A historical figure that pisses you off

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Foxdawg links please? Besides the one posted already. I have no problem in doing research on anything I hear. I was not brought up that way. But I do agree with what was said earlier too many of us are quickly to accept a history or story that puts our people in a positive light without questioning. I only brought up the issue earlier in the thread because I feel it was an agenda behind it. That's just how I feel. If you have more evidence to support I'm definitely willing to to engage with the theory of Malcolm X being gay for pay or whatever he was. Also the name calling has to stop people.
There are two biographical accounts based on interviews with childhood friends and relatives..

The first in this 1991 Biography by Bruce Perry, Malcolm: The Life of a Man Who Changed Black America

"Malcolm X was born 80 years ago today, on 19 May 1925. But amid the commemorations, controversy is brewing. Some black activists are enraged by suggestions that their hero might have been gay - or at least bisexual. The controversy has been stirring since the publication of Bruce Perry's acclaimed biography, Malcolm: The Life of a Man Who Changed Black America (Station Hill, New York) in 1991. Based on interviews with Malcolm's closest boyhood and adult friends, Perry suggests that the US black nationalist leader was not as robustly heterosexual as his Nation of Islam (NoI) colleagues have always insisted.
Malcolm X, real name Malcolm Little, joined the militant Muslim NoI in 1949, attracted by its teaching that Allah would deliver black people from white bondage. By the 1960s, Malcolm had developed NoI ideology in new directions, becoming America's leading spokesperson for black consciousness, pride and self-help. Sexual freedom was not, however, part of his agenda.

Yet Perry's book documents Malcolm X's many gay experiences. A schoolmate, Bob Bebee, recalls the day they stumbled on a local boy jerking off. Malcolm, Bebee recalled, ordered the youth to masturbate him, and subsequently boasted he had given him oral sex. Later, from the age of 20, Malcolm had sex with men for money - as hinted at in Spike Lee's 1992 biopic - and he had at least one sustained sexual liaison with a man. While living in Flint, Michigan, his roommate noticed that instead of sleeping in the room they were sharing, Malcolm sneaked down the hall to spend the night with a gay transvestite named Willie Mae."

For Longstroke

"Sexuality is not like a newspaper - read today and discarded tomorrow. Established desires can be sublimated or repressed, but never eliminated. If people have a homosexual capacity, it stays with them for life - even if they never act on it. Was Malcolm an exception? There is no evidence that his same-sex dalliances continued once he joined the NoI; he married and had children, and, with all the fervour of a zealous convert, he embraced the NoI's fiercely puritanical Muslim sexual morality."

LINK:  http://www.guardian.co.uk...005/may/19/gayrights.usa

Secondly, in this most recent biography by Manning Marble, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention

"It is not the first source to report that Malcolm X had gay relationships, but it is a particularly high-profile one. U.K. LGBT rights activist Peter Tatchell, writer and professor Marc Lamont Hill, and Bruce Perry, who published a biography of Malcolm X in 1991, have also said he was gay or bisexual. (He eventually married a woman and fathered six children.)"


^That is the link I posted earlier

Those are two deep biographies that include interviews with various people involved with the man throughout his life..

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

All jokes aside this is down right embarrassing. Black people who traditionally go against republican policies were quick to side with them when it came time to taking rights from another group. It's a damn shame
Honestly, It's one of the only topics that  the KKK and politically astute christian black folks agree on at a fairly high clip.. That gays should burn in hell and I actually think they're doing them a favor because I hear hell actually has fair weather this time of year

Satan + homosexual Folks always equal a great party and the best decor of course
Hey, you avoided my question. Don't %*$*% up now.
Definitely have no reason to avoid your question.. and I assume these men are your heroes because you do your best consistently to "defend their integrity" when I point out certain characteristics that some people who hold them in such a high regard have a problem with..
I've pointed these things out because they are often left out of traditional black historical circles and in my opinion they show that these men are just like any other normal person..I do the same thing for "white folk heroes" or whomever.. Is the truth less important than the myth?

Ex:  The fact that Martin cheated on his wife, The fact that he stole Ghandi's thunder etc.

and now the tidbit about homosexuality and Malcolm..

