94 degrees in Sacramento; 66 the high on Friday?

Yup..supposed to rain in the bay..or maybe most of northern cali this weekend. It's a trip.
doesnt surprise me ..

sacramento weather is always like that man..

it can be hott thse few days,, then rain on the weekend.. wouldnt surprise me either
91, 94, 88, 75, 65, 65 w/rain are the next couple days
LOL ... thats just what I thought too . 66 on Friday in SJ too ... Hopefully its coller then these 90's 80's but please NO RAIN , just not over theweekend .
Grrrr high 80's today. It's just some funky weather. But its cool enough in the morning to drive with the windows down, its the only upside.
yeah, im in school at davis and the weather is ridiculous. one day its freakin hot and the next it gets all cloudy and rains...so unpredictable lately..
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