A-Rod, Melky, Gio Gonzalez, and others involved in another PED scandal?

I wouldn't doubt if Schilling did use the PED's, but they didn't work for him, so now he comes out trying to be the hero speaking out about it :lol:
Schilling embarrassed himself so badly with his video game company that I cannot take him seriously whatsoever anymore, even on baseball topics. He should have gone away for awhile.
MLB just needs to do a 1 year ban for 1st offense, 2nd offense is lifetime ban.
I don't agree/like that so many of the Latin players take it, but if that's the only way to get out of poverty and the country, I understand why it's so heavily used.
The MLB just needs to find a way to regulate it because PED's and/or HGH aren't going anywhere. This is just adding to the annoyance. No one really cares.
Whether they care or not, it looks bad for the sport. Especially when you have marquee players getting caught up
The sport of baseball never got a black eye from these incidents though. It's been the players legacy's that has taken the hit. It's why this has felt like a witch hunt in the past. It wasn't to bring down the game of baseball, but its stars, who probably all have taken some form of these.

And its not like the other major sports have clean hands with this stuff. They just haven't been subjected to the same rigamarole that the MLB has. Hell, the NFL doesn't even do HGH testing at this point in time.

Everyone does it is hardly a cop out, but it's part of the world today. For everyone. Non-athletes take things similar, in order to recover from injuries/surgeries faster. I think this has gotten way out of hand and it's silly to continue on this path.
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Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun just released this statement:

“During the course of preparing for my successful appeal last year, my attorneys, who were previously familiar with Tony Bosch, used him as a consultant. More specifically, he answered questions about T/E ratio and possibilities of tampering with samples.

“There was a dispute over compensation for Bosch’s work, which is why my lawyer and I are listed under ‘moneys owed’ and not on any other list.

“I have nothing to hide and have never had any other relationship with Bosch.

“I will fully cooperate with any inquiry into this matter.”

Case closed.

Ryan Braun on additional document


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