Active shooter reported at college in Mississippi

No fam I comprehend just fine, what you typed is just garbage.

What would mental health reform do?

You can just go buy a gun illegally if you want to shoot someone or build a bomb etc.

Again thinking that making it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase guns is going to do something, is a child like thought process.
Most of these squares don't seem like the type to go illegally buy a's pretty easy to obtain when  you're in a State with little control. Weak crazy males usually already have legal guns in these States and "go crazy when they go crazy"....

Funny that we don't see stuff like this (mentally deranged going on shooting sprees) in NYC because of our strict laws. We get the illegal guns bussin' in the hood type stuff. Seems like putting some form of mental health check prior to gun purchase would help cub some of this....
so you're fine with the hood shootings but not the squares killing?
There are 270 million guns owned by civilians according to a quick google search.

Good luck with a gun ban. We are too far down the road for that to work.
Yeah. Look how well banning meth works for example. It's literally not even an issue since it's illegal. Hopefully they ban them soon.
People always look at banning guns instead of looking at the real issue, which is mental health.
These incidents wouldn't have happened if these individuals were diagnosed properly and had someone to supervise them.
I'm sure if guns were "banned", this guy would have used any weapon in his arsenal to kill regardless
Diagnosing mental illness won't solve it all...I'm sure some of these folks were on prescription meds at one point or another and stopped taking them 
As soon as a shooting incident happens... the whole let's ban gun talk comes about which comes from where?

The Media brainwashing the masses. :smh:

It's funny how the people blaming guns are using the media's talking points yet has never owned a gun, never operated a gun, and are scared of em like it's a freaking animal or something.

Mental health is a problem but no one knows the extent of anyone's intentions though. One day you could be completely fine, but the next day, you find out Tyrone is banging your wife, and basically your sane life turns upset down. And anyone here on antidepressants or pain meds? One of the side effects = violent behavior! So people want to blame guns, blame mental health, and with that blame the drug companies for prescribing these narcotics. Hell I am on pain meds right now for a bum shoulder and it cost me $5 to get 30 pills of hydrocodone ( generic version of Vicodin) which has a side effect of aggressive behavior.
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Agreed completely...

When I lived on Vermont... Without exaggeration, 80% or more households owned guns... And there was nearly zero gun violence in Vermont... People in Vermont, other states and Switzerland teach people to be respectful of guns and what they can be used for... It's not a gun problem... It's a people problem...

Sounds about right. There's tons of dumb people out here in California. Some woman just tried to start a fight with me cause I didn't understand from her heavy accent. All I did was axe her to repeat herself cause I couldn't understand what she was saying and then she goes crazy in Spanish.
As soon as a shooting incident happens... the whole let's ban gun talk comes about which comes from where?

The Media brainwashing the masses. :smh:

It's funny how the people blaming guns are using the media's talking points yet has never owned a gun, never operated a gun, and are scared of em like it's a freaking animal or something.

Mental health is a problem but no one knows the extent of anyone's intentions though. One day you could be completely fine, but the next day, you find out Tyrone is banging your wife, and basically your sane life turns upset down. And anyone here on antidepressants or pain meds? One of the side effects = violent behavior! So people want to blame guns, blame mental health, and with that blame the drug companies for prescribing these narcotics. Hell I am on pain meds right now for a bum shoulder and it cost me $5 to get 30 pills of hydrocodone ( generic version of Vicodin) which has a side effect of aggressive behavior.

the problem is we let controlled media drive the decision making process. On many issues.
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Or just maybe some people honestly believe we don't need guns to function in a safe society and it has nothing to do with them being  "scared" of guns or "brainwashed" just sayin...
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So are you going to give people mental health checks to use the internet too?

You know the place with step by step bomb building guides etc ?

I wonder what gun dealer the colorado theater shooter bought all his bombs from....
How is that even relevant? State one good reason why people shouldn't undergo thorough mental health checks when attempting to purchase firearms.
**** banning those who get them illegally an advantage 

I'm all for funneling money away from the DEA and toward the ATF brah

Stop the illegal follow of guns in imperative
-And I hate the "if you can't figure out a solution to stop all crime, then I won't entertain or suggestions on stopping some crime" dudes that when it comes to discusses gun control laws

Yes, because that is how public policy should be crafted


The mental health thing is important, very important, but has become one of the biggest deflection/misdirections in this entire discussion

You'll really think the NRA, the far right, and gun "rights" :rolleyes advocates are really down to see their tax bill increase to fun a robust mental health system in the United States :lol:

Don't hold your breath
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Man I love guns and I'm down for that. :lol: everyone who needs help should get it. Period. Wouldn't even mind paying taxes because maybe our country wouldn't suck so much.
Man I love guns and I'm down for that. :lol: everyone who needs help should get it. Period. Wouldn't even mind paying taxes because maybe our country wouldn't suck so much.

