lives in a 325 sq ft apartment with her husband and dog

Lived on a $24k or $2,000 a month budget her first couple years working at the investment firm

Sleeps on mattress on the floor to save money from buying bed frame

Estimates 60% of her $2.25 mil net worth is from saving and the other 40% from investing
the thing is there are likely a few missing pieces in the story here. Not downplaying her accomplishments at all. But did she go to Harvard on scholarship? Was it completely paid for by her parents etc. how much savings did she previously have? Did her parents set up minor iras utma/Ugma for her etc

She comes back from abroad and immediately gets a position at an investment firm? Harvard or family connections?

Famb she went to Harvard & worked in NYC. Idt its hard to get a lucrative position out of harvard, especially being in nyc.
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This. Even if she's getting 4% interest back annually she's still pulling in $90k which is more than enough given her lifestyle, the issue she might face is if she wants kids or gets sick, etc. I'm gonna assume that she's thought of this. The thing I don't understand is why live in NYC, one of the most expensive cities in the world? If she truly is on her minimalist why not move someplace remote and secluded where you're money would even longer?

I mean if she can afford it why live anywhere else. Imagine having 2 'million and living in Montana :smh:
325 sq ft?
That's madness.

More than likely comes from money or a network of money.

If you grew up poor then made money from working hard, no way you're gonna settle for some minimal lifestyle like this unless you grew up with too much and need a change.

Different mentality.

Not saying they need a 3000 sq ft place but 325 sq ft seems extreme.

I would't let some guilty rich kid guilt me out of enjoying life and living comfortably.
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kudos to her and all.. What is the end goal here, to sit cozy in a tiny apartment ? :lol: That is the antithesis of Wall Street.

Although, you can tell she accelerated quickly. Her bonus pool at her firm had to be strong to get to $MM in savings that quickly, specially as analyst (assuming she started like everyone else).
Shes not an ibanker.
Famb she went to Harvard & worked in NYC. Idt its hard to get a lucrative position out of harvard, especially being in nyc.

She worked for an investment firm. What else could would be she be that could possibly pay that much at such a young age? Even ivy league kids start at the bottom (relatively speaking at investment firms). She def wasn't a partner. I'm just saying there's parts of the story that need more explaining.
Shes not an ibanker.
Famb she went to Harvard & worked in NYC. Idt its hard to get a lucrative position out of harvard, especially being in nyc.

She worked for an investment firm. What else could would be she be that could possibly pay that much at such a young age? Even ivy league kids start at the bottom (relatively speaking at investment firms). She def wasn't a partner. I'm just saying there's parts of the story that need more explaining.
I think the story is a lot less interesting if it was" I used the savings and mutual fund Accts my parents funded for me to continue investing money and growing them over the years"
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I think the story is a lot less interesting if it was" I used the savings and mutual fund Accts my parents funded for me to continue investing money and growing them over the years"

True. We're probably overthinking it. More than likely her folks gave her a fund that was accruing interesting since she was a kid, they probably paid for her college in full and then she worked for 2-3 years until she felt as though she could live comfortably in a 325 sq ft apt without ever having kids. It also helps that her husband still works....shhhiiii in that case I know plenty of 28 year old women who are retired. If I were her husband I'd be lowkey resentful that we have no kids, I work all day and you "retired" but whatever. I'm still jealous though b/c she's my age and retired though. I couldn't comfortable live in a 325 sq ft apt though. I like my space, I like to entertain and I hope to have a family one day. Being that close to anyone would drive me crazy. Chick ain't even got a wall. :smh:
100k/yr tuition at Harvard. She must have had 7 figure salary to go chill in Mongolia while it's accruing interest.

More likely she got the silver spoon treatment. Parents paid for school in full, and some "fun" money and gave her a huge head-start. She ain't that frugal if she's living in NYC. Shoulda picked Minnesota
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100k/yr tuition at Harvard. She must have had 7 figure salary to go chill in Mongolia while it's accruing interest.

More likely she got the silver spoon treatment. Parents paid for school in full, and some "fun" money and gave her a huge head-start. She ain't that frugal if she's living in NYC. Shoulda picked Minnesota
you can't assume her tuition was that much. Majority of Harvard students don't pay near that
"JP started investing before she even left Harvard, at the age of 19. She worked at the investment firm for seven years. Not even eight years after her college graduation, JP no longer works, and has a net worth of $2.25 million"

As a person works in finance, there's a lot more to the story than is being told.

Not hating, just want those who see stuff like this to understand that there are a ton of factors that aren't detailed in the article.

She said she had a 13% annual return in her first million...

During a time where the S&P was on fire, and a 13% returns weren't out off the norm.


There's more.
She said 40% of her net worth is from Investing so thats $900,000 that she gained from Investing.  The other $1,350,000 is from saving
I wish I can be a part of #teamfrugal and stack 65% of what I make :smh:

Somebody teach me how

live in a 325 sq ft apt, don't entertain/go out. cook/eat-in, guy all your furtinure from Craigslist, don't own a car, don't have kids /thread.
Does she expect to live off her 2mil for the rest of her life? Im so confused here.  Did she just retire from her field? aka lost her job?
The 2.25M invested will net her 90K/yr with a 4% safe withdrawl rate .
Crazy thing about this is if she does her taxes right she can get away with paying $0 or very little in taxes.

[h1]Never Pay Taxes Again[/h1]
It doesn't last. I ran the numbers and even with a 6% return and 2% inflation rate you burn through a lot of the corpus in 20 years in a conservative scenario. Even ran it with 8%, doesn't last.

You'd need at least 5MM
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What makes this story different than the usual non trust fund kid retired early story is usually they do it in Low Cost of living areas where as in this case NYC is a high cost living area. 


Cliff Notes:

She attended Harvard and spent a summer in a Buddhist Monastery in Taiwan where she first adopted minimalist lifestyle

First Job after Harvard was as a Horse Trekking Assistant to Nomads in Mongolia

Started working for an Investment Firm in NYC when she got back from Mongolia

Became a millionaire at 26

Lives in a 325 sq ft apartment with her husband and dog

Lived on a $24k or $2,000 a month budget her first couple years working at the investment firm

Sleeps on mattress on the floor to save money from buying bed frame

Estimates 60% of her $2.25 mil net worth is from saving and the other 40% from investing
the thing is there are likely a few missing pieces in the story here. Not downplaying her accomplishments at all. But did she go to Harvard on scholarship? Was it completely paid for by her parents etc. how much savings did she previously have? Did her parents set up minor iras utma/Ugma for her etc

She comes back from abroad and immediately gets a position at an investment firm? Harvard or family connections?
literally typed the same thing then was like "let me scroll and see if anyone used their brain" lol

not to take away from what she worked on, but shes in a forbes article boastin, perspective
Frugality >>>>>

It's cool to an extent tho. I would probably still have a mattress, but I'd still have a prepaid plan and barely eat out
Sounds like she joined a private equity shop after her Mongolia stint.

She must've been an absolute rainmaker in those years.
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