You're defending people that don't need your help but I can now see why it may offend you..
at the end of the day it really doesn't matter..because Malcolm Little became Malcolm X for a reason..Im sure his experiences with sexuality influenced him to take the path he did

...homosexuals can be who they are...I don't hate homosexuals...Malcolm living on the streets and doing something he didn't want to do to contribute to his survival doesn't mean his sexual preference was men.

just like Anton correcting my use of a grammatical contraction does not mean he is smart
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

For Longstroke

"Sexuality is not like a newspaper - read today and discarded tomorrow. Established desires can be sublimated or repressed, but never eliminated. If people have a homosexual capacity, it stays with them for life - even if they never act on it. Was Malcolm an exception? There is no evidence that his same-sex dalliances continued once he joined the NoI; he married and had children, and, with all the fervour of a zealous convert, he embraced the NoI's fiercely puritanical Muslim sexual morality."

LINK:  http://www.guardian.co.uk...005/may/19/gayrights.usa

Not that is really matters about Malcolm's sexual habits, but why do you think that what you've posted isn't already known? However, it is up to the individual to define himself or herself, not someone like you who has an agenda, looking to spur emotive content.
It seems that some Black man or woman has put a foot deep in your +@% for some reason. At this point, I am happy that it happened.

This is usually the reason that people like yourself run to the internet to spout such ignorant babble.
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

 Honestly, It's one of the only topics that  the KKK and politically astute christian black folks agree on at a fairly high clip.. That gays should burn in hell and I actually think they're doing them a favor because I hear hell actually has fair weather this time of year

Satan + homosexual Folks always equal a great party and the best decor of course
Hey, you avoided my question. Don't %*$*% up now.
Definitely have no reason to avoid your question.. and I assume these men are your heroes because you do your best consistently to "defend their integrity" when I point out certain characteristics that some people who hold them in such a high regard have a problem with..
I've pointed these things out because they are often left out of traditional black historical circles and in my opinion they show that these men are just like any other normal person..I do the same thing for "white folk heroes" or whomever.. Is the truth less important than the myth?

Ex:  The fact that Martin cheated on his wife, The fact that he stole Ghandi's thunder etc.

and now the tidbit about homosexuality and Malcolm..

You're defending people that don't need your help but I can now see why it may offend you..
I don't care that Martin cheated on his wife! I am not a Christian, nor do I follow the principles of that faith. If screwing those little Jewish girls in Florida gave him solace, cool! What he fought for was huge, then whatever he needed to do to comfort himself, as with Kennedy and Clinton, then so be it.
So again you don't know WHAT I do consistently, but it is obvious that you are consistently a presumptuous buffoon.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

.Malcolm living on the streets and doing something he didn't want to do to contribute to his survival doesn't mean his sexual preference was men.

Aka its better for him to sell his body to men for money than to smash dudes for free.
The plot thickens. Most women who ask to be taken out on dates and for men to buy them nice things before getting in their pants don't necessarily have a preference for men.
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

For Longstroke

"Sexuality is not like a newspaper - read today and discarded tomorrow. Established desires can be sublimated or repressed, but never eliminated. If people have a homosexual capacity, it stays with them for life - even if they never act on it. Was Malcolm an exception? There is no evidence that his same-sex dalliances continued once he joined the NoI; he married and had children, and, with all the fervour of a zealous convert, he embraced the NoI's fiercely puritanical Muslim sexual morality."

LINK:  http://www.guardian.co.uk...005/may/19/gayrights.usa

Not that is really matters about Malcolm's sexual habits, but why do you think that what you've posted isn't already known? However, it is up to the individual to define himself or herself, not someone like you who has an agenda, looking to spur emotive content.
It seems that some Black man or woman has put a foot deep in your +@% for some reason. At this point, I am happy that it happened.

This is usually the reason that people like yourself run to the internet to spout such ignorant babble.

So now I went from being a liar to you actually retracting your accusations and reassessing your opinions of their actions.. CLASSIC!

Dude you're hilarious.. You assume that I have some vendetta against black people because I choose to reveal portions of historical figures lives that are often forgotten..Remember, their actions were not my choice, I'm merely reporting facts that are normally left out..  I think you may have a problem with homosexuality deep within if you see these things as deterrents from holding individuals in a higher regard..
I'd invite anyone, black white green blue or red to put a "proverbial foot" in my #*% just by simply proving what I've stated here as untrue.. I still don't see how this is ignorant babble if there is truth to everything I've shared..

do you need a hug? the insults are dripping down your chin and you seem peeved big guy.. I won't bite I promise, I don't swing that way but if I did would it make my accomplishments any less significant?

