28 year old Woman retired in NYC with $2.25 million net worth

Frugality >>>>>

It's cool to an extent tho. I would probably still have a mattress, but I'd still have a prepaid plan and barely eat out
frugality and not being lazy. Learned how to cook recently. Used to see hella charges on statement pertaining to fast food/eat out. Also doing **** yourself. Auto/utilities/yard work. Shout out google!
Generational wealth
Too bad wealth will most likely diminish before 2 generations, no matter how much the amount. I'm teaching my kids how to make money, not ask for it.
frugality and not being lazy. Learned how to cook recently. Used to see hella charges on statement pertaining to fast food/eat out. Also doing **** yourself. Auto/utilities/yard work. Shout out google!
**** is life changing. When u do things yourself, cook and don't burn gas for 0 reason u see a big difference monthly.
I'm a Light Monitor.... People got like 50 lights in the damn house ... and we live in SoCal... SHI..... I take my ebay pics in the low light giving it that oversaturated Dramatic look Akin to Frank Matthews
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