AC Slater

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by jtc85

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Yall sick for remembering that thread.

AC Slater wasn't suppose to be white on Saved By The Bell. His full name was Antonio Cortez Slater.
nah it's alfred clifford - member when his ex-girl from germany moved to bayside? she says it in the episode
Man I just made that up


Also later in the college years dude said his dad change his name to get into the army….

He also that his real last name was Sanchez

He was Mexican. His pops changed his name from sanchez to slater so he could join the military. He then raised AC as an American child not telling him about his heritage. His name was Albert Clifford Slater, but in reality it was Alberto Cliffordo Sanchez.
Remember the thread where dude that took a dump in his date's bathtub and turned the hot water on and made it stink even worse?
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