See I'm willing to go to bat for people that I have have no gain from defending.. Kind of like people who marched with MLK who were white or jewish or of another race for the simple fact that they wanted equality for all Americans alike

I hope you now see the point of this whole discussion
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Hey, you avoided my question. Don't %*$*% up now.
Definitely have no reason to avoid your question.. and I assume these men are your heroes because you do your best consistently to "defend their integrity" when I point out certain characteristics that some people who hold them in such a high regard have a problem with..
I've pointed these things out because they are often left out of traditional black historical circles and in my opinion they show that these men are just like any other normal person..I do the same thing for "white folk heroes" or whomever.. Is the truth less important than the myth?

Ex:  The fact that Martin cheated on his wife, The fact that he stole Ghandi's thunder etc.

and now the tidbit about homosexuality and Malcolm..

You're defending people that don't need your help but I can now see why it may offend you..
I don't care that Martin cheated on his wife! I am not a Christian, nor do I follow the principles of that faith. If screwing those little Jewish girls in Florida gave him solace, cool! What he fought for was huge, then whatever he needed to do to comfort himself, as with Kennedy and Clinton, then so be it.
So again you don't know WHAT I do consistently, but it is obvious that you are consistently a presumptuous buffoon.
Bro you presume things about me every other post.. It's obviously the trend on here..

But You Could never be a Hypocrite.. Look at your name on here..
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Hey, you avoided my question. Don't %*$*% up now.
Definitely have no reason to avoid your question.. and I assume these men are your heroes because you do your best consistently to "defend their integrity" when I point out certain characteristics that some people who hold them in such a high regard have a problem with..
I've pointed these things out because they are often left out of traditional black historical circles and in my opinion they show that these men are just like any other normal person..I do the same thing for "white folk heroes" or whomever.. Is the truth less important than the myth?

Ex:  The fact that Martin cheated on his wife, The fact that he stole Ghandi's thunder etc.

and now the tidbit about homosexuality and Malcolm..

You're defending people that don't need your help but I can now see why it may offend you..
I don't care that Martin cheated on his wife! I am not a Christian, nor do I follow the principles of that faith. If screwing those little Jewish girls in Florida gave him solace, cool! What he fought for was huge, then whatever he needed to do to comfort himself, as with Kennedy and Clinton, then so be it.
So again you don't know WHAT I do consistently, but it is obvious that you are consistently a presumptuous buffoon.
I hope you were being facetious, that man is a saint he would never do that... LOL
So now you're doing the man an injustice by comparing his legacy to two oppressive white devils.... THE NERVE OF YOU as a righteous black MAN how dare you put him in that category... you vicious racist, you must have something against black people. did someone hurt you in your past?

Yes that's how silly you sound...
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Definitely have no reason to avoid your question.. and I assume these men are your heroes because you do your best consistently to "defend their integrity" when I point out certain characteristics that some people who hold them in such a high regard have a problem with..
I've pointed these things out because they are often left out of traditional black historical circles and in my opinion they show that these men are just like any other normal person..I do the same thing for "white folk heroes" or whomever.. Is the truth less important than the myth?

Ex:  The fact that Martin cheated on his wife, The fact that he stole Ghandi's thunder etc.

and now the tidbit about homosexuality and Malcolm..

You're defending people that don't need your help but I can now see why it may offend you..
I don't care that Martin cheated on his wife! I am not a Christian, nor do I follow the principles of that faith. If screwing those little Jewish girls in Florida gave him solace, cool! What he fought for was huge, then whatever he needed to do to comfort himself, as with Kennedy and Clinton, then so be it.
So again you don't know WHAT I do consistently, but it is obvious that you are consistently a presumptuous buffoon.
Bro you presume things about me every other post.. It's obviously the trend on here..

But You Could never be a Hypocrite.. Look at your name on here..

If I could post a pic of it on here, I would. It would be incredibly appropriate for the tone you've set on this thread, then bringing out the best qualities in you, baby.
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

I don't care that Martin cheated on his wife! I am not a Christian, nor do I follow the principles of that faith. If screwing those little Jewish girls in Florida gave him solace, cool! What he fought for was huge, then whatever he needed to do to comfort himself, as with Kennedy and Clinton, then so be it.
So again you don't know WHAT I do consistently, but it is obvious that you are consistently a presumptuous buffoon.
Bro you presume things about me every other post.. It's obviously the trend on here..