I'm not saying everyone would be against it

Just saying the major groups that love to bring up that issue right now know damb well they don't wanna even spend a dime on improving the mental health situation in this country.

So I see through that BS

Doesn't take away from the fact it is an important issue though
So my whole post went over your head?

Care to explain how guns are the problem when the overwhelming majority of gun owners don't do this?

So are cars to blame for drunk drivers?

Blaming a piece of metal for something a person does is nonsense, it just seems like the easy fix for people too dumb or too afraid to look at the real issues.
I'm not laying the entire blame on guns alone (like I already stated).

It's the combination of a person(s) prone to violence AND the efficient and convenient nature of acquiring and utilizing small arms.

It's the equation. People seem to miss that. If Americans weren't so prone to violent behavior, it wouldn't be as great of an issue. 
Or just maybe some people honestly believe we don't need guns to function in a safe society and it has nothing to do with them being  "scared" of guns or "brainwashed" just sayin...

You don't need them in a safe society. Our society isn't safe though.

Too many guns here already.

Man I love guns and I'm down for that. :lol: everyone who needs help should get it. Period. Wouldn't even mind paying taxes because maybe our country wouldn't suck so much.

Agree 1000%.
I dont think majority of you folks asking for gun control really understands why being able to have a gun is a given right in this country. The reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

Gun control is less about controlling guns and more about controlling the american people. The government would love to strip Americans of their guns. It'll give the government less competition. Gun control will only limit law abiding citizens from owning guns. You think that the school shooter really cares if legally he can buy that gun or not? I think he had his mind set on shooting up the school. So he acquired the guns and if it was hard for him to obtain it, he still would've found a way. You think criminals care about the legality of the crimes they commit? 

If you guys saw the Vice documentary on the 3D printed guns, youd see technology is reaching new heights in this time and age. You just cant regulate everything and everybody.It's impossible. We would have to put the trust in the people to make those decisions but before we can do that we MUST educate the people. A lot of you don't understand EDUCATION is key! and finally after everything is said and done and there's still crimes like that, then we have to just chalk up the L and say shh happens. ****** die everyday b. But instead of ranting and rambling about how guns is bad and this and that and lets make new laws and regulation blah blah blah. Lets approach this problem scientifically.
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I dont think majority of you folks asking for gun control really understands why being able to have a gun is a given right in this country. The reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

We do. We also understand this isn't 1787 anymore

Your hammer ain't gonna save you from a predator drone papi
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We do, we also understand this isn't 1787 anymore

Your hammer ain't gonna save you from predator drone papi
There are to many guns to try to get rid of them entirely at this point you are right about that. But we still need to try whatever legislation we can to minimize this stuff.

In my personal opinion I think the second amendment was a short sighted mistake but what have to work with the way our society is today. Like someone also mentioned earlier of course the problem isn't guns itself but when you have weapons designed to kill easily available in a combative society like America nothing good can come of it.
Government got missiles, b. I have a gun to protect myself from young idiots and pillheads.
I was about to say this in response to that. That may have been the original reason but its completely pointless reasoning today. Our laws and legislations should have evolved over time to protect ourselfs from a tyrannical government instead of relying on that once it was obvious we are completely out gunned.
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Government got missiles, b. I have a gun to protect myself from young idiots and pillheads.

You don't got fists, pa ?
I don't understand the "I have a gun to protect myself" argument.

As a men, we have fists, feet, and mouth that we can use to protect ourselves against attackers. Instead of guns, let's use fair ones
Government got missiles, b. I have a gun to protect myself from young idiots and pillheads.

You don't got fists, pa ?
I don't understand the "I have a gun to protect myself" argument.

As a men, we have fists, feet, and mouth that we can use to protect ourselves against attackers. Instead of guns, let's use fair ones

A kid in my girls old hood got shot trying to fight another kid trying to rob him.

Gonna just assume most pillheads and these gun toting teens in my area are not about that fair one life :lol:
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