According to a new NPR article, if u hate FB its cuz u jelly

Aug 1, 2004


here's da money segment...

big green 'E'

Some researchers have divided Facebook use into the categories of "active" and "passive." Active use includes those activities that facilitate direct communications, like commenting on posts or sending messages; passive use refers to the mere consumption of information — like scrolling through your news feed and glimpsing the lawn furniture your cousin just bought.

A handful of studies from different labs have now established links between passive Facebook use and envy or other negative mental states, said Kross, who has co-authored one such paper.

According to a 2013 research paper from Germany, for example, "upward social comparison and envy can be rampant" on Facebook and other social networks. The online environment promotes "narcissistic behavior," the researchers found, "with most users sharing only positive things about themselves." Among the 357 participants in the German studies, the researchers turned up a large number of what they called "envy-inducing incidents" — most frequently related to travel and leisure, social interactions and "happiness."

Furthermore, the researchers said, some Facebook users seem to engage in an "envy-coping plan" that involves "even greater self-promotion and impression management." And that can trigger what they called a "self-promotion-envy spiral."

A one-upmanship arms race.

Another couple of studies that Kross and his team published in 2015 managed to isolate envy as the culprit in bumming people out, as opposed to other characteristics like the number of "friends" a user has or self-esteem.

"Passive Facebook usage predicted envy, and envy predicted declines in affective well-being," the researchers concluded.

They included in the discussion section of their paper an anecdote from Randi Zuckerberg, the sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. "I've had friends call me and say, 'Your life looks so amazing," Randi Zuckerberg told The New York Times in 2013. "And I tell them, 'I'm a marketer. I'm only posting the moments that are amazing.' "

'Do we have to see that?'

A friend of mine, who doesn't want to give her name (would you?) has been telling me for years that she gets genuinely depressed on Facebook, and it has everything to do with envy. She finds the serial posters particularly annoying.

"There's this woman I know and she is constantly posting, and she does some amazing things," my friend complained. "There's this jealous part of me, that's like, 'Do we have to see that?' Everyone seems like they're happy on Facebook."

Yes. After plodding through these studies, I felt the need to reassess my own Great Facebook Freakout of 2008. It wasn't hard to see that, just beneath the Proustian navel-gazing on time gone by, there was also a strong component of rivalry: If some of those losers from third grade had not exactly set the world on fire, they'd at least managed to get a few sparks going, while I still seemed to be gathering twigs for kindling.

Not that realizing that made me feel any better. But even if I'd done super-well in this status game, just the act of comparison might have been deflating. Contrary to some studies — and consistent with others (naturally) — research on Facebook and depression published in 2014 indicated "engaging in frequent social comparison of any kind may be deleterious to one's mental well-being."

people gotta just take da things they see as motivation...

thank god ive never been a hater type...
Not my case, no haterade in me, don't hate it, just don't use it anymore. I'm just a private person and never got with sharing anything even when life was a 24/7 ballin video. Especially in the DC area where your facebook activity may come up in an interview. That plus the negativity, making me dislike people I knew.
fb was the most helpful in knowing what parties or celebrations my friends were having. That's what I mostly used it for these last few years. We have a big group so it was more convenient to organize events that way. Especially if it was dinners or gift exchanges where we needed to respond and let people know if we were going or participating.

I did block a few people who would just brag in all their posts or they would document everything they did everyday.
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If you don't like someone/certain topics, why even subject yourself to it? No one is putting guns to people's head, forcing them to look at Facebook. This is all on people, not the networks. :lol:
stopped using it once i found out how many people are nosey and creepy (some of my exes)  and that freaks me out. 

never enjoyed the spotlight or much attention at all 
I have an account S/O to NTSB group, but I never use it. Facebook envy is real.
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I don't post much at all on Facebook not because I am envious, but because I don't want to look like I am doing too good. 

Like Kanye said... "Let me not say too much or do too much, cause if I'm up way too much I'm out of touch."
Some people just seem to take FB too serious. I only add the people I actually talk to and interact with. Adding everyone you know and their mother will just seem to saturate your feed with mindless dribble. I can see where that would get annoying really fast.
No envy here. I just have no desire to connect with people from my past that weren't really important to me back then. Everyone who matters are folks I generally keep up with outside of social media.

Also, when I started seeing my old *** family members on there, I knew it was a wrap for me. :lol:
The thing to remember about Facebook (and social media in general) is that you're comparing everyone else's highlight reel to your behind the scenes footage. Once you get past that, Facebook (and social media, in general) is far less depressing.

I deleted my FB a long time ago because I was sick of the news feed that was basically ads and links to bogus news stories.
I just don't see the point. Don't care what people are doing that I don't see anymore and I have LinkedIn for professional contacts.

It's just obsolete considering. People in my city still got FB names like Serena BeenGotMoney Jones. I'm good on it b.

One of my boys still uses it regularly and sends the ******* to the group chat.
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I mess wit da book i cannot lie.

Definitely not as much as i did in college.
My family on both sides live in two different countries so its really great to keep in touch with them through that.

But yea ive definitely noticed aquantances using it less.
I hate that facebook turned into vine/youtube. Soon as you log in some viral video is playing.
Hate is such a strong word here. Its more like apathetic towards FB due to its irrelevance.

When I got tired of FB I just stopped logging in. Lost most of interest. Use it to contact a friend or two that don't live in the area or see a hot chick I ain't seen in a min. I laughed when I got a new phone and the app was lreinstalled on it :lol:

It became myspace to me but it's impressive that unlike myspace they stay afloat still. Don't remember if they did already but it's only a matter of time before it's sold to Google or Disney buys it or something
only been on the book a year, some of my younger friends kept asking why i didnt have it...realised i wasnt missing nothing after a couple months...fb aint real life...really only use messenger now cause it can be convienent
Word so other people are insecure cuz we're not in there tombout our lives driving trucks?

I don't use it because I have nothing in common with the people I'm friends with. I also reached the pinnacle of my partying and none of that **** is new/exciting to me anymore for me to share it. I rarely take pics of myself too. And I also prefer a more discussion-like interface when it comes to topics that actually cater to my interests.

I also went to school in a pre-dominantly conservative area and have political views that are opposite all the ignorant loud mouths there spewing racist rhetoric on topics they aren't educated enough to speak on. I'm also worried that unloading in there can have professional consequences down the line the way people like to put spins on a minority with liberal views.

For my personal use in this very moment, NT >> FB.
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