But You Could never be a Hypocrite.. Look at your name on here..

If I could post a pic of it on here, I would. It would be incredibly appropriate for the tone you've set on this thread, then bringing out the best qualities in you, baby.
right back at cha sweet pea..
LOL the only reason why MLK dream was accomplished was because he didnt fight back.
MLK knew what he had to do and it worked.
The Innocent is sacrificed for people to have sympathy.
All those racist ppl hearts were soften cause at the end of it all they knew he didnt deserve to die like that.
It takes heart to suck up your pride and not fight back.

For you to be pissed is understandable, but realize that not every man is strong enough to turn the cheek.
It isnt a display of weakness at all, its real hard to get hit and walk away, any barbarian can just hit back.

He sacrificed his life for liberty of others.
He wanted to carry that burden and I doubt he regrets it.

*stares at poster of MLK in my room*
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

LOL the only reason why MLK dream was accomplished was because he didnt fight back.
MLK knew what he had to do and it worked.

It isnt a display of weakness at all, its real hard to get hit and walk away, any barbarian can just hit back.

Exactly. I wonder how many people knew he use to own multiple guns at the beginning of the movement, ready to use them when his house was bombed, before realizing/being convinced it would be better to not have any for the sake of the Civil Rights Movement.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

.Malcolm living on the streets and doing something he didn't want to do to contribute to his survival doesn't mean his sexual preference was men.

Aka its better for him to sell his body to men for money than to smash dudes for free.
The plot thickens. Most women who ask to be taken out on dates and for men to buy them nice things before getting in their pants don't necessarily have a preference for men.
the plot doesn't thicken..the plot is understandable...the accusations clearly have their basis in the circumstances he was in.

..regardless Malcolm still became Malcolm and thats what matters the most...a salaam alaikum...sucker
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

.Malcolm living on the streets and doing something he didn't want to do to contribute to his survival doesn't mean his sexual preference was men.

Aka its better for him to sell his body to men for money than to smash dudes for free.
The plot thickens. Most women who ask to be taken out on dates and for men to buy them nice things before getting in their pants don't necessarily have a preference for men.
the plot doesn't thicken..the plot is understandable...the accusations clearly have their basis in the circumstances he was in.

..regardless Malcolm still became Malcolm and thats what matters the most...a salaam alaikum...sucker

That's all that matters and homosexuality was not a crutch.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

at the end of the day it really doesn't matter..because Malcolm Little became Malcolm X for a reason..Im sure his experiences with sexuality influenced him to take the path he did

...homosexuals can be who they are...I don't hate homosexuals...Malcolm living on the streets and doing something he didn't want to do to contribute to his survival doesn't mean his sexual preference was men.

just like Anton correcting my use of a grammatical contraction does not mean he is smart
From what I heard thats what happen with that whole situation it doesnt matter if he was gay anyways.
this is such a microcosmic example of the bigger issues at hand....I have nothing else to add to this...it only proves everything that happened to Malcolm was real
^^^^A microcosm indeed, surprised you know what that means.

Anyhow back to the thread, MOST EVIL WOMEN IN HISTORY

Weall have a tendency to focus on the evil men in the world and forgetsome of the truly evil women that have left their mark to history. Thislist is intended to correct this. Here we have not just evil serialkillers, but other utterly despicable women who have caused tragedy inmany people’s lives. So, without further ado, here are the top 10 mostevil women in history.

#10. Queen Mary IBorn: 1516; Died: 1558

Marywas the only child of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon to live pastinfancy. Crowned after the death of Edward VI and the removal of TheNine Days Queen-Lady Jane Grey, Mary is chiefly remembered fortemporarily and violently returning England to Catholicism. Manyprominent Protestants were executed for their beliefs leading to themoniker “Bloody Mary
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by CDUNK

 he was a draft dodger.
only reason why im not a fan of his..
and so was W. Bush, Clinton, Cheney....
Spoiler [+]
[Ali] but no one in Vietnam called me @#$%^& [/Ali]
Yeah, but at least they're disliked appropriately.
I only read page one and I think this thread should be locked. Too many things pertaining to race that can definitely offend some of the brethen.
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