4 DAYS IN OCTOBER...........ESPN 30 FOR 30 / SOX:YANKEES 2004 ALCS, RE-AIR @ 11:30 on ESPN2

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

I watched this, It hurt but I watched.

This is by far the worst sports moment in my life, it was and still is unbearable. I will buy this 30 for 30 and when I'm sad later on in life I'll watch this and remember that it could be worse, it could be 2004.

P.S - I hate Curt Schilling more than any other person in the entire world. He is a scum bag, and I'd love to punch him in the face 10 time then bash him over the head with a shovel.

What hurts even more is following 2004 and more importantly 2006, the Yankees v Red Sox rivalry kinda died. It certainly isn't the same as it was in 2004...


anyway side note - it's 2010...on YES (the Yankee network) they are showing a playoff preview for the Yankees and Twins...what is NESN showing about the Red Sox?

yea...i'll wait...

you damn well know that if The Sox had Pedroia, Youk, Ellsbury, Beckett, Martinez & Dice-K for the entire season, they'd have 100 wins and coming into the playoffs with the CY Young winner in either Lester & Buchholz 
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

I watched this, It hurt but I watched.

This is by far the worst sports moment in my life, it was and still is unbearable. I will buy this 30 for 30 and when I'm sad later on in life I'll watch this and remember that it could be worse, it could be 2004.

P.S - I hate Curt Schilling more than any other person in the entire world. He is a scum bag, and I'd love to punch him in the face 10 time then bash him over the head with a shovel.

What hurts even more is following 2004 and more importantly 2006, the Yankees v Red Sox rivalry kinda died. It certainly isn't the same as it was in 2004...


anyway side note - it's 2010...on YES (the Yankee network) they are showing a playoff preview for the Yankees and Twins...what is NESN showing about the Red Sox?

yea...i'll wait...

you damn well know that if The Sox had Pedroia, Youk, Ellsbury, Beckett, Martinez & Dice-K for the entire season, they'd have 100 wins and coming into the playoffs with the CY Young winner in either Lester & Buchholz 

oh no doubt, you guys got ravaged with injuries it really sucked, for you guys and the 18 times we faced each other. Of course things would be totally different if yall were healthy all season. But props to Francona to have the team stick around as long as you guys did with all the injuries
Yea I think Francona will finally get his Manager of the Year award. Thats weird to say considering we've won 2 titles with him and had the best record in the MLB in 2007. But I think this is prolly the best Managerial job hes done to date, having to juggle all the injuries and sticking players right where they needed to be for us to stay relevant. So I aint even mad.

Edit: I think the reason that the rivalry has died a little is because theres a lot more bandwagon fans for both teams now. Back then (atleast in CT) it was pretty much all Yankees fans and just the die hard Sox fans. And it was so intense because you would crush us every time but would always come back for that beating but !*%$ would get heated because we were tired of losing. Now with all the bandwagoners I dont even wanna argue with none of them so things dont get so heated. Cuz I know if I even ask them to name a player from before Jeter not 1 of them could do it. So it takes away from how heated the rivalry gets because you know before the last couple years a lot of these ppl didnt give two *!#*! about the two teams.

Its prolly more on our side tho. because since we are winning again and you arent watching a team play and be great just to collapse. The ppl who think its "cool" to be a Red Sox fan dont get passionate about it cuz they couldnt really care less whether or not they get a title because if they do they will be shouting with he rest of us. But if we dont win "its w/e I dont really watch baseball like that anyways. I just like the B logo on the hat" *+@!! with that !*%$. They dont have the history behind it.

/bandwagoners Rant. God I hate that !*%$.
Try living in MA as a Yankees fan when this !+$! went down.

Talked up a storm of !+$! the first 3 games and then "that" happened...you could imagine how much of it got thrown back at me.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

This is by far the worst sports moment in my life, it was and still is unbearable.
Don't get me wrong, it's certainly up there...but since it was a day-to-day thing, it was a bit easier to come to terms with. When we lost Game 6...I realized it was over. There was no way the Sawx were NOT winning Game 7.

Now this on the other hand...


I've never been more hurt. That !+$! bruised my soul.
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