Active shooter reported at college in Mississippi

Guns aren't the problem, mental health is.
Switzerland has a very high gun ownership rate as well and mass shootings almost never happen there.
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Heard a professor was killed
Just read about that too.  RIP to the professor
The majority of Chicago's gun violence is not perpetrated by law abiding citizens, so it doesn't matter.

Furthermore, guns are a problem. People like to either say "it's guns." Or, "it's the person."

It's BOTH.

So my whole post went over your head?

Care to explain how guns are the problem when the overwhelming majority of gun owners don't do this?

So are cars to blame for drunk drivers?

Blaming a piece of metal for something a person does is nonsense, it just seems like the easy fix for people too dumb or too afraid to look at the real issues.
Inb4 mental illness, "he was a good kid"

Dat privilege

Wonder where they gon take dude to eat once he's caught.

But You can change gun laws, those that want to acquire will find a means. I will say that there needs to be federal and health screenings before you're allowed to legally own a firearm and limit the amount you're allowed to purchase. If your name is ran through 5x for a firearm check, you should be automatically denied.
Guns aren't the problem, mental health is.
Switzerland has a very high gun ownership rate as well and mass shootings almost never happen.

I have a bigger problem with America's gun culture than I do with the amount of guns around

Tons of folk just feel guns are a way to get respect or settle problems.

Even if everyone in this country had a full mental health evaluation, and only the legally sane ones got to keep the guns, we would still see a ton of shootings

America as a whole, needs to talk guns for seriously.

It should be considered a privilege, not a right.
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whether you blame guns, whether you blame people, wheter you blame mental illness. We need to have a discussion about why acts like this seem to happen so often in America. 
whether you blame guns, whether you blame people, wheter you blame mental illness. We need to have a discussion about why acts like this seem to happen so often in America. 
Because of the gun culture and mental health. If it was solely due to the gun laws and amount of guns owned by the people then Switzerland should have loads of mass shootings as well. But that rarely ever happens in Switzerland.
whether you blame guns, whether you blame people, wheter you blame mental illness. We need to have a discussion about why acts like this seem to happen so often in America. 
Because of the gun culture and mental health. If it was solely due to the gun laws and amount of guns owned by the people then Switzerland should have loads of mass shootings as well. But that rarely ever happens in Switzerland.

Agreed completely...

When I lived on Vermont... Without exaggeration, 80% or more households owned guns... And there was nearly zero gun violence in Vermont... People in Vermont, other states and Switzerland teach people to be respectful of guns and what they can be used for... It's not a gun problem... It's a people problem...
Because of the gun culture and mental health. If it was solely due to the gun laws and amount of guns owned by the people then Switzerland should have loads of mass shootings as well. But that rarely ever happens in Switzerland.
so what exactly is gun culture and what about gun culture needs to change? 
But guns aren't why people are killing people... It's how... But that's insignificant... If ninja darts were the most modernized weapon, people would be using ninja stars to kill people...
They don't wanna hear you tho

I'll never understand how guns are the problem it's like blaming cars after some drunk runs someone over

but in before "the shooter was a loner" 
It's not so much the guns, but how easy it is to acquire one.

IMO, there need to be stricter regulations. MUCH stricter.

NRA is powerful, despite all of these mass shootings we've had over the years, I remain doubtful that any laws will be changed significantly.

It's crazy how certain terroristic incidents can change the way we go through security at airports and the way we travel/prepare to travel, etc....but we're still discussing the same **** after school shootings :smh:

chicago has some of the most strict gun laws in the country how's that working out?

making guns harder to get for law abiding citizens does nothing

and while these are the events that get most of the publicity they are a small fraction of gun violence

people overreact every time something like this happens and start clamoring for less rights it's a joke

It's not an overreaction when there has been next to nothing done about mental health reforms.

I never said anything about taking away the right to bear arms. You're not comprehending what I typed.
It's not an overreaction when there has been next to nothing done about mental health reforms.

I never said anything about taking away the right to bear arms. You're not comprehending what I typed.

No fam I comprehend just fine, what you typed is just garbage.

What would mental health reform do?

You can just go buy a gun illegally if you want to shoot someone or build a bomb etc.

Again thinking that making it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase guns is going to do something, is a child like thought process.
This is what happens when we don't teach kids how to take a loss. Now a days kids can't control them self and it's always over something stupid like girls not liking them
It's not an overreaction when there has been next to nothing done about mental health reforms.

I never said anything about taking away the right to bear arms. You're not comprehending what I typed.

No fam I comprehend just fine, what you typed is just garbage.

What would mental health reform do?

You can just go buy a gun illegally if you want to shoot someone or build a bomb etc.

Again thinking that making it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase guns is going to do something, is a child like thought process.

Scary to think how it will be whenever 3d printers are the norm and people can just print out a gun at home
Suspect still on the loose?

Also seen this

Edit: Outside of the shooter, another professor is a person of interest.

I think Lamb is now been identified as the shooter?

and this...
According to reports, Lamb—a 45-year-old geography professor at the university—is  also a suspect  in “the murder of a woman in Gautier this morning.”
Reported it was his girlfriend.
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No fam I comprehend just fine, what you typed is just garbage.

What would mental health reform do?

You can just go buy a gun illegally if you want to shoot someone or build a bomb etc.

Again thinking that making it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase guns is going to do something, is a child like thought process.
Most of these squares don't seem like the type to go illegally buy a's pretty easy to obtain when  you're in a State with little control. Weak crazy males usually already have legal guns in these States and "go crazy when they go crazy"....

Funny that we don't see stuff like this (mentally deranged going on shooting sprees) in NYC because of our strict laws. We get the illegal guns bussin' in the hood type stuff. Seems like putting some form of mental health check prior to gun purchase would help cub some of this....
So are you going to give people mental health checks to use the internet too?

You know the place with step by step bomb building guides etc ?

I wonder what gun dealer the colorado theater shooter bought all his bombs from....
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