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100% a parody of BET, especially with the racially toned commercials. 

That said.... it got kind of old after the first sequence.  Not sure what the point was.  Felt like a placeholder episode or something. 
i can definitely see how it could feel that way, the two episodes before this one was like that for me lol
Just sold my Pharrel's so I have enough for Saturday, if anyone can pm me help to get these I would love you forever.
cause they dont want dudes in china entering that have no way to pick up. People mad petty , thats exactly why their is a code in the first place.
im sure its another Confirmed-type release where dudes who are out-of-state (and maybe even country) already have access, only instead of spoofing their location, they simply received the code from those who did reveal it, and then told their boys, etc. etc.
but idk, we'll see how much keeping on the hush worked out for dudes. best of luck to those folks lol. :smokin
Enough for retail or resale? Lol if resale, how much are you putting aside? Asking so I can get an idea in case I  take an L lol
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Does BET need to be turned on in order to cop? I think I have 5 TV's in my house I hope it helps my chances!
What's funny? 
Does BET need to be turned on in order to cop? I think I have 5 TV's in my house I hope it helps my chances!
You've got bad info.  I'm pretty sure you've got to watch E and whichever Kardashian show is on right now.

I've also heard that if you can make it through a whole season of the Caitlyn Jenner show Yeezys are automatically sent to your house.
If you haven't gotten the SOoL part of the script, good luck. I cooked easily with the script last time and it's cause of the SOoL extension. Also, if it was great to have SOoL for the adidas confirmed jig yesterday too, was able to get two pairs.
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