Adidas NMD thread

Glad i didn't end up going out there but hopefully it'll be more cleaned up next release. Was it the crowd that was too rowdy that got them kicked?

Apparently the line was 300+ deep lol and employees claimed "fear of being unable to handle crowd"

can you be my homie who knows other homies that knows Adidas homies?

My plug for ADC isnhella flakey but sure. I can't guarantee limited releases but if u need some UB or stuff online I get 50% off
I like the model more than the regular nmd, but

1- the price is horrible. After taxes its what 260-270? That's nuts

2- I can't get with Pharrell and the "human race" crap you can't be an activist see events going on and think that's actually gonna work so I can't even see myself wearing something like that. But thats personal, removing that the text just doesn't look good.

3- Limited and 240. Chill.

So overall a hard pass.
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My plug for ADC isnhella flakey but sure. I can't guarantee limited releases but if u need some UB or stuff online I get 50% off

PMing you on some other ishh
My plug for ADC isnhella flakey but sure. I can't guarantee limited releases but if u need some UB or stuff online I get 50% off
Damn, at that price I'd bite, but I know connects don't like when people are all up on them, and you wouldn't like it if people are all up on you about it. Sounds nice.
Too slow here :lol:

Good looks though.. size 9s were gone with the quickness :smh:
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Man... congrats guys lol

I have been on a failing streak lately. Can't cop anything lol
i knew there was a reason i turned on their post notifications on IG
Dude, I just heard the notification go off and luckily I'm home in my room.  I saw the post and jumped to my PC mad fast lmao.  I bought the charcoal grey so fast and even hesitated on the japan blacks after and still got them.
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