3 girls found in Cleveland after 10 year investigation

Sometimes I wonder if these inmates really kill themselves or is it the prisons way of covering up murder. I wouldn't be surprised if someone put in work on him and just labeled it suicide.
Sometimes I wonder if these inmates really kill themselves or is it the prisons way of covering up murder. I wouldn't be surprised if someone put in work on him and just labeled it suicide.
It sounds to fishy, he was in" isolation, protective custody"....
Don't they take shoestrings, belt strings, etc... Away from inmates that could possibly commit suicide?
It sounds to fishy, he was in" isolation, protective custody"....
Don't they take shoestrings, belt strings, etc... Away from inmates that could possibly commit suicide?

Could of hung himself with his clothes. Also based on what I see on "Lockup" protective custody is not Suicide watch. Your just in your cell 23 hrs a day , you still have the same uniform that everybody else have. Unless they feel you could take your life (guess they didn't)
Could of hung himself with his clothes. Also based on what I see on "Lockup" protective custody is not Suicide watch. Your just in your cell 23 hrs a day , you still have the same uniform that everybody else have. Unless they feel you could take your life (guess they didn't)

Bingo. He wasn't on suicide watch. If anything, you could stretch a conspiracy theory that he revealed suicidal thoughts since pleading out, and the jail just decided to ignore it. but like I said, that's a big stretch. He killed himself. Case closed, taxpayers off the hook, and he's rotting in hell.
Sometimes I wonder if these inmates really kill themselves or is it the prisons way of covering up murder. I wouldn't be surprised if someone put in work on him and just labeled it suicide.

on some OZ type steez :lol:
Crazy that he did it. He was that messed up that he felt he didn't even want to live anymore? I know everything he did was disgusting....but to a point where he didn't think he belonged on earth anymore. He certainly was some type of deranged.
I am... sometimes its worth paying a little to make someone suffer...

I feel the exact same way. He took a cowards way out. How can you imprison multiple people for over a decade and kill yourself within weeks of going to jail. Not to mention he didn't have it half as bad as they did since he was in isolation.

The girls were constantly beat and raped for over a decade dude didn't experience even a 10th of that and he still chose to end his life rather than face the music.

I live in Cleveland and I had no problem paying for this dude to suffer, but whatever.
Sometimes I wonder if these inmates really kill themselves or is it the prisons way of covering up murder. I wouldn't be surprised if someone put in work on him and just labeled it suicide.
Guards kill inmates all the time and cover it up as suicide. One I remember clearly was a dude that ran over a cop on purpose. Found dead in jail a few days later with no explanation :lol:
I doubt the guards killed him. Killing him is the easy way out. Being locked up 23 hours a day without physical contact besides the guards for the rest of your life is the punishment. That's why he killed himself.
Sometimes I wonder if these inmates really kill themselves or is it the prisons way of covering up murder. I wouldn't be surprised if someone put in work on him and just labeled it suicide.
Yep most of time. Sometimes they slid razor under the door or give them extra bedding  and sheets to off them selves, Im sure they were making it hell for him. I cant imagine what they were doing to his food
Bingo. He wasn't on suicide watch. If anything, you could stretch a conspiracy theory that he revealed suicidal thoughts since pleading out, and the jail just decided to ignore it. but like I said, that's a big stretch. He killed himself. Case closed, taxpayers off the hook, and he's rotting in hell.
Yep taxpayer off the hook but there are 10 million other inmates taxpayer i s on the hook for bla bla bla
Sometimes I wonder if these inmates really kill themselves or is it the prisons way of covering up murder. I wouldn't be surprised if someone put in work on him and just labeled it suicide.
Guards kill inmates all the time and cover it up as suicide. One I remember clearly was a dude that ran over a cop on purpose. Found dead in jail a few days later with no explanation
The case here in PG county a few years ago correct??
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