Adidas NMD thread

6Le4AQgUAAAAAABhHEq7RWQNJwGR_M-6Jni9tgtA is the site key but you have to get through splash on one tab with the new HMAC security in place

so this is supposed to be random but some people are getting 2,3,4 pairs while others cant even get passed the splash page?
adidas stays playing with me. got through splash 10-15 mins ago, carted a 9 got all the way to complete purchase and then error page. I was logged in my account so I tried to access my account/bag through mobile but said cart was empty. 

Got through on another window, same thing. 

Over this drop. Enjoy your weekend boys!
yo what lol. Woke up 10 minutes ago to see that ADC splash been up for quite some time. Opened up chrome on my computer to sit in que. Read through here and saw people were getting some success through mobile. Fired up the nexus 6p and sat on the splash for a bit..carted a 9.5 (to my surprise cuz someone said it was OOS earlier) and paid through paypal. 

Does adidas cancel multiple orders? i'm gonna leave the PC chrome on the splash screen in case I get in
Two tabs open on safari and one on desktop and they're all on splash. I think I'm just going to have to miss out and just be content with having the white OG [emoji]128532[/emoji